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Re: Hall of Shame

Yep, looks like we are the only ones holding McIvor to account... It didn't take many to bring Mcivor down, raided by ASIC, bankrupted and convicted and it won't take many to expose him further... There are more revelations to come and there will be more action by a number of authorities... Racy Stacey or Lady Macbeth still can't wash the proverbial blood of her hands either... Both will be exposed further in the near future...

Not too many of us left "No trust". Everyone gone quiet! BDO report online however! Is all this going to be over before we all go to God??
Federal Court - Frontier 2

Looks like former almost mother in law good ol gal Bea Jeans is also in on the action chasing McIvor for money...

Keep an eye on this litigation should make for interesting reading, in fact wouldn't be surprised the media (that McIvor hates so much) got a hold of it and ran with it...
Marky Boy who for many many years flew under the radar running scam merchant bank Equititrust or should it be known Equiticriminals, is now for all to see a convicted bankrupt who lost not only his own home but that of mummy dearest too..

Now what is the next chapter you may ask ??? Well its just about to unfold... Dogs are talking Marky Boy Dogs are talking and it ain't pretty...

You were warned this would happen and you just didn't listen... Gold Coast is a small pond...
Ok lets google Mark McIvor

Now lets see, is it really an interview when you interview yourself ??? McIvor seems to think so...

To be fair lets see what comes up when you do Google the white haired ghost who barely walks...

I think the Google searches are quite accurate and fair and to be truthful Marky you had to be exposed... And for that you are most welcome

There's more to come and that's fair mate...
Where's Olman

Remember Olman who used to post on this thread... Pushing the Equititrust line, where is he now and how is his alleged investment, was Olman really someone else ??? I think we all know who he was... A tip to the lawyers handling the Federal Court actions against McIvor and Co start asking some questions about the posts to this forum under oath... There was some misleading and deceptive conduct in the information that they were trying to put out... Now we know how much McIvor loves Warren Buffet (feelings are not reciprocal Marky Boy)... Was McIvor the Douché bag posting under multiple accounts as Buffetman ???

All to coincidental ...
Not Over Yet for McIvor

It seems that McIvor is being put through the wringer in the Federal Court by the liquidators and ex Mummy in Law to be, Bea Jeans...

Any word on where the Grey Ghost is renting, probably in the affidavits filed in the Federal Court... Question is how is he paying for the rent...

Good to see the thread views about to hit 500,000 soon... Your Welcome "Marky Boy" you Convicted Bankrupt Loser...
Re: 500,000

Good to see the thread views about to hit 500,000 soon... Your Welcome "Marky Boy" you Convicted Bankrupt Loser...

Good to see at least you still hanging in there but where do you get the info about the Federal Court? It all seems to be dying an unnatural death and that p..... me off! He must be thrilled that nothing much is happening! All these things we were promised - public hearings, court cases ASIC etc. - what happened to them?
Re: 500,000

Hi Mozzi, its all on the Federal Court Website.. Just search under McIvor and you will find the rogue and the court cases currently underway... He's far from off the hook...

Re: 500,000

Hi Mozzi, its all on the Federal Court Website.. Just search under McIvor and you will find the rogue and the court cases currently underway... He's far from off the hook...

Thanks! Still seem to be a great lot of adjournments!!! We seem to lurch from one to the next!

About to read the 23rd report from BDO on the Equititrust site!! Let's think, what will we do with our next
3c Bonanza ????
Federal Court Proceedings

Looks like McIvor and brother / mortal enemy Wino - Wayno are about to get their just deserts in the Federal Court... No more hiding under the radar and crucifying innocent elderly retiree investors... Time to pay up boys
Federal Court proceedings Against McIvor for Misleading and Deceptive Conduct

Hey "Marky Boy" how does it feel to be back in the Federal Court again ??? Remember the place they bankrupted you

Must feel great getting on the highway and head towards Brisbane for another thrashing just like the one below...

AS the article notes "Criminal Action" had to be taken against you...

" ASIC commissioner Greg Tanzer said Mr McIvor’s conviction was one of 143 criminal actions taken by ASIC during the past six months"

There will be more prosecutions to come as the evidence is presented in court against you over the coming months...

But wait there's more... The best will be saved till last and the media will again be fully informed of your greatest malfeasance to date...

Its been an enormous pleasure exposing your deeds (which were kept under the radar for years) but Karma's a bitch mate or didn't the "old man on the hill" teach you that when he was trying to get you to meditate... Maybe things would have tuned out differently if wifey didn't interfere
Federal Court Legal Action

The Federal Court Legal Action is really heating up for poor old (and I mean old) have you seen lately... McIvor...
Starting to look like a grey haired ferret that gave up 6 months ago... This court action looks like the one that will break the grey haired Ferret's back... Can't wait to see you squirm in the witness box in the near future...
McIvor what do you have to say to old people you financially raped ???

The Federal Court Bankrupted you and it will also finish you off for good this time round...
511,000 Views and Rising

With 511,000 Views and Rising, its no surprise that people are interesting in the final countdown . Marky Boy's 2 court cases in the Federal court are the ones that will expose both him, feuding brother Wayno - Wino and his failed decrepit scam of a company Equititrust...

The court case is already stirring up a pot of controversy with evidence and witnesses that McIvor would rather not be exposed to..

Given the coward that he is, he may just have to run off and suck his thumb in the foetal position just like the time a former partner and ex AFL Footballer threatened to punch his head through the back of the besser block wall behind him... Funny but true... McIvor left the office and had to have a "lie down" after that incident... Seems the ones with the biggest mouths are the biggest cowards...

Sorry but this time, there will be no more lie downs, no more not turning up to the Federal Court (like your bankruptcy hearing) its time to face the music McIvor. There will be a lot of people waiting to hear what you have to say in the witness box.

There will be no more hiding under the shroud of being a respected lawyer and banker (tools used previously) to screw people over in the courts... Now you will come to court exposed for what you are in addition to a criminal conviction handed down last year...

Happy Anniversary for officially being declared a criminal...
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