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No More Marky Boy

How nice is it to drive around the Gold Coast particularly Thomas Drive, Chevron Island and see no more signs of McIvor...

Cronin Island too has been rid of this deplorable bankrupt who cared more for himself and accumulation of "dirt" as he referred to it, than the thousands innocent retiree investors who were financially raped by McIvor and his loans to buddy "King Con"...

See you in the Federal Court Witness Box
Crime Net Listing for Professional Misconduct

Good to see Marky Boy listed on Crime Net as a warning to everyone for time to come... If the Federal Government had to take action to prosecute him how can any one ever trust this miscreant again...

What will emerge from the proceedings currently on foot in the Federal Court will be a litany of malfeasance which will lead to further prosecution by ASIC. ASIC will have no choice... Some the evidence currently being complied is damning and will lead to more than a $10,000 slap on this wrist... This is what the white haired ghost who walks has feared all his life... BEING EXPOSED

There's a storm coming McIvor and you can't beaten down the hatches because when it hits you and your coconspiritors are going to wonder how you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us... McIvor&c=1
Old Age has set in...

By the way, what's happened to McIvor's face ???

Old Age has definitely set in... Looks like a white haired ferret that gave up 6 months ago...

That "rat like fake smile" fools NO ONE...

Botox and a facelift for your upcoming Federal Court Trial ?

Your elderly investors and their families have not forgotten what you did to them McIvor...

Looking forward to seeing you in court soon Marky Boy
Tick Tock

The clock is ticking and the trial of McIvor and his coconspirators is getting closer...

Sources close to the matter have said that evidence which will be brought against McIvor is lets say "quite interesting"... What was the grey haired ghost up to prior to the collapse of Equititrust...

What evidence will former BFF David Tucker (who bankrupted McIvor) offer up ?? Tucker knows where a lot of the skeletons are buried...

What will estranged wifey Racy Stacey offer up ??

A lot of dirty little secrets seem to be coming to the surface... About time too ...
Federal Court Action

McIvor and his cohorts in the crosshairs of the Federal Court

Second Defendant: MARK MCIVOR
Third Defendant: WAYNE MCIVOR
Fourth Defendant: THOMAS HANEY
Fifth Defendant: KPMG
Sixth Defendant: PAUL STEER

Which every way he tries to duck his way out of it Marky Boy will be exposed this time round...

There was a reason the Federal Police raided McIvor's office and home... What else is being investigated at the moment that has ASIC so interested...

Sitting tight in that witness box in the Federal Court is what McIvor has been trying to avoid all these years and its now becoming a reality for all his victims and an impending NIGHTMARE for McIvor...

See you in court Marky Boy...
Dirty Deeds and They're Done Dirt Cheap

"24 On 11 November 2011, Piper Alderman sent a letter of demand to EQL and to certain of its then current and former directors and officers in which that firm specified in considerable detail the breaches of duty which would be alleged in the foreshadowed class action should an appropriate compromise not be reached before suit. In that letter, Piper Alderman alleged that the named parties had breached their duties in relation to the management of the EIF, including by:

(a) Allowing excessive borrowings;

(b) Paying the interest warranty fee in an amount which was grossly disproportionate to the benefit received by unit holders;

(c) Lending money for construction loans secured against the ongoing improved value of property, rather than against its unimproved value; and

(d) Issuing financial reports which were misleading in that those reports had stated that EQL had undertaken credit assessment of prospective borrowers, obtained independent valuations and maintained loan to value ratios not exceeding 80%, when none of those statements was true".
Federal Court Action

Looks like a lot more going on in the background with Government Agencies...
Re: Federal Court Action

Looks like a lot more going on in the background with Government Agencies...

Got to admire your tenacity "No Trust". You are a stayer when others have dropped out. Hope you are correct and there is more to come! Sure look forward to whatever it is...........................
Thanks Mozzi, there is a lot more to come...

Yeah! Permanent ban from Asic as of today's statement online!

