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Its good to see the thread will hit 600,000 views some time this week. Many people and "authorities" are watching...
Colonel Kennedy - You just have sit back and laugh...
Check out this beauty from the False Prophet (or should that be False Profit)

False "Profit" Strikes Again

Oh Colonel Kennedy

His words should be played back to him at trial... "Working assiduously to protect investor's rights"... shouldn't that carry on after the insolvency practitioners have been appointed...

Tucker and Kennedy have a lot to answer for... The liquidator if your listening which I know you are, review some of these posts by Kennedy and contrast and compare his worthless words as against his and Tuckers actions in secretly buying the BOSI Debt ...

Haven't Tucker and Kennedy got themselves stuck in a sticky web... More is being unearthed as we speak...
Great to see the thread has now hit 600,00 views and climbing steadily...
Seems like the authorities, regulator's and journalists cant get enough...
Ironic Twist
It would be an ironic twist if Tucker and Kennedy were sued by the liquidator, prosecuted and then bankrupted... Just like their nemisis "Marky Boy" who never thought it would happen to him whilst he tore people's lives apart, these two cretins should never say never... "May they both live in interesting times" Kennedy will know what this means...
The poor poor elderly retiree investors who got caught up with this pit of dishonest rattlesnakes... First McIvor rapes them financially then Tucker and Kennedy come and financially rape the corpse of Equititrust; to rub salt into the wounds of poor elderly retiree investors... TUCKER /KENNEDY have you NO shame ???
Let's hope the Liquidator and ASIC have some balls and pursue this injustice until the end...This type of corporate greed/cancer needs to be eliminated once and for all... Given the company was in liquidation surely the former CEO and company lawyer/director needed to disclose any debt purchase at an undervalued rate to the liquidator... Surley ASIC would have a position on this !!! Move ASIC move... Liquidator REPORT REPORT REPORT...
Will there be raids on other parties by the authorities... ??? McIvor never thought he'd be raided by the Fed's and ASIC... Never say never... Parasites may be poisoned by the host body they fed off...
Social media Platforms ???

"We are aware of media articles and other speculation on various social media platforms. Some of these publications are inaccurate. We urge creditors and investors to treat such publications with caution. When we are in a position to do so, we will fully inform creditors and investors of the decision we make in relation to any further action and we will provide details of any such action." - 20170403 - Circular to Creditors.pdf
If this the social media platform being referred to, I would beg to differ as this platform has been pretty spot on from 2010... Maybe if liquidators and others had taken heed long ago this would not have become the disaster it has now become...

We have been on the case longer than any of the "so called" Insolvency practitioners ...
"6. Federal Court Examinations
I refer to the comments from my previous report dated 1 February 2017.
On 22 February 2017, our solicitors, Russells Law, appeared on behalf of the Liquidators in the Federal Court of Australia at Brisbane and secured the production of numerous documents from the following persons:
• Mr Paul Vincent, former director of the Company; • Mr Russell McCart, a former guarantor of the debts owed to the Company (as trustee of the EPF) by the Meridien Group; • Mr Jim Conomos, a solicitor who represented Mr McCart and his co-guarantors, Messrs Paul Barrett and David Roberts, in litigation brought against them by the Company, and continued by receivers appointed by MS Asia Debt Acquisition Limited (Messrs Pelden and Cook of Worrells) represented by Tucker & Cowen solicitors; • Messrs Pelden and Cook, the receivers appointed by MS Asia; and • Mr Luke McKenzie, an executive of Balmain NB Commercial Mortgages Limited ("Balmain"). For convenience, Mr McKenzie also produced, in Brisbane, documents which had been required from Balmain itself."

Tucker, Peldon , Cook , Worrells ... Represented by Tucker ??? WTF WTF WTF Tucker used them to bankrupt McIvor ( no tears there for that ) BUT... This all seems way too cozy and corrupt...

This little arrangement needs to be thoroughly investigated, Tucker feeds these guys business and has done so for years... How are they meant to be independent receivers ???
This needs to go before ethic's Tribunals and people need to be banned as a result of this scam... Reports - 20170403 - Circular to Creditors.pdf
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I'm sure ASIC is monitoring the circumstances surrounding Tucker and Kennedy... Given their previous intransience regarding McIvor and Equititrust in the past this matter needs the utmost scrutiny...
David Tucker's Involvement in Equititrust
What is really galling in all this is the fact that Tucker was aware of all of McIvors nefarious deeds going back many years and defended him and attempted to suppress the truth surrounding the old McIvor special of "the document switcharoo" which bobbed its head up in regard to "fraudulent documents". Yet he was willing to take a handsome fee to act as McIvor's defender in circumstances where a complaint to police and the regulator ASIC was clearly warranted regardless of being legal counsel or not. Yet the perennial sychophant hung in there, became a director and then when it suited "his purposes" notified ASIC about McIvor and then subsequently bankrupted McIvor, his major client.

Let me say than no one feels sorry about McIvor's demise, however given the recent revelations regarding the Bank of Scotland Debt one has to question some of the motives here. Worrell's were appointed to oversee the receivership of the Meridien Debt and co guarantors McCart, Barrett and Roberts that Tucker and Kennedy bought. Just happen chance, the same insolvency practitioner (Worrell's) that Tucker used to bankrupt McIvor... Make your own assumptions about this, but to me something stinks here and it's good to see that at the examinations documents were handed over by Peldon and Cook of of Worrell's...

We all know how the game works in reality, appoint a friendly receiver and the rest is easy. In this case however given Worrell's entanglement with McIvor's bankruptcy how on earth could Worrell's in all good conscience act as a receiver to assets on debt previously associated with Equititrust where their client MS Asia was connected to the former CEO David Kennedy and former director and more importantly former company lawyer David Tucker... Surely Worrell's had to ask some ethical questions of their appointee, or was it just a nod nod and a wink wink, she'll be right mate scenario...
The purchase of the Bank of Scotland Debt by David Kennedy and David Tucker is a dirty dirty deal... ASIC, professional bodies and all concerned authorities need to investigate...
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