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With another year about to come to a close, we are now edging closer to partial justice for some of the Equititrust Investors. The revelations and extent of the wrongdoing uncovered in 2017 has been truly gobsmacking...

Some are living the high life whilst innocent retiree investors suffer immeasurably.

There is a special place in hell for those who think it’s ok to live off the misery of old people who have worked hard all their lives...

To have their hard earned money taken away from them in sophisticated offshore scams which hide the identity of the culprits and funnelled to those with ongoing “fiduciary duties” is beyond reprehensible... It’s downright EVIL...

All involved will pay a heavy, heavy price...

A big thank you should go out to the media particularly Anthony Klan from the Australian and Anthony Marx from the Courier Mail for keeping this scandal well and truly alive throughout 2017. Their reporting has been brilliant.

As I have stated previously, I have been very critical of the Liquidator’s in the past and will continue to call them out where I feel it’s is warranted, however their pursuit of former directors has been exemplary.

Russels Lawyers have also excelled in the manner in which they have conducted the litigation. They have literally not missed a beat and investors should be grateful to have such a competent firm of lawyers on the case...

Expect extensive Media coverage throughout 2018...

We would thank everyone who has been pretty persistent, most especially your good self keeping us up to scratch with info, and reminding everyone about karma -

In the meantime we wish all the investors (who have sadly had their circumstances change for the worse) a Happier New Year, and a wish to stay healthy, so we survive to see all the "baddies" get their just desserts in the year 2018! It really has been a long haul! Too long!
Pandora’s Box is about to open in the Federal Court in the near future...
Expect the Liquidator’s to commence substantive litigation in regard to the EPF in the near future...
"Mr Hayes said he had been contacted by Mr Kennedy and Mr Tucker, who were enforcing outstanding debts, and made to leave his $2m home on Sydney’s northern beaches. He said Mr Tucker, who had flown from Brisbane to Sydney to check the home had been left in an appropriate condition for sale, said he and Mr Kennedy had bought the Equititrust Income Fund loan book and were “looking to wring as much from it as we can”."

“It was galling for me that he would come down and act like a smart arse when he was taking my house from me,” he said.
Look who couldn’t keep his cake hole shut...

“Looking to wring as much from it as we can”

“It was galling for me that he would come down and act like a smart arse when he was taking my house from me,” he said.

Yet when Tucker is pursued by Russells (the lawyers for the Liquidator), he doesn’t like it and calls their correspondence aggressive... One has to laugh at the hypocrisy at who is now feigning to be the victim, given the track record...
Is there more to uncover ? The ultimate shareholders / beneficiaries of MS ASIA will be quite an unveiling...

There’s more to this than meets the eye...
How on earth was the vampire allowed into the blood bank ? HOW

Check the dates and the subjects discussed... The EPF seriously ffs... I’m sure the Liquidator’s are aware of this...

Did Tucker disclose his interest in the EPF to David Whyte ???
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The billing is littered with interactions with Tucker and Cowan and Tucker personally...

Here David Kennedy makes an appearance...

Conflict of interest ? Was any declared or was it just a free for all...

How did BDO as a firm allow this to occur ?

Independent lawyers should have been used from the outset and no work should have gone to Tucker and Cowan under any circumstances...
So we have Tucker and Kennedy interacting with the receiver, discussing EPF matters ??? Meanwhile we have Tucker acting for MS Asia without disclosing to the court his beneficial interest?

When MS Asia were ordered to pay security for costs by the Supreme Court, the money was deposited in Tucker and Cowan’s trust account without disclosing to the court the related party interests of the founding partner...

The temerity to do this is gobsmacking...
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