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Jackson should stand down as a Supreme Court Judge until this whole matter is fully investigated... Innocent retirees lost hundreds of millions of dollars and Jackson was on the board and also providing counsel to McIvor at this time... This is a scandal that a Supreme Court Justice is embroiled in this disaster... When acting for McIvor well prior to the collapse I am informed that he read the affidavits and knew what McIvor was accused of yet continued to act for him and even joined the board... This is a justice of the Supreme Court and is now being summoned via the Federal Court by Liquidators ??? Where was the due diligence before Jackson was appointed to the Supreme Court ??? Thank god he wasn't appointed Chief Justice... Imagine that...
The saying goes that "you lay with dogs, you wake up with fleas"... Some on the list including a Justice of the Supreme Court are waking up scratching...

There are some listed below who were well and truly part of the pack when it came to decimating the life savings of innocent retirees... Others turned a blind eye and fed off the life savings of others by providing legal services etc. whilst knowing full well what McIvor was doing to innocent retiree's and borrowers alike.

This also includes Stacey Turner (Formerly McIvor) who was up to her eyeballs in "looking the other way" whilst innocent peoples lives were destroyed... Don't be deceived by those who pulled the parachute Tucker et al, they knew what McIvor was doing for years...

These matters need to be fully investigated as part of the Public Examinations as many on this list have as much blood of (innocent Australian Retirees) as McIvor...

What was this Supreme Court Justice doing on the Board of Equititrust...

Justice David Jackson
Public Examinations
More to this than meets the eye...

The Corporation was indebted to the Bank of Scotland International Australia Limited (“BOSI”) in a certain significant amount. The indebtedness was secured by a number of security interests over the assets of the EPF. Transactions in relation to the management and administration of the BOSI debt and the securities given in support of it, is a subject matter which the liquidators have been investigating. There are a range of issues in relation to the management, administration and governance of the Corporation’s affairs which concern the BOSI debt and the role of individuals in relation to it. The liquidators contemplate bringing proceedings against particular contemplated parties in relation to aspects of that matter.
Let there be no doubt this is a forerunner to a prosecution...
Having this Motley Crew in the witness box will be sheer delight...
Something BAD and I mean REALLY BAD has gone on... Why is the Bank Of Scotland Debt so relevant now... You would not want to have your name on the list of people to be summoned...

"Subject to any matters of fact addressed by the Hon Justice Greenwood in reasons for judgment published arising out of the Court’s consideration of an application by the applicants filed on 22 December 2016, the contents of the applicant’s written outline of submissions dated 18 January 2017 be treated as confidential, pursuant to s 37AF of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) (the “FCA Act”) until further order and not be provided or disclosed to the public except with the leave of a Judge of the Court, having regard to s 37AG(1)(a) of the FCA Act."
I signaled the scenario playing out now back in 2011... What was Jackson doing getting involved ???
Its undeniable he was and it would be interesting how much he knew about McIvor's nefarious deeds in acting for him as counsel.

Bank of Scotland Debt
Where was that money spent ? For who's benefit was this massive debt ? I think with a degree of intelligence we can all come to a conclusion fairly quickly.
Parties Mentioned on the Summons List
How many on the list knew about McIvor's Malfeasance going back many years ??? David Tucker, David Jackson (now a SUPREME COURT JUDGE), Wayne McIvor (less smarter brother), Stacey McIvor (loved to look the other way when it came to money coming her way), Sid Super (CFO), John Haney (Aquinas Buddy and fellow ditherer of old peoples money) all knew what was going on and have the blood of innocent retiree investors on their hands... McIvor's malfeasance knew no bounds... Bare Trusts appearing out of nowhere... State Stamp duty being avoided on property deals, Blake Dawson and Waldron appealing adverse Stamp Duty Assessments...

Criminality and down right deceit being defended by his legal team over many years whilst McIvor used Public Money to pay the lawyers... Now as they say its time to pay the piper... What when on with that Bank of Scotland Debt ???
Now that the Rogues Gallery have all been called to sit in the witness box... May they all live in Interesting Times...
These people will be publicly exposed... There is more to come and a bigger story brewing...
I can confirm further investigative action is currently underway which will make a number of people on this list squirm...
"Marky Boy" has a lot of questions to answer on the Bank of Scotland Debt... But so do others...
More information coming in which appears damning... Tick Tock...
A lot of people are talking about this latest saga and what's behind it... Particular mention being given to the fact that a Supreme Court Judge got involved in this Sh#t ...
Witness Box for McIvor will be analogous to an ELECTRIC CHAIR... Fun to watch though...
I hope the Queensland Taxpayer gets a rebate on the days Jackson will be off the Supreme Court bench for this crap... #NoPayForJackson
If Jackson is ever God Forbid considered again for Chief Justice of the Queensland Supreme Court, I hope this lapse in his judgment is considered in terms of a background check and exclusion for ever being appointed for further Judicial Duties... #TaxPayersDeserveBetterFromJudges
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