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Mark McIvor Criminal Record

A criminal record is a criminal record...

Marky Boy will never in this lifetime get another Financial Services License or take another dollar from the unsuspecting Australian Public...

Any super money he may or may not get will be lost in a very short period of time... McIvor is cursed he just hasn't realised it yet... He was warned but he did one dastardly deed too many to someone who ensured he was exposed...

Maybe Marky Boy should have listened to the old man on the hill and not married Racy Stacey... That's around the time his demise began...
Re: Equititrust

Article relating to Michael Featherstone:::'He has also worked for three-time bankrupt property spruiker and so-called “King Con” Dudley Quinlivan, and is a director of several companies connected to Michael King, who is being prosecuted by ASIC for allegedly acting dishonestly over a $150 million loan.'
Re: Courier Mail Coverage

Being an investor in LM, I'm interested in the outcome for Equititrust investors, though have not followed your sorry saga in detail. I see McIvor has been fined $10,000 - but is that all? That's peanuts. I know he declared bankruptcy but these blighters never are bankrupt - it is all squirreled away somewhere. Are there no more charges coming up? He should be in gaol!
Re: Courier Mail Coverage

Mysteryman I believe there are some more charges coming up relating to banning him from the financial services industry. There is also the question of the missing money from Equititrust which the liquidator of Equitutrust identified. This amount was close to a million dollars and seemed to have been applied to the personal interests of McIvor... McIvor in the end may end up in goal as there are a lot more dirty deeds apart from what's been played out now. McIvor's malfeasance knows no bounds and there is one particular thing he did when exposed will make the Equititrust saga look small...

McIvor Nipped

Colin Kruger it seems also doesn't like Bankrupt convicted "Marky Boy" Not many friends in the media Marky

"The man is best remembered for the Equititrust failure - which lost the life savings of many retirees - and being responsible for losing his mum's home after McIvor advised her to sign multimillion-dollar mortgages over her home for his business"

"But nothing will surpass his submission to a Senate inquiry into ASIC, which finishes with a poem, The Crooked Fiduciary, with lines that are already being mentioned in the same breath as Gina Rinehart's prose"
Anthony Klan - The Australian

Anthony Klan - The Australian another McIvor Fan...

THREE years after the collapse of the Gold Coast Equititrust investment empire — in which 1600 investors lost more than $200 million — the man behind the scheme has faced action from the corporate regulator: a $10,000 fine.

ASIC said its investigations into Mr McIvor were “ongoing”.
McIvor will have ASIC ringing in his ears

Me thinks ASIC are not done with Marky Boy by a long shot from the comments made to Anthony Klan by ASIC...

A number of other submissions have been made directly to ASIC regarding "Marky Boys" other acts of malfeasance whilst flying under the radar on the Gold Coast for many years. Now the convicted bankrupt will face some serious investigation which will again lead to the involvement of the "Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions" in the very near future...

We're not done with you yet Marky... We're just getting started...
What's next

Boy oh boy things are hotting up "Marky Boy"...

Looks like YOU will be in court for many years to come...
Someone else is sniffing around "Marky Boy" the authorities are closing in...
Will Marky Boy come to court and face the music... A grilling in the witness box may be too much to bear...
It's Tucker v McIvor when you take down the facade... Tucker wants revenge and this court case may be the catalyst for a lot of other dominos falling in terms of further prosecution of the convicted, bankrupt, failed financier McIvor...
More Brewing

Apart from the above there is more brewing for Marky Boy with various regulators and authorities...
Media Darling

The Media it seems have also sniffed something else out and are investigating...
3 Federal Court Cases Against Marky Boy

Convicted Bankrupt Mark McIvor has 3 Federal Court Cases against him, which will play out over the course of 2015...

The most humorous one is by Bea Jeans mother of former girlfriend Thea... What's his deal with mothers ???

His own mother has disowned him and now an almost Mother in Law has done the same except in this case kicked him in the proverbial's by filing a Federal Court Action against him...

Yikes Marky what a mess you have got yourself into... May you live in interesting times...
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