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Gobble Gobble Gobble Fees Fees Fees...

Hall Slapstick just out for themselves... Don't give a damn about investors in any way or form...

Hall Stapstick

Hall Slapstick should never have been appointed... Useless as t#ts on a bull...

As least David Whyte has done a good job and has been transparent given the cesspit that McIvor left...

As cowards do McIvor then did a runner to suck on his thumb in the proverbial fetal position in a cupboard in a similar fashion to the time Tony Smith threatened to smack his head through the besser block wall behind him...

McIvor was a tough guy on the phone but weak as piss face to face... As many have witnessed...
McIvor's Worst Nightmare

The authorities have looked into McIvor's nefarious dealings in the past, and it seems they are taking a closer look again... Not many people are in the banned for life club run by ASIC...

Ink does not lie...
Gobble Gobble Gobble Fees Fees Fees...

Hall Slapstick just out for themselves... Don't give a damn about investors in any way or form...

No Trust, are you saying that Hall Chadwick kept the $2,240,337.00 Tax Refund, and claim it as FEES.
Did the Courts or ASIC approve this ?
No Trust, are you saying that Hall Chadwick kept the $2,240,337.00 Tax Refund, and claim it as FEES.
Did the Courts or ASIC approve this ?

Very good question where is that money... ? Is that money mentioned or detailed in any accounts issued by them...

Where is the money ?

They will consume it in fees, it's the nature of the beast..
Very good question where is that money... ? Is that money mentioned or detailed in any accounts issued by them...

Where is the money ?

They will consume it in fees, it's the nature of the beast..

Perhaps Stuart Norton and the two new members of the Committee Of Inspection could ask Hall Chadwick "WHERE IS THE MONEY".
Then post their answer on either this web site or the Equititrust General Updates site.
Perhaps Stuart Norton and the two new members of the Committee Of Inspection could ask Hall Chadwick "WHERE IS THE MONEY".
Then post their answer on either this web site or the Equititrust General Updates site.

Well over 2 million questions for Hall Chadwick and never any answers! By the way, originally as we understand it, Stuart Norton and Amanda Banton were the C of I. Are we not to be told who the two new members are? Not that we have been informed of any meetings attended and matters discussed - or did we miss something? Again!

Perhaps for all the taxes we pay and have paid over our lives -

Perhaps Stuart Norton and the two new members of the Committee Of Inspection could ask Hall Chadwick "WHERE IS THE MONEY".
Then post their answer on either this web site or the Equititrust General Updates site.

I wouldn't screw around with these vampires, Hall Chadwick need to be transparent... if not, very simple, formal complaint to ASIC... Then name and shame, I'm sure my contacts in the media would love to run a story on elderly Australians being taken advantage of... They can also post here if they like as this forum has become a defacto information site for Equititrust Investors... Approaching 600,000 views speaks for itself...
Criminal Investigation

It's clear from ASIC banning McIvor for life that serious malfeasance has occurred... McIvor was always pulling documents that suited him out of his back side... They have clearly caught him committing fraud in terms of producing director meeting minutes that never occurred which in turn approved loans which jeopardized innocent people's money... The evidence is clear... why didn't Hall Chadwick refer this information to QLD police ???

Hall Chadwick were appointed by McIvor but this does not give them license to not refer a fraud where it's clearly occurred...

Why would Hall Chadwick "not" refer this to QLD police ??? Another question to be asked by both the committee of inspection and the media ???

Why no Police investigation Hall Chadwick ???

Until these jokers do the right thing not a dollar in fees should be approved or paid, then they may take their responsibilities seriously...
Made others live in HELL

If McIvor, wonders why all this bad sh#t has happened to him, he may just not have been listening quite intently to the old man on the hill David Dornan who was his spiritual guru... Kharma and all it entails is an interesting phenomenon especially when it finds the ilk of McIvor, who took people's homes and bankrupted people at will to even scores... Now look what happened to McIvor, he lost his home, business and all his properties, was bankrupted and banned for LIFE... Do to others as you would have done to you... McIvor you got what you deserved, but wait there's more in the pipeline son... More investigative work has uncovered your most nefarious deeds... STAY TUNED
A lot in common

Apart from living on the same street in their heyday, these two bankrupt's have quite a lot more in common... As ASIC have discovered "Marky Boy" loved to make up documents... But wait there's more... McIvor did go one step further... This is currently being investigated... STAY TUNED for this one as it's the cherry on top of his nefarious deeds...
Are you living life to the fullest???

It was safer to keep your money in that sock...
#f#ckuMcIvor #NotoverMcIvor #McIvorfinancialrapist


Pursuant to s 596A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the following persons be summonsed for examination about the examinable affairs of Equititrust Limited ACN 061 383 944 (In Liquidation) (Receivers and Managers Appointed) (the “Company”):

(a) Troy Bingham;
(b) Christopher Richard Cook
(c) John Alexander Goddard;
(d) Thomas John Haney;
(e) David Hickie;
(f) Ross James Honeyman;
(g) The Honourable Justice David John Sandford Jackson;
(h) David John Kennedy;
(i) Jeffrey Ian McDermid;
(j) Mark McIvor;
(k) Wayne McIvor;
(l) Harvey Parker;
(m) Michael Richard Peldan;
(n) Warwick Powell;
(o) Sidney Super;
(p) Craig Granville Treasure;
(q) David Robert Walter Tucker;
(r) Stacey Blythe Turner (formerly McIvor); and
(s) Paul James Vincent.

  1. Having regard to s 596C(2), I propose to be circumspect about the factual matters I recite in these reasons going to the question of whether the applicants have demonstrated that each summons concerns an examination about a corporation’s examinable affairs.
  2. The Corporation was a money lender operating on the Gold Coast. It was founded by Mr Mark McIvor. It raised funds for that purpose by means of registered managed investment schemes and, relevantly for present purposes, an unregistered trading trust known as the Equititrust Premium Fund (the “EPF”). It has about 50 members including many private superannuation funds. The Corporation was indebted to the Bank of Scotland International Australia Limited (“BOSI”) in a certain significant amount. The indebtedness was secured by a number of security interests over the assets of the EPF. Transactions in relation to the management and administration of the BOSI debt and the securities given in support of it, is a subject matter which the liquidators have been investigating. There are a range of issues in relation to the management, administration and governance of the Corporation’s affairs which concern the BOSI debt and the role of individuals in relation to it. The liquidators contemplate bringing proceedings against particular contemplated parties in relation to aspects of that matter.
Good spotting by the way...
Wow good ol "Racy Stacey" will be making an appearance... Former partner in nefarious deeds with Marky Boy... Oh how the mighty have fallen...
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