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It’s still before the Federal Court..

McIvor hasn’t been let off the hook yet, at least not by me...
Pity the system does not allow for the investors representatives to be appointed to oversee the Court proceeding (as with Jury system). Currently, with the liquidator appointed by McIvor and the Court appointed BDO as the administrator, it seemed both are busy with their own agendas and primarily motivated by greed and fees. No one really represents the investors/retirees at heart to best recoup the money. At the end, when and if the liquidator successful to recover the money from Tucker, most of it will be taken out by the liquidator's fees.
I totally agree..

The investors get shafted whichever way you look at it.

The one thing to take on board which may not be much solace is the fact that Tucker may have concocted this scheme with Kennedy but they didn’t get away with it.

The Public Examination / Humiliation that he was subjected to was the most painful thing he’s ever had to experience.

He fought like a drowning rat not to be dragged before the Federal Court yet he still had to face the music.

The media exposure and his rejection by every insurer he went to on bended knee does not bode well for future cover...

Other regulatory authorities are also on the case and are actively investigating.

Investors were done over by McIvor and his dynamic team of miscreants who in the end took down McIvor himself.

McIvor was not a clever boy...

The events over the course of recent years have been eye opening... Yet it will seem like nothing when you see what’s coming next... #yikes
What’s coming next ?
David Whyte announces the case against the valuer has concluded, and BDO no longer charge fees.
Hall Chadwick finish with Tucker and Kennedy and EPF investors see some return.
As Hall Chadwick stated on 4th October 2016 proceedings against KPMG, Paul Steer and Co commence and EIF investors see a return.
I live that long.

Well, guess you will be able to read all about those matters in the 31st report from Mr Whyte online now. Probably answers everyone's questions, hopes and prayers...... NOT!
Well, guess you will be able to read all about those matters in the 31st report from Mr Whyte online now. Probably answers everyone's questions, hopes and prayers...... NOT!
Any update for Equititrust investors
Haven’t heard from “no trust’ for ages !!
We check every day to see what is going on, and miss "No Trust's" pithy comments when not online but am sure when something to report "he'll/she'll be back". Has been a while, but you can read BDO's report while you are waiting! Isn't that supposed to be an update!
I am afraid something has happened to "No Trust". We have not seen his updates for more than 2 months. This forum will soon cease to exist without any further postings from "No Trust".
I am afraid something has happened to "No Trust". We have not seen his updates for more than 2 months. This forum will soon cease to exist without any further postings from "No Trust".
Unless anyone has an update as to where the Tucker / Kennedy impropriety case is at ??
I am afraid something has happened to "No Trust". We have not seen his updates for more than 2 months. This forum will soon cease to exist without any further postings from "No Trust".

Don't even go down that road! We would be devastated if no more posts from "No Trust". We visualise perhaps a world cruise or a well earned sabbatical of some sort. Still think "No Trust" will be back - we need someone to be on our side - and no one else has the intestinal fortitude (or the sources) to post the info that has continuously been provided and been the thorn in the side of so many!!.
My hope is that No Trust has knocked off for a smoko and he'll be back later on.
In a report from from Hall Chadwick dated 1st February 2017 it was said that 2 more persons had been appointed to the Committee of Inspection "to allow the COI to achieve its purpose."
Does anyone know what the purpose of the COI is ?

In a word - a wank!!!

Never heard of before or since! These people were who? and they did what? and they are now where? and their report or follow up is ???????
Maybe No Trust has been appointed as COI hence unable to post further update.

Whatever the reason, we miss him dearly.
Has anyone more information on how the Tucker / Kennedy case is progressing by way of a link ??
Has anyone more information on how the Tucker / Kennedy case is progressing by way of a link ??

On page 231 "No Trust" gave a link to the Federal Court Qld and from there I guess you have to "follow the yellow brick road". Other than that perhaps Mr Pleash would fill you in with a phone call..... Remember to relay anything you find out........ At the moment, in the absence (temporary we hope) of our good friend, we are totally in the dark.
Took me a couple of days to read through all the posts...

Does anyone know:

Did a liquidator or receiver etc authorise/approve/allow the MS Asia/Tucker/Kennedy etc purchase of the loan book?

if so, who did?
What was the buying process?
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