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Gloves are off its on with Bea Jeans

Good old Beryl, another victim of "Marky Boy" seems to be taking her gloves off in the Federal Court. As a memory jog, she is the mother of his former girlfriend Thea (nee) Jeans who is now married to Tony Cochrane...

The Financial Vampire never one to miss a opportunity or victim saw that good ol gal Beryl (Bea) had a bit of brass and whipetty snap "Marky Boy" sunk the fangs in... Hapless Bea ever the optimist sunk many millions from a prior divorce settlement in 'Marky Boy's" den of iniquity on Chevron Island... The rest as they say is now history...

Now its been said that good ol gal Bea is a bit of a scrapper when it comes to money, so watch this space as yet another storm front develops for Marky Boy...
Supreme Court of Queensland

2/09/2015 an Application for the Renewal Of the Claim was filed in the Registry by the Liquidators of Equititrust. The application was granted and it lists "Marky Boy" and "Wino - Wayno" as both being Bankrupts...

Interesting development... What are the Liquidators chasing now ??? Keep a watch out for a few new developments over the course of next few months...

It looks like "Marky Boy" the criminal bankrupt with a life ban from ASIC has some more dark clouds descending...

Well deserved................ Well deserved................
Stacey McIvor now Turner or maybe another Name

Now where's ol "Racy Stacey" in all this... Quite the supporting wife when things were going well and hubby was financially raping and pillaging all and sundry, always there to share the spoils of the kill...
Lady MacBeth was quite the accomplice and then low and behold she apparently left old "Marky Boy" for greener pastures...

To date I've seen some public falls from grace, but this saga of the McIvor's and "Racey Stacey" really takes the cake... Maybe ol Stace should have listened to granddad and his warnings about Marky Boy before she married him and came back to the Gold Coast after their first breakup...

Last I heard she was wrapping sandwiches at a café at Budds Beach lamenting her fall from grace and regaling all who would listen about the inner most details of her marriage to "Marky Boy"... Not a good place to spill the beans hon...

Both now have the honour of being the pariah's of the Gold Coast... What a dynamic duo... "David Dornan" was spot on in his prediction about these two. Macbeth like indeed...
Media Spotlight

Now if "Marky Boy" thinks that the media spotlight was a bit scorching on his thin skin after he was banned for life by ASIC, wait till he has to enter the Federal Court next year to face the music... You see "Marky Boy" the ghost who walks doesn't like the spotlight of the media or a witness box, most financial vampires don't. They do their best work in the darkness and under the radar... This financial vampires flesh must be burning right now... But wait, there's more to come "Marky Boy", the Federal Cout action will not only bring you before the media again entering and leaving the court, but will also bring you face to face with your misdeeds in front of all to see... It ain't gonna be pretty mate let me tell you that...
Where's the Money "Marky Boy"

Remember the $800,000 that the liquidator said Marky Boy siphoned from Equititrust... Where's the money "Marky Boy" or have the big boys just given you a dose of the salts...

This upcoming Federal Court case is going to be brilliant... Public gallery will be packed even if its held in Sydney...

Now to brush up on the finer points of perjury...
My oh my McIvor is in a panic

"Marky Boy" is in a bit of a panic it seems, have a look at the Federal Court action below where McIvor is trying to stop ASIC publishing the life time ban in the media or Commonwealth Gazette or more importantly the reasons for the ban...

Boy oh boy this bankrupt idiot thought that he was just going to resume his normal modus operandi and start taking old people's money again ???

Good luck with that appeal Marky Boy get your mum, brother, sister, wife David Tucker, investors to give you a character reference...
Lifetime Ban McIvor

The life time ban by ASIC will note bode well for Marky Boy in the action taken by Piper Alderman... Establishes false and misleading conduct in a nut shell...

Marky Boy is grasping at straws trying to appeal the life time ban... HE WILL FAIL as I have predicted previously.

There are bigger things to come for McIvor in the coming months and this is like trying to plug the leak in the Titanic with a tooth pick...
Justice With No End Date

Its an interesting phenomenon justice, some say the law is an ass which it is, and yet at other times, other kinds of regulatory justice keep on giving and giving.

