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another grub wanting to squeeze the last drop of blood out of retirees ,there will be an interim 5c minimum distribution in June…..150% interest on his investment in within 21 days plus any future returns from litigation etc.
Grub indeed...

Any connection to McIvor ??? Direct or indirect ???

another grub wanting to squeeze the last drop of blood out of retirees ,there will be an interim 5c minimum distribution in June…..150% interest on his investment in within 21 days plus any future returns from litigation etc.
another grub wanting to squeeze the last drop of blood out of retirees ,there will be an interim 5c minimum distribution in June…..150% interest on his investment in within 21 days plus any future returns from litigation etc.

Is that true the investors will be getting a distribution in June? Where did you see that?

Thanks No Trust, also just got the letter from BDO.

A grub indeed (although I would use stronger language). Goakes was forewarned by BDO of their intention to make an interim distribution - what a charmer! Well Stevie boy - there's the quick and the dead, guess which one you are. Took you too long to get your offer out. Can't imagine why anyone would be interested in his pathetic offer anyway but perhaps he would like to sell me is 'elderly parents' holdings at $0.02 per unit.

So we can add him to the list of another one who has no respect for other peoples money.
So the wily Goat knows Tucker ??? Tucker being Marky Boys best bud and chief protector and now sworn enemy...
Hi Ho, Hi Ho off to court we go...

Trial dates set and "Marky Boy" with yet another lawyer... Now it's James Conomos. McIvor has had more lawyers representing him than you and I have had hot dinners...

What happened to old lawyer Geoff Rapp ?

In any event I look forward to sitting in the public gallery and watching McIvor squirm in the witness box...

Maybe Marky Boy's words will be played back to him in court... Technology can be a real bitch nowadays ha...
I've commented somewhere above on the inclusion of Equitrust's Auditors in the list of defendants.

I note that ASIC's website lists the side-lining of the Auditor of Banksia Financial Group ( who collapsed down in Victoria during last year ) for five years. Banksia auditor for five years?opendocument

Amongst the reasons listed were the auditor's failure to "display an appropriate level of professional scepticism when auditing the valuation of, and provision for impairment of loans receivable, and adequately document his conclusion about the reasonableness of the provision for impairment
remain alert through the audits that the risk of the potential impairment of loan receivables may cast doubt over Banksia Group's ability to continue as a going concern..."

I think this line of argument may well have relevance in the Equititrust hearings. Expect it be a major line of argument from the prosecutorial side.

The relevance is not just academic as the Auditors ( more exactly, their PI Insurance ) would be one of the main financial targets to try and get SOMETHING back for investors.
McIvor's relationship with the auditors needs to be thoroughly investigated... We all now that he ran an extremely dodgy operation, but how dodgy was it ???

Me thinks VERY...

Totally agree great work David Whyte considering the utter disaster McIvor left you with... Yet McIvor wanted David Whyte removed to yet again screw over the innocent elderly investors he mercilessly financially raped to enrich himself...

If Marky Boy thinks that this is the end, well the upcoming court case will expose this shonk... It seems Tucker and a number of key witnesses have some explosive information to make Marky Boy sweat buckets in the witness box...

If Marky Boy thinks that I have finished shedding a spotlight on his nefarious activities then he's an utter imbecile...

This has just started mate, and everything that is excruciatingly exposed in the court case will be made public as it's in the public's interest to know where the money went.

ASIC needs to thoroughly examine the affidavit's in the upcoming case and then proceed to a prosecution.

Thank you Mr Whyte. The only one who has come through with anything at all for us!!!!

Don't thank anyone too soon, seems Conivor has pocketed the $3.3mil to his super fund and word is the three unencumbered properties with the deeds sittin in his drawer and that miraculously turned up with mortgages on them to his super fund are about to be handed back to him.

Now that's justice for you... not. So in his self managed super fund with his pet rock trustee he sits on over $6.0 mil which he can invest in shares even if it is in some nefarious company he shadow directs and don't forget the small pittance doled out to us by the vigilant Mr Whyte was also doled out to Conivor.

If that's not enough remember Conivor chose the asset protection afforded him by bankruptcy why else did he cop it all for a $25k debt to Tucker.

Me thinks we are the SUCKERS
David Whyte's 10th report stated that in February 2011 the McIvor Superannuation Fund advanced $2.46 million to the EIF.
Why was this done, what was the money used for ?
Was it to pay bonuses to directors, car lease payments, another loan to a mate.
And to top it off the loan attracted an interest charge of 15% per annum.
So, the McIvors collect $3.3 million and pocket a nice little earn of $840,000.00 of our money.
The directors and auditors of the fund would have had full knowledge of what was happening. What will they say when the time comes to answer questions in a court of law.
Then we have Hall Chadwick.
Their report on the 28th May 2013 stated that a refund was received on the 14th March 2013 from the A.T.O. for an amount of $2,240,337.00 and that a comprehensive update about this matter will be provided in due course.
Where is the money now ?
And what is this I hear about A Management Fee being reintroduced.
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