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Report on line from Hall Chadwick (dated 14th July).

About to read it and try to unravel it now!!
Federal police, ASIC raid embattled fund manager Equititrust

Federal police, ASIC raid embattled fund manager Equititrust

Look what former lawyer / friend / confidant / now litigant said about McIvor...

"McIvor is not a fit and proper person to conduct, or in any way be involved in, let alone be in control of, the winding up of the Equititrust Income Fund ... He does not appreciate his statutory duties or what is in the best interest of investors. Nor is he committed to a proper and orderly winding up of the funds."

Now, its interesting that this event occurred almost 3 years ago... Who called ASIC and essentially plunged the knife into Equititrust and Marky Boy...

Will this issue be addressed in the coming court case or elsewhere.

Will McIvor ultimately be charged...

Something is brewing with the authorities and "Marky Boy" wont like it one bit... Ouch
What's on the back of McIvor's mind

What's on the back of McIvor's mind

A lot of grey ghost like hair...

McIvor may think he has come up trumps in some kind of deluded way, however if you read the article below, it may take a while but the litigation funders may have a few more readies to take him on and get a win...

Given that court proceedings have started in the Federal Court, I would say that McIvor has a long, long, long road ahead of him...

He still has to face the Supreme Court in a matter of weeks...
Re: What's on the back of McIvor's mind

We have our own Lewski here in the form of McIvor... maybe we should refer to him as "Mark Lewski" the two are cut from the same cloth...

It took a while to get Lewski , and it may take a while to get McIvor but he will be brought to justice for financially raping innocent elderly Australian retirees...

In fact wifey "Racy Stacey"may bring him justice before anyone else...

Made a bad decision there mate...
McIvor up to his eyeballs

McIvor in addition to the Supreme court case against him now has 3 Federal Court actions against him...

The latest, and this is eye wateringly funny,,, is the one and only Beryl Jeanes otherwise known as Bea.

Bea you see was on the cards to be "Marky Boy's" future mother in law... Bea being the Mother to one Thea Jeanes (now married to one Tony Cochrane) who "Marky Boy" courted, (for maybe the wrong reasons). After the split good "ol" Bea continued to invest many millions with "Narky Marky" and alas the rest is history...

But lets not get too sad for "ol" Bea as she was not that naïve it seems as she rented one of her homes in Winchester Street Southport to one Dudley Quinliven or otherwise known as "King Con" whilst his home was being completed nearby ... What a convoluted little world it seems...

As I said "Marky Boy" the deluded idiot will now be in front of the courts for a long, long time to come...

Enjoy Marky its what you brought upon yourself mate
Guess you have all received the 20th report from Mr Whyte dated 28th July.
What's going on Marky Boy you notorious bankrupt you

Looks like the Supreme Court and soon Federal Court will be your new home. Oh how you relished in using the court system for your nefarious deeds in riding roughshod over all and sundry who came between you and their money/assets. Oh how the world turns... ENJOY you've worked your whole life for this
Criminal Action

"Commissioner Greg Tanzer said, 'Mr McIvor's conviction was one of 143 criminal actions taken by ASIC over the past six months against directors of proprietary limited companies who had breached their obligations under the Corporations Act 2001"

"The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions prosecuted the matter". failing to assist liquidator?opendocument
Criminal Record

We always knew McIvor was a criminal now its official...

So says the Director of Public prosecutions and the Court System.
Ban Him For Life

Now its time to ban McIvor for life for what he did to innocent elderly investors...
Justice Prevails

So Marky Boy... How do ya like them onions ??? ...
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