Murderers for example, will likely receive life if there are no other mitigating circumstances, normally 15 years and possibly less with parole. "Marky Boy" however received a Life Sentence with no parole for his sins by the Regulator ASIC and some rather harsh but well deserved words by the Commissioner John Price himself, which is there for all to see on the ASIC website.. For those who haven't read the media release please have a look below..

"Mr McIvor, of Labrador, Queensland, is banned from providing any financial services on the basis that he had contravened a financial services law and was not of good fame or character to provide financial services. His conduct involved breaches of the financial services legislation, which were considered to be very serious, repetitive, prolonged and dishonest."

"ASIC Commissioner John Price said "ASIC expects high standards of honesty and integrity from anyone providing financial services. Anyone who fails to meet those standards must be excluded from providing such services."

What is now comedic is "Marky Boy" is trying to suppress any further publication by ASIC yet its still on their website for all to see and read and has been widely reported nationally by the dreaded Media which we all know McIvor hates so much...

Sorry "Marky Boy" the cats well and truly out of the bag... Your appeal will FAIL as you have massacred the finances and dreams of the investors who once put their faith in you and the Australian Government will never, never, never let you near "old people's money ever again"
Diminishing trust

This is what ASIC was trying to stop... The financial vampire thought he could raid the blood bank of elderly citizens again... Alas... NO... ASIC well and truly burnt the proverbial cross into his forehead with a life ban...

"McIvor is also not a director of Mi Guardian Fiduciary, possibly because it doesn't appear to exist as a company, or of Mi Citizens Union itself. That company boasts as directors Father Richard Pascoe, said to be a Catholic priest, and Brock Turner, said to be McIvor's brother-in-law."

Ben Butler from the Sydney Morning Herald did a stellar job on that little piece...

Now have a look at the state of McIvor's mind in setting up this new utopic banking phenomenon...

"ASIC has also fallen out with McIvor. It raided Equititrust's offices last December on allegations he improperly used his position for personal benefit to the detriment of investors and did not act honestly with borrowers."

"However, it appears some previously associated with Mi Guardian have had second thoughts".

"CBD understands Father Richard Pascoe didn't realise he was a director of the company into which investors' money is to be tipped, Mi Citizens Union, and has resigned."

When a Catholic Priest jumps ship you well and truly know that there is a Financial Vampire involved...
Federal Court of Australia - Order from today's Case Management Hearing

This whole thing is getting bloody beautiful... McIvor has something to hide and Paul Steer and KPMG want to know what it is... Oh the machinations of it all...

Whatever it is, it must materially affect Steer and KPMG and they want their hands on it... Now was Marky Boy being transparent in dealing with his auditors ??? Looks like there might be a, to date, unnamed witness that's going to come forward with some new and "Very Relevant" documents that are irrefutable...

What is "Marky Boy" trying to hide... I think I know what it is As more comes out there will be much more than banning orders from ASIC in the coming months...

The FUN is just about to start folks...

No: (P)NSD2028/2013
Federal Court of Australia
District Registry: New South Wales
Division: General



First Defendant


Justice Foster
16 December 2015


Proposed Further Amended Statement of Claim
1. Leave be granted to the plaintiff to file and serve by 17 December 2015 an Amended Interlocutory Application (Amended Interlocutory Application) in the form of the Amended Interlocutory Application initialed and dated by Foster J this day (16 December 2015).

2. Annexures A and B to the Amended Interlocutory Application be placed on the Court file.

3. By 22 December 2015, the fifth and sixth defendants serve a schedule upon the plaintiff identifying which paragraphs of the proposed Further Amended Statement of Claim attached to the Amended Interlocutory Application (FASOC) they oppose and the basis of their opposition in each case.

4. By 12 February 2016, the plaintiff file and serve any further evidence in support of the Amended Interlocutory Application.

5. By 4 March 2016, the fifth and sixth defendants file and serve any evidence in opposition to the Amended Interlocutory Application.

6. By 11 March 2016, the fifth and sixth defendants file and serve any written outlines of argument in relation to the Amended Interlocutory Application.

7. By 17 March 2016, the plaintiff file and serve any written outlines of argument in relation to the Amended Interlocutory Application.

