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Well well well, it seems the Courier Mail and “others” are digging deeper and deeper into the scandal... Watch it unfold in 2018...

Why doesn’t Tucker donate the money to the rightful owners Equititrust Investors, who, do think, $3.8 M will relieve them of some misery...

Tucker admits being motivated by revenge but in no way feels anything for the investors who were dudded...

Here’s our man, splashed across the front page of the Business Section of the Courier Mail...

Some might say, it makes them feel good to see this, get back in the game, run the action and RETURN THE FAVOUR...

So Tucker admits to profiting $3.8 Million under oath in the Federal Court but has no idea where it went... Does he seriously take us all including the court for fools...

Let’s see how that answer flies in an audit with the Australian Taxation Office... Who are “most likely” already on the case...

Does anyone in their right mind think that the Australian Taxation Office would accept this answer...

What it does say though, is that Tucker under oath, has nailed his collar to the mast..

If as he claims has “forgotten”about the money and “doesn’t know where it is”, he or entities controlled by him have may have paid no tax on the windfall profit either...

Using the I don’t remember defence, doesn’t cut it in any ones books...
“Proceeds had initially been sent to a Hong Kong-based company set up to do the initial acquisition, but Mr Tucker said he did not “know where it went”. He could not recall trying to find the money and offered no explanation for not chasing the funds.”

Mmmmmmm I’m pretty sure the Australian Taxation Office would like to know where it went...

Given his age Tucker may need to get a check up, as this is certainly not a good sign. I don’t think any clients would feel safe with a solicitor who had no idea where $3.8 million went...

Given his practicing certificate running out mid year, I’m sure insurers and the Legal Services Commission are going to take a look at the transcript of proceeding that the Courier Mail used for this story...

An officer of the court should surely not behave in this manner... Will ASIC standby and allow a director to tell a Court he doesn’t know where $3.8 Million Dollars went which is owed to a company he is a director of.

He’s not acting in the best interests of Tucker Loan is he...

ASIC and the Taxation Office should appoint receivers to the entity that is owed the money, to ensure its clawed back to Australia...

Maybe that will refresh some memories...
Why would two Australian Citizens require a Hong Kong entity to acquire an Australian Debt ??? Tucker and Kennedy both lawyers (officers of the court), Accountants and Australian residents at the time...

Why would they require two nominee directors in Hong Kong... ???

Moving funds offshore from the proceeds of asset sales ? Pretending to forget where the money is ? This maybe the only pathetic excuse that Tucker wants to throw at the Liquidator, however this will never fly with any Federal Investigative Authority...
In a feat that even “Harry Potter” would be envious of, Tucker manages to make $3.8 Million disappear with the use of an “offshore” magic wand...

Not to be outdone he then makes his memory disappear...

That’s serious magic...


It wasn’t so long ago, October 2011 in fact that Tucker had a pretty good memory. A memory so good that it enabled him to file a 44 page Affidavit in support of his application to have a “preferred” Liquidator appointed to the fund.

The deterioration of his memory when it comes to the whereabouts of $3.8 Million of Equititrust Investors money is truly remarkable...

A memory jolt is definitely on it way...

“But Equititrust's woes deepened further yesterday when former board member David Tucker filed a Queensland Supreme Court application to appoint insolvency expert David Clout to oversee the liquidation of the fund.

Mr Tucker alleges that Equititrust founder and sole owner Mark McIvor wants to strike partnership deals and make property investments rather than see the fund's assets sold off so money can be returned to 1760 mostly senior investors.

"He will seek to undertake whatever he thinks necessary to return value to his wholly lost subordinated investment to the detriment of investors," Mr Tucker wrote in a 44-page affidavit.

It’s an insight into someone’s soul, to understand what makes them feel good...

Given the fact that Tucker was the company lawyer via Tucker and Cowan and also acted separately in the capacity as a director. He felt aggrieved when removed from the board for issues of conflict of interest... Not one to stay away and say look I’ve had a fair lick of fees etc over the years, he returns the favour by trying to appoint a Liquidator to the fund that fed him for so many years and then bankrupts his own client / “friend”...

No one should feel sorry for McIvor he deserved this and was also forwarned well in advance about Tucker.

This has played out like a bad Hollywood movie plot.

Tucker’s follow up scheme with the EPF debt and self admission of returning the favour is a telling insight given that Tucker publicly proclaimed that McIvor was not going to return money to elderly investors.

Tucker and Kennedy as financial sponsors of the scheme need to demonstrate to the Australian Taxation Office, who the ultimate shareholders of MS Asia are and how much tax was paid in Australia before the money was repatriated to Hong Kong...

I don’t think answers like the ones given by Tucker to the Federal Court will fly with the Australian Taxation Office...
Should read:
“Lawyer Slaps Himself Down”

The Courier Mail has exposed the holes in Tucker’s defence of himself... He selectively remembers that he discussed the deal with receivers yet can’t remember where the money went...

Saying that he didn’t use information he obtained as a director doesn’t cut it either. He had and still does have fiduciary duties to the company as a director and was obliged to disclose the deal to the company, in this case the liquidators in control of the company. Any competent lawyer knows that.

The scenario I’d like to proffer is, what if the shoe was on the other foot. Would Tucker buy the bullsh#t he peddled as an excuse..

Bottom line is he has admitted to being involved and for all intents and purposes concealed that involvement via an offshore entity with nominee directors and shareholders in Hong Kong. Yet can’t explain to the court where the money is and why he hasn’t chased it down.

Also his involvement with another director of Equititrust who was also the CEO makes this whole thing stink to high hell.

No one is buying it Davey Boy...



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This part really made us all laugh and cry... Poor old “Davey Boy” didn’t realise that the transcript would ever be made public...

Acusing others of extortion, calling people insane, abusing developers and banks, all bodes well for his future...

Like a chained animal lashing out in the Federal Court Witness Box, the stress and EXPOSURE may be getting to some...

Tucker makes accusations against all and sundry yet was McIvor’s lawyer when the “dodgy” deals were made... How does that pass the smell test...

When some of those “dodgy” deals had to go to court, who was there defending McIvor ??? You guest it.. Super Sychophant “Davey Boy” Tucker...

The Courier Mail is exposing the duplicity... There is much more to come...
The transcript from the Public Examination in he Federal Court is Solid Gold... Tucker can’t deny what he said under oath...

He also can’t deny what he’s ever said if he’s been recorded saying it...
Smart Phone technology and the ability to record conversations on them has come a long way...
To put Tucker’s ludicrous,incredulous testimony into context one only has to look at the submissions given to the court in a Stamp Duty case regarding Tucker Loan...

Keywords :

Loans money to companies.

Protected by mortgage

Yet we are told by Tucker he advanced $666,000 to MS Asia without even a scintilla of security.

Then when the transaction was finalised he had no idea where the money went ???

Seriously !!! property sales ;mask_path=au/cases/qld/QCAT
Wait, listen and watch and everyone will reveal themselves...
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