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Court Cases will be ones to watch next year for sure, the squirming in the witness box will be as the MasterCard ad says "Priceless" ...

Thanks for the New Year wishes "No Trust" and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you too - with

emphasis on the Prosperous of course!! After that if you are Happy - mostly Healthy follows! At least that is the

plan! Thanks for all the updates you give us and look forward to the court cases, hopefully with no more

adjournments from any of the parties concerned!!

Watch this space - hope there are still others watching!
Can anybody give me an update on the Hall Chadwick action against KPMG. I believe that our fund has amalgamated with the premium fund and we are now a 2nd mortgage fund..are we going to be shafted again
by Kennedy and co.? Have not had any response from Amanda Banton, is she still on our case?…..
Court Cases will be ones to watch next year for sure, the squirming in the witness box will be as the MasterCard ad says "Priceless" ...

Hi No Trust. Your last post was few months ago. I still regularly check and read this forum as my main source of information to the Mark McIvor and Equitrust saga. I am certain there are others. Please continue with your posting and court updates. Like many other investors, we all want to see justice finally served upon those who deserved it.

Hi! We miss "No Trust" comments too. Latterly, was the last source of info we had and would be good to hear if there are any updates anywhere. Still check on a regular basis, but have not heard anything from any other avenue.

Hi! Don't have anything more than you have, but Google Amanda Banton and you might find she is no longer with Piper Alderman!

Amanda Banton has taken the Equititrust instructions with her to Squire Patton Boggs a legal firm in Sydney.

Marky Boy having been handed a life sentence by the almighty Regulator, has another front opening up like the proverbial abyss...

Which "other" authorities are now sniffing around the dirty deeds of the grey haired ghost who walks...

A plethora of documents and tapes have now changed hands... Oh Marky you were a very stupid boy and misjudged who you were dealing with...

See you in court soon, May you live in interesting times till then...
Every Dog Has his Day

The Bankrupt, Banned, Convicted Criminal did not have a good day in Court..

Its over "Marky Boy" you will never again be able to pretend to be the custodian of old people's money...

NOW, if you think that I'm done with you, well I think you know by now that I'm not one to let go that easy...

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen had a famous saying about talking to the Media "feeding the chooks".

Well "Marky Boy" I have a lot of chooks to feed and I have only started. Fair warning If you've done something particularly evil behind closed doors and hurt innocent people as a result of your deeds, its gonna come out... Guaranteed...

You see, over the many years for me to have told the world what you've actually done would have seemed unbelievable or crazy...

However given a bit of rope you have well and truly hung yourself, or as you would so colourfully say "Neck Yourself" and you have been exposed for the scum you really are.

How many old people's lives have you ruined ? How many families' have you destroyed ? How many people did you maliciously pursue through the courts for nothing ? Look at you now, your the pariah of the Gold Coast. People wouldn't waste their spit on you, nor will your own family call you one of their own after what you did to your own mother.

Now the financial vampire has been exposed to the light and a cross burnt into his head by both the courts and media, its time for another more horrific story to see the light of day, one that years ago would have seemed beyond belief and beyond the bounds of comprehension. Today however the public, regulators, courts and media will see it as an extension of a consistent pattern of nefarious behaviour.

Adios "Marky Boy" its time to FEED THE CHOOKS...
Re: Equititrust Deception Caught Out

Remember good Ol Bullsh##ter Olman,

He dropped off the radar around the same time as Ol "Marky Boy"... Coincidence or alter ego exposed... Tick tock tick tock... He thought ASIC were not going to touch him, the media would stop their relentless pursuit of him... He thought I would stop pursuing him and BOY was he wrong on all fronts... I'm still here "Marky Boy" and still ravenously ensuring your brought to account.


Your welcome 

Family Relations

Oh how the dynamic duo "Marky Boy" and Racy Stacey have fallen... Once they thought they were the intellectual and financial superior to others... Yet like the Macbeth's it was built on the spilt blood of others... Now the two pariahs have been exposed for what they are. Failures in business and in life... Pay back the old people
The old man on the hill

The old man on the hill was right about these two pariahs. Prior to their nuptials he did say be it 1 year 3 years or 10 years this marriage will end in tears. He also did say that there was no light shining over the heads of these two. That's right "Marky Boy's" spiritual guru saw through the whole charade and didn't like either of them. Now good Ol Racy Stacey didn't like having to confess to the old man on the hill and stopped Ol "Marky Boy" confessing his sins to the old man on the hill. IT ALL WENT DOWNHILL FROM THERE...

Lady Macbeth's self interest and materialistic ruthless goals were the undoing of "Marky Boy"...
Financial Vampire Trying hard to Keep the Evidence Seeing the Light of day

Not a "Good Day" in Court for the Financial Vampire...

Manages to maintain his record of losing in court and now has to pay costs... Sad

Cant wait to see the doc's "Marky Boy"... See how it feels when the shoes on the other foot. Tick Tock Tick Tock

The storm is coming...

The status of the evidence

18 The evidence on which Mr McIvor relies to support his claim for privilege is scant. As this is an interlocutory application, Mr McIvor is entitled to provide the evidence through his solicitor. However, the evidence amounts to no more than a series of assertions by Mr Conomos of the state of the documents in Schedules 1 and 2, is given at a high level, even when read in conjunction with the further detail in Schedules 1 and 2, and fails to establish the nature of the retainer between Mr McIvor and any of the providers of legal advice. Copies of the retainers have not been provided.

19 No reason is proffered as to why Mr McIvor could not give the evidence himself. In Binqld Finances a claim for legal professional privilege was made over a file note of a conference. The affidavit in support of the claim was made by the applicant’s solicitor. Foster J observed at [23] that the solicitor was not present at the relevant conference where the file note was made and his evidence did no more than “record instructions conveyed to him” by the applicant. His Honour concluded that the solicitor’s affidavit should be given little weight particularly where there is “no direct evidence of any relevant individual retainer and no probative evidence which explains the circumstances in which and the purposes for which the conference referred to in the file note was convened”.

20 The affidavit of Mr Conomos sworn 8 February 2016, to the extent it sets out the basis of the claims for privilege by Mr McIvor, should, in my opinion be given little weight. It does no more than record instructions given to Mr Conomos by Mr McIvor and does so in little detail.

Justice Markovic saw right through McIvor and B#TCH SLAPPED him with appropriate judicial force... If this was an Interlocutory Application, it does not bode well for "Marky Boy" in the Main Trial.

All the documents apart from as scant few as Justice Markovic states will now be available for dissemination by Paul Steer and KPMG.

McIvor's track record as a LOSER continues unabated... Tick Tock
Trial of McIvor

The trial is what McIvor is dreading and causing sleepless nights...

Tick tock
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