8. The Amended Interlocutory Application be listed for hearing at 10.15 am on 21 March 2016 before Foster J.
Privilege Claims by the Second Defendant

9. The documents the subject of the fifth and sixth defendants’ Notice to Produce issued on 10 December 2015 be produced to the Court by the plaintiff by producing the documents in sealed containers marked “Subject to a claim for legal professional privilege by the second defendant. Not to be opened without an order of the Court or the consent of the second defendant.”

10. By 4.00 pm on 5 February 2016, the second defendant file and serve upon the fifth and sixth defendants:
(a) A Schedule (Schedule), in the form below, setting out a description of the documents over which a claim of legal professional privilege (privilege) has been made, the basis of the claim of privilege in each case and an explanation of the basis of the claim;

The Claim Basis of the Claim by the Second Defendant Fifth and Sixth Defendants’ Response

(b) Any affidavits or other material in support of the claims of privilege; and
(c) An outline of submissions in support of the claim of privilege not exceeding 15 pages in length.

11. By 4.00 pm on 19 February 2016, the fifth and sixth defendants file and serve upon the second defendant:
(a) A response to the Schedule;
(b) Any affidavits or other material responding to the second defendant’s claims of privilege; and
(c) An Outline of Submissions not exceeding 15 pages in length.

12. By 4.00 pm on 4 March 2016, the second defendant file and serve upon the fifth and sixth defendants any submissions or affidavit material in reply.

13. In respect of any claims of privilege made by the second defendant which are not accepted by the fifth and sixth defendants, the claims of privilege shall be referred to a Judge of the Court for determination on a date to be fixed by that Judge on the basis that, subject to any further or other order of the Court, that Judge will determine the claims of privilege on the papers having regard to:
(a) The documents, copies of which have been produced to the Court by the plaintiff;
(b) The materials referred to at pars 10 to 12 above; and
(c) Without any further written or oral submissions unless requested or allowed by that Judge.

14. Following the making of a determination by the Court as to the claims of privilege made by the second defendant:
(a) The fifth and sixth defendants may inspect and take copies of any documents where any claim of privilege has been rejected by the Court and the fifth and sixth defendants must confirm forthwith in writing to the second defendant that they have done so; and
(b) The second defendant may uplift from the Court any documents where any claim of privilege has been upheld by the Court and the second defendant must confirm forthwith in writing to the fifth and sixth defendants that they have done so.

15. Costs be reserved.

Case Management

16. Liberty be granted to all parties to apply on three (3) days’ notice or on such shorter notice as a Judge might allow.

17. The proceeding be listed for further case management at 9.30 am on 11 March 2016 before Foster J.

Date that entry is stamped:

Deputy District Registrar

No: (P)NSD2028/2013
Federal Court of Australia
District Registry: New South Wales
Division: General

Second Defendant: MARK MCIVOR
Third Defendant: WAYNE MCIVOR
Fourth Defendant: THOMAS HANEY
Fifth Defendant: KPMG (A FIRM)
Sixth Defendant: PAUL STEER
Tick Tock

Now it's clear for all to see that "Marky Boy" is hiding something and is on a mission to try and claim documents are professionally privileged and is also trying to get ASIC to stop publishing the fact that they banned him for life... After they in fact published it on their website where it remains... Quite a mission, some may say Mission Impossible, yet what he's not aware of is that his actions have left a trail of evidence that he doesn't know exists... It's been a while "Marky Boy" but the clock is finally counting down to the final showdown...
City Pacific Judgement

Does Phil Sullivan's excuses sound familiar ??? Blew other peoples money and then points the finger at everyone else... Typical Gold Coast White Shoe Brigade behaviour...$65-million-city-pacific-investors/7042504

Luckily Amanda Banton of Piper Alderman gave notice to the Equititrust insurers prior to the policy expiring... Great Work Amanda Banton... She's been the thorn in the side of McIvor which he just cant get out...

Marky Boy won't get off so easy...

Tick Tock
Re: Didn't Like the Media

FYI - 25th update from David Whyte online - not much more to come in money terms but looks like the Court cases will keep us interested! H'mmmm!

Thanks for the update Mozzi and a Happy , Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2016.

FYI - 25th update from David Whyte online - not much more to come in money terms but looks like the Court cases will keep us interested! H'mmmm!
Court Cases will be ones to watch next year for sure, the squirming in the witness box will be as the MasterCard ad says "Priceless" ...
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