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Some may say collusion amongst the legal and insolvency profession has existed for years, but its been hard to prove on the basis of evidence.

Then one fine sunny day...
Oppressors never like being oppressed and when they're stripped down for all to see they are abject cowards who in most cases have hidden behind the veil of the law and used it to demean and attempt to destroy innocent people.

When tables are turned their true nature is revealed...
Total transparency as to what happened with the EPF, is essential now. Anything less is a cover up.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear... Actions in court today speak louder than words...
Answers as to transactions relating to the EPF will need to be given to more than the Federal Court...
Worrell's have some serious questions to answer.

Does conflict of interest mean anything to this firm ???
Will be interesting to see how things progress on the 11th
Fiduciary Duties of Directors ??? Mean anything???

Or does it not apply to certain members of the legal and insolvency profession ???
The heat and pressure is on, the truth will come out, it's inevitable that in the next few weeks Pandora's box will be opened...
Given the "offshore nature" and "hidden identities" of the latest scandal, wouldn't it be a good idea that the Australian Taxation Office give all concerned a thorough dose of salts via audits...

It legal and adds to transparency regarding whether all necessary commonwealth taxes were paid...

Your wish is my command...
Isn't the Public Interest served by having total transparency regarding the EPF...
Why should "so called" lawyers and insolvency practitioners get given a pass by the courts ???
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