Asic are slow but at least they got there eventually. Hopefully it will save a few more innocents from getting caught!!!

More to come - we hope so!

Good on you "No trust" for keeping us on watch!
I'm Not Done With You yet Mate!!!

Its taken a while but perseverance has paid off and ASIC have finally exposed this crooked, unethical, financial vampire that not only took people's life savings but also took their homes and ruined their lives...

McIvor the Coward
What McIvor underestimated was the fact that some people are not cowards who cower in fear like he did when a former partner threatened to smack him through the back of the Besser block wall behind him after one of McIvor's attempts at deceit. Those close to the action reported that he almost defecated himself and had to go home and have a lie down... What a tough guy... Yet over the phone or from a distance he was quite the tough guy spewing profanities and abuse at all and sundry including his own elderly mother, whose home was taken away from her because of his deceitful dealings... That's right not even his mother was spared the ravenous clutches of his financial fangs...

Don't Say You Weren't WARNED
Alas "Marky Boy" you were warned and warned well what would happen to you and I would say the old man on the hill David Dornan your one time spiritual guru also warned you as well, yet you continued on your path of deceit.

But one act of utter treachery and evil really took you to the dark depths and you followed through with it along with your partner in crime and here we are today with yet another accolade to add to your glowing list of malfeasance.

My sympathies go out to the good people of Labrador who now well and truly have a dog living amongst them but one with none of the redeeming qualities of love and loyalty, this one is a rabid foaming at the mouth wrecker of old peoples lives... One saving grace is the fact that the animal has been neutered and defanged by ASIC...

I'm not FINISHED with you yet mate, did you think all this could last, there's are storm coming Mark and you better batten down the hatches because when it hits your gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us...
Dog BIte

Dog bite

"Mark McIvor, the brains behind Gold Coast investment disaster Equititrust, received a lifetime ban and a severe tongue lashing from the corporate pup on Thursday.

ASIC said he "is banned from providing any financial services on the basis that he had contravened a financial services law and was not of good fame or character to provide financial services. His conduct involved breaches of the financial services legislation, which were considered to be very serious, repetitive, prolonged and dishonest."

His transgressions include signing 28 board meeting minutes, "which falsely recorded a board meeting to approve a loan application had occurred, when no such board meetings had taken place".

This is on top of the $10,000 fine it hit the bankrupt McIvor with last year, which may offer some sort of solace for the pensioners who were left virtually penniless after taking McIvor's $200 million joy ride at Equititrust.

It was nothing personal. McIvor's mum lost her home after he got her to sign multimillion-dollar mortgages over her home for his business.

McIvor has 28 days to appeal the ban."

Read more:
Media Having a Field Day

The Media are having a field day with this...
The Old Switcheroo and Paper Shuffle a McIvor Favourite

The Old Switcheroo and Paper Shuffle was a McIvor Favourite as ASIC outlines in its press release documenting 28 incidences of falsifying board minutes... This is pure and utter fraud of the highest order and he should be criminally prosecuted again.

Yet a review of legal documents on the public record and in the Supreme Court of Queensland will expose he did this on an industrial scale and always popped one out of the bottom of draw be it a board minute or a bare trust document to avoid stamp duty... Remember that old trick Marky Boy... The guys at Hickey Lawyers were left scratching their heads many many times...

More of this will be slowly filtered out to the relevant authorities as its not only ASIC who are now involved, a parallel case is building along side the Federal Court action which will expose McIvor in ways he could never have imagined both in a business sense and more painfully personally...
No Mention that he's a Bankrupt

McIvor the philosopher i.e. snake oil salesman talking about impending catastrophes... The biggest catastrophe is himself... Ask his mother...

Note :

  • No Wedding Ring
  • Fat Gut
  • Turkey Neck

ASIC Gives McIvor a Merry Christmas

ASIC have given McIvor a Merry Merry Christmas, had they listened earlier none of these people would have lost their money...

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