I'm Not Done With You yet Mate!!!
Its taken a while but perseverance has paid off and
ASIC have finally exposed this
crooked, unethical, financial vampire that not only took people's life savings but also took their
homes and
ruined their lives...
McIvor the Coward
What McIvor underestimated was the fact that some people are not cowards who cower in fear like he did when a former partner threatened to smack him through the back of the Besser block wall behind him after one of McIvor's attempts at deceit. Those close to the action reported that he
almost defecated himself and had to go home and have a lie down... What a tough guy... Yet over the phone or from a distance he was quite the tough guy
spewing profanities and abuse at all and sundry including
his own elderly mother, whose home was taken away from her because of his
deceitful dealings... That's right not even his mother was spared the ravenous clutches of his financial fangs...
Don't Say You Weren't WARNED
Alas "Marky Boy"
you were warned and warned well what would happen to you and I would say the old man on the hill David Dornan your one time spiritual guru also warned you as well, yet you continued on your path of deceit.
But one act of
utter treachery and
evil really took you to the dark depths and you followed through with it along with your partner in crime and here we are today with yet another accolade to add to your glowing list of malfeasance.
My sympathies go out to the good people of Labrador who now well and truly have a dog living amongst them but one with none of the redeeming qualities of love and loyalty, this one is a rabid foaming at the mouth wrecker of old peoples lives... One saving grace is the fact that the animal has been neutered and defanged by ASIC...
I'm not
FINISHED with you yet mate, did you think all this could last, there's are storm coming Mark and you better batten down the hatches because when it hits your gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us...