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Some explosive revelations to be revealed soon...
No Trust, what did you find out? Can't wait to read your update what these scumbags have done to the retirees. I knew Marky Boy had fleeced the retirees' investment money with hefty management fees by lending to dodgy developers without any chance of getting the loans back, because his main intention was to put his hand on the retirees' money.
A harbinger of what was to come... David Tucker was a Clayton's friend and McIvor didn't see it... Reason ? There was no light shining over his head either... Remember Marky Boy, remember what the old man on the hill used to tell you...

Patience grasshopper... All will be revealed soon... Safe to say Proffessional Ethics bodies taking a closer look...

A savvy media type, doing some "digging around" has informed me that he has noticed a peculiarity in terms of the relationship between David Whyte and David Tucker. Both seem to be Facebook friends...
So what one may say.., but given the involvement of Tucker sucking off the golden teat of Equititrust for so long and given the current revelations regarding Tucker and Kennedy and the EPF, did David Whyte give Tucker legal work in regard to Equititrust ??? If so what did it involve ? The unravelling of the conflict's of interest is just beginning.

The other peculiarity noted on Facebook by the media type was Tucker's penchant for tight lycra shorts... Something he said is hard to unsee...

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Tucker's Hypocrisy
Its amazing how David Tucker's "cake hole" spews out such utter hypocrisy. One moment he's defending McIvor's criminal deeds over many years to the next bad mouthing his sponsor in the press and in affidavits then bankrupting him... (Which McIvor deserved) But it shows Tucker's duplicitous actions in acting in his own best interests when it suits him. He then went on to proclaim McIvor was not acting in the best interests of investors and then concocts a nefarious little scheme with CEO David Kennedy to buy the Bank of Scotland Debt on the sly... Who is this joker kidding...
Tucker like McIvor flew under the radar for many many years, maybe the time has come where Tucker has got caught in a wicked web.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.”
Walter Scott

Word has it that many legal professionals that Tucker has come into contact with over the years are watching the case against him and Kennedy play out, with no sympathy whatsoever...
Now if Tucker was doing any work for Equititrust receiver David Whyte whilst also having a beneficial interest in the EPF debt, then David Whyte needs to be transparent and issue a report addressing the matter on the Equititrust Website.

Conflict of interest is a serious matter and in this case if it occurred needs to be reported to ASIC and relevant professional bodies...

Just because your mates on Facebook, doesn't preclude the proper administration of professional ethics...
My oh my when you read the article below it's clear what Tucker's intentions were regarding the Premium Fund and the litigation he commenced against the Meridien guys. McIvor impeding him getting his whack of legal fees was a mortal sin in Tuckers eyes... He also wanted to get around to his favourite pass time... Taking people's homes... As reported in the Australian we all know now how much he relishes that...
Now given my basic understanding of things, the way I read it is, once Tucker and Kennedy secretly bought the Bank of Scotland debt Tucker then pursued the claims against the Meridien Directors via Tucker and Cowen and Worrells (the firm with no morals)... How convenient pretend you have no association with MS Asia and throw Worrells in there as a buffer and then pursue the claims through the court whilst hiding your identity... F#uck being an officer of the court or abiding by conflict of interest provisions, those rules don't apply to the "King of ConFlict"............. Or do they..... Given the feedback I am now getting, Tucker is in for a world of pain...
Hi David

Sometimes your own words coming out of your "cake hole" can come back and bite you on the arse...

"In a blunt response to McIvor about his plans, Tucker allegedly provided advice that was, as he described it, "without pleasantry or platitude".

"You have made some bad loans. Those loans have been mismanaged on your watch. You should walk away from Equititrust - it is, as the board has resolved, all about collecting the loans for the investors and returning investor money. That is what the investors now expect," Tucker's email alleges.
Oh, "King ConFlict" was just so concerned about the poor investors wasn't he... Just more crap coming out of his "cake hole"...

"Later, Tucker claims in his affidavit, McIvor proposed releasing the three directors of embattled development firm Meridien from guarantees in relation to a $12 million loan made by the Premium Fund. In a September 9 email, it is alleged, McIvor said he wanted to secure the skills of Meridien director Russell McCart to manage assets in the deeply-troubled Income Fund.

"But, as Tucker noted, in his affidavit, Equititrust had launched legal proceedings against McCart and two other Meridien directors just two days earlier to recover the loan and to enforce caveats over their family homes."

"I considered it wholly inappropriate that McCart, who owed the EPF (Equititrust Premium Fund) $12 million, be put in charge of assets of either fund," Tucker allegedly wrote.
Wow, this was rich. So its seems that Tucker learnt from his Master, McIvor and focused on his own new strategy to secretly buy the Bank of Scotland Debt and lost interest to pay money back to investors...
Tucker is an out and out joke... Just look at the hypocrisy outlined in his own words in affidavit form filed in the court...

What will be of note, will be the communication between Tucker and Worrells... The secret little emails and of course Worrells affidavit's to the court.

I believe the liquidator is applying the screws to the proverbial wedding tackle of Worrells especially Peldan...

"McIvor seemed to lose interest in the board resolutions, namely to recover loans and pay money back to investors, but rather seemed to become more and more focused on his new strategy and vision," Tucker alleges."
King ConFlict has some issues to address...

(iv) The discussions of Mr Peldan with Mr Tucker and/or Mr Daniel Davey of Tucker and Cowen, in or about 10 October 2012, concerning:-

A. the undertaking as to damages to be offered to support an application by the Company in Supreme Court Proceedings BS 8546 of 2011, in respect of the property of Messrs McCart, Roberts and Barrett;

B. the undertaking given by MS Asia to Dalton J in those proceedings on 10 October 2012, to deposit $250,000 in the trust account of Tucker & Cowen;

C. the requirement or request by Mr Peldan of Mr Tucker that Worrells have security or some assurance for the undertaking as to damages which Mr Peldan gave to the court in those proceedings on 10 October 2012; D
So the undertaking as to damages in the amount of 250,000 given to the court was basically put into one of the secret owner's of MS Asia's bank account... Was Dalton J made aware of this anomaly ? Did Tucker declare his interest in MS Asia to the Court ? Did Worrells declare to Dalton J that the lawyer acting for them was in effect an owner of MS Asia ???

If not then this was the King of Cons on the Supreme Court of Queensland...

Lets see what comes out of the Public examinations, however if the above was not disclosed then the law needs to come down on Worrells and Tucker in a cataclysmic way...
I think the dealings of both Kennedy and Tucker, especially prior dealings will come under intense scrutiny "very soon"...

What these two have done is an utter joke ...

I am surprised that Kennedy's ''low touch'' receiver of choice relationship hasn't been under more scrutiny.
2 more affidavits filed by the liquidator yesterday..
Tucker needs to be publicly examined... I can give an ironclad guarantee that the media will be present...
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