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Mark my "Words"

Words to live by by David Tucker

"Brisbane lawyer David Tucker, who is representing several Angas investors, said the figure was “remarkable” and investors would be far better off appointing a receiver.

“In my experience, a receiver will cost considerably less and make substantial cost savings, including significant staff reductions, audit fees, office costs and insurance fees,” Mr Tucker told The Australian yesterday."

“An independent receiver will deliver a much more timely and cost-effective result for investors.”

Maybe also a nice pay day for me and my mate...

Don't Practice what I Preach
At what point will the greed stop ??? Hopefully the Liquidator will follow through and pursue Tucker and Kennedy to the very end. The involvement of Tuckers go to grave robbers Worrell's should also be further pursued. The fact that they were publicly examined and had to hand over documents is a GOOD first start. Now ASIC and Professional Bodies should also investigate the ever so cozy relationship between Tucker and Worrell's...
"Our solicitors secured access to and copies of all such documents. However, MS Asia has made a claim for legal professional privilege in respect of some documents produced by its receivers. That claim remains to be determined."
"In order for the Liquidators and our legal advisors to have time to consider these documents, the examination of all examinees was adjourned until 5 April 2017 in Brisbane" - 20170403 - Circular to Creditors.pdf
MS ASIA i.e. (Tucker and Kennedy's little squeeze box of inequity) seek legal professional privilege ??? WTF That's legal speak for those documents that Worrell's produced are incriminating... Simple as that... Enough of the legal BS and trying to maneuver around the facts, this time Tucker and Kennedy have been caught with their pants well and truly down...

Are McIvor and "others" that Tucker has maligned over the years seeking revenge ??? My answer would be a resounding YES... Given the nature of the people Tucker has crossed over the years there may be some more unpleasant facts coming out very soon... It would be fair to say that the people driving this action against Tucker and Kennedy will be “looking to wring as much from it as they can”.

Adios Amigo's time to face the music... - 20170403 - Circular to Creditors.pdf
And the Particular Contemplated Parties are...

Equititrust Premium Fund (the “EPF”). It has about 50 members including many private superannuation funds. The Corporation was indebted to the Bank of Scotland International Australia Limited (“BOSI”) in a certain significant amount. The indebtedness was secured by a number of security interests over the assets of the EPF. Transactions in relation to the management and administration of the BOSI debt and the securities given in support of it, is a subject matter which the liquidators have been investigating. There are a range of issues in relation to the management, administration and governance of the Corporation’s affairs which concern the BOSI debt and the role of individuals in relation to it. The liquidators contemplate bringing proceedings against particular contemplated parties in relation to aspects of that matter.
Claims are the subject of written opinions from two separate Senior Counsel...

"The subject matter of the claims under investigation is highly sensitive. There are also issues of confidentiality and legal professional privilege. The claims are the subject of written opinions from two separate Senior Counsel. Those opinions, and substantial other evidence, were tendered to the Supreme Court of Queensland on the application for approval of the litigation funding agreement and the retainer of Russells. The proceedings in the Supreme Court of Queensland have, for those reasons, been sealed, by order of Justice Burns made on 1 December 2016."

Those written opinions from two separate Senior Counsel must be phenomenal... Justice Burns who is a very capable and honourable judge must have been thoroughly convinced to have allowed the approval of the litigation funding deed... - 20170201 - Report to the Creditors.pdf
More shocking revelations to be released soon... Loose lips sink ships...
More shocking revelations to be released soon... Loose lips sink ships...

Keep 'em coming. Can't wait to check out your posts. Don't know what we would have done without you updating. You give us hope!!!!!!!
Hope is all we have Mozzi...

The fact that a light is now being shone on Kennedy and Tucker is leap forward and to this extent the Liquidator needs to be commended.

I have been critical of them in the past however their actions against Tucker and Kennedy have been exemplary. They have not pussyfooted around have quite literally gone for the collective jugular of Kennedy and Tucker...

Keep 'em coming. Can't wait to check out your posts. Don't know what we would have done without you updating. You give us hope!!!!!!!
More news on Tucker and Kennedy and deeper investigation coming in from inside sources...
What on earth were these guys thinking ??? Others may be drawn into this mire as well...
When one comes to a court of equity, one must come with clean hands...
Tucker, Kennedy and ......................................................................................................... ?
It's amazing how some of the protagonists want the investigation stopped............ In for an unpleasant shock soon..........
Look at the miscreants that managed innocent retirees money McIvor, Tucker , Kennedy .... They had no chance. Then like a pit of vipers they went to destroy each other...

Apparently the latest two exposed of nefarious activities involving the black arts are now trying to undermine each other... what a pack of collective scumbags...
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