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Hall Chadwick have shown their true colours throughout. These guys are a bunch of hypocrites and say one thing at an investor meeting and then try and pull a sly one over a bunch of defenseless old people...

Remember "All Bran" saying the fees wouldn't be charged against the income funds and then tried to do it afterwards... Slimey indeed...

At least David Whyte exposed them...

I am with you Mozzi. I posted my remark with great degree of scepticism. I too believe the leopard will never change its spots.


18th report online from Mr Whyte - However, even he must be getting cheesed off with the same old, same old!!!!

Well Hall "pass" Chadwick have been given quite a slap across the head by David Whyte haven't they... court ruled against Hall Chadwick and awarded costs to David Whyte...

Meanwhile whilst Hall Chadwick play games and incur further legal costs and David Whyte's time the unit value / return to innocent Equititrust investors just keeps going down...

Hall Chadwick are milking this baby for all it has, investors will be lucky to get anything in the end...
Scumbags at War

My oh my, this is getting quite dirty...

What are "Marky Boy" and the oh so ever "Racy" Stacey fighting to keep...

The subpoena's are flying everywhere, even one to ASIC and one to David Tucker himself... This will be interesting as Tucker is representing the Liquidator in the same action...

Looks like the dirty dirty dirty laundry will be aired for all to see in the Supreme Court... Comrades in Arms now sworn enemies... Its too funny to watch these blood sucking leeches go at each other.

Tucker and McIvor both had their snouts in the Equititrust Trough and didn't give a damn about the investors, they're both as bad as each other...

It would be good to see Tucker and Cowan go down the same path as Equititrust and McIvor and given the curse that's attached to both, it wont be long before Tucker and Cowan "live in interesting times"

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Re: Scumbags at War

expand the link above to look at the orders filed in the case on 24 March 2014 and you will see that KPMG and Paul Steer ( Auditors and Audit Partner, respectively ) have been well and truly drawn in as fifth and sixth respondents.

As they signed off on many years' worth of Equititrust accounts, scrutiny will/should fall on whether they paid proper attention to their job. To my mind, this line of enquiry is probably the best chance investors have of recovering any significant amounts - if the partners of KPMG decide to offer some sort of settlement. Lot of water will be passed under the bridge before that point, so patience will be required.

You'd think that if the rumoured family links b/w the audit partner and the largest borrower/defaulter from E'Trust were to be proven and were brought into play it would begin to make the KPMG partners more than a little edgy.
Re: Scumbags at War

Brethren, I totally agree, there is a lot more this dirty little shell game than meets the eye...

McIvor was constantly doing something or other to divert the auditors. Now if they saw something and then cast a blind eye for whatever reason, there needs to be some answers...

McIvor flew under the radar for years and cost many people their financial well being. Some however have grown to be immensely powerful... The worst enemy that McIvor can ever have is the one he can't see...

See you in court Marky Boy...


Remember this crap from McIvor...

This cowboy flew under the radar on the dodgy Gold Coast for years and fleeced money from innocent elderly investors...

He then lent it to his mate "King Con"

McIvor + King Con = One hell of a CON
Dumb and Dumber

Looks like McIvor will cross examine Tucker and Cowan himself ... This should be hilarious...

Order the popcorn, I will definitely be in court to watch this one...
Re: Dumb and Dumber

Looks like McIvor will cross examine Tucker and Cowan himself ... This should be hilarious...

Order the popcorn, I will definitely be in court to watch this one...

Any idea of a date and time. I will happily fly back to Aus for a ring side seat
Re: Dumb and Dumber

Hi Word 75 , not sure yet but will definitely let you know when closer to the trial date.

I will be there, cant wait to see this circus unfurl...

The "white haired ghost who walks" will be funny to watch... Gone from rooster to a feather duster...

Any idea of a date and time. I will happily fly back to Aus for a ring side seat
Tick Tock, Tick Tock, McIvor's got no time left on the clock...

D Day is coming Marky Boy, the court will sort you out, as will the glare of your investors eyes from the public gallery...

Like his Bankruptcy hearing, the gutless wimp will most likely not turn up... McIvor is a tough guy over the phone but face to face an utter coward...

No more verbal terrorism from Marky Boy... He can save that for his family... oh hang on they've abandoned him too...
Now will Racy Stacey turn on him too ??? We wait with baited breath...
Now will Racy Stacey turn on him too ??? We wait with baited breath...

Don't hold your breath, those two snakes continue to slither together. Stacey reverting to her maiden name mid proceedings is just a pale attempt to sway the court into believing she is independent of the Conivor. Never fear the ghostly goose still slimes his way in an out of the families waterfront home under cover of darkness for fear of the roost being exposed. Mate your neighbours see and report all.

On another note, what happened to the $3.3million loan. Did BDO roll over snd give it to him. I've lost track

18th report online from Mr Whyte - However, even he must be getting cheesed off with the same old, same old!!!!


and again - here's another one - just like the other one..................

Hall Chadwick update - Don't you just love the timing? 17 April!!!!! Online now!

Happy Easter!

Will we bother to change the date in the diary to 2nd June, 2014? No of course not, we'll just wait for the next instalment !!

Well, well, well, anyone interested in the offer of 2c per unit?????
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