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Unfortunately no cheques Mozzi... Thanks to McIvor, Tucker, Kennedy...

However, those responsible may soon be getting a visit from bad Santa...

Should we be excited? Is it a pleasant surprise - like for example a cheque??? They are the only surprises we like these days - and not too many of them!
Unfortunately no cheques Mozzi... Thanks to McIvor, Tucker, Kennedy...

However, those responsible may soon be getting a visit from bad Santa...

Can't wait! We still believe in Santa Claus. Thanks for continuing to keep our spirits up when we start to think everyone has forgotten us.
Tucker has threatened bankruptcy in his affidavits, let’s see if he follows through... Or will his hand be forced soon to account to the investors of Equititrust...

Santa may have a very very unpleasant present on its way...

Tick Tock

Can't wait! We still believe in Santa Claus. Thanks for continuing to keep our spirits up when we start to think everyone has forgotten us.
And the sharks have started to circle for some... Many moves afoot behind the scenes... Santa is well and truly on his way... This one has teeth and claws...
Conflict of Interest can bite back...
Well we have a new twist on things... lol

What I find amusing is the statement about owning and operating small businesses... ???

A peek into her directorship and involvement in Equititrust as well as a search of the Queensland Supreme Court Files will offer an alternate insight...

As to being an expert on divorce as a result of her “own divorces” some on the other side in Sydney may hold alternate views...

It’s great to try and tech wash the past but inevitably it comes back to bite you...
Well it seems Tucker and his wife Jennifer will have to produce bank statements and detail their personal financial position after all.

Despite fighting vehemently to prevent this, the Federal Court has confirmed that the proverbial pants must come down, pockets to be emptied and reveal warts and all...

The significance to investors will become become evident in the new year.

This pre Christmas gift to Tucker will be one he unfortunately can’t return.

The scale of what occurred will unravel in 2018. Given the concurrent investigations underway expect to see this matter featured prominently in the National Press.

For some, 2017 was the best of times and … you guessed it … for others, it was the worst

Anthony Marx, The Courier-Mail
December 22, 2017 8:27pm

Speaking of legal action, the tables were turned on Brisbane lawyer David Tucker, who squirmed in the hot seat for three days as he was grilled during a public examination in Federal Court. Tucker, a founder of law firm Tucker & Cowen, is a former director of failed Gold Coast funds manager Equititrust.

The Equititrust liquidator alleged in Federal Court in September that Tucker and former CEO David Kennedy may have improperly created a scheme in Hong Kong to enrich themselves with a $12 million-plus windfall at the expense of 1600 dudded investors, who lost more than $260 million in the crash. Look for Tucker to return for further questioning in court in the New Year.
Imagine, just imagine the “EGO” deflation of being publicly placed on the Losers list of 2017... Those who know the protagonists know what impact this professional slap down from the Queensland’s best selling newspaper will have...

Continuing and impending major litigation of this nature in the glare of the Public Spotlight surely can’t be good for business from a personal and corporate perspective.

Swearing an affidavit where Tucker threatens to declare bankruptcy in the advent of an adverse judgement against him may also indicate what kind of stress induced state of mind is making decisions.
The berated slap down by a Federal Court Judge of Tucker in regard to this threat is something law students at QUT will be reading about for years to come.

I said this before about Equititrust and McIvor on this thread at a similar infection point. Any financier of existing debt must now be seriously considering their positions given the tsunami of litigation underway and about to commence.
Thanks must go out to Anthony Marx of the Courier Mail for pursuing this story like a dog with a bone...

All the Truth will come out...
Matters do get interesting considering Michael Peldan’s Public examinations by the Equititrust Liquidator in recent months, regarding his involvement with the MS Asia scandal.

Peldan who Tucker and Kennedy appointed to be the “arms length” receiver for their secret little corporate vehicle MS Asia was also the trustee in bankruptcy for the one and only Mark McIvor...

It seems that the Tucker’s have a “very friendly” relationship with the Peldan’s going back many years...

Christmases at the “Palmie” Beach House for the Tucker’s in recent years...

Some people just can’t resist flaunting properties, lavish overseas holidays, fashion purchases etc whilst others “especially” innocent Equititrust Investors suffer in silence...

Not for much longer, the New Year will bring further Public Examinations, litigation and prosecutions.

Equititrust investors need to know WHERE THEIR MONEY WENT and to who !!!
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