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The movie should be titled "The 500 Million dollars Con Man". In New Zealand, they have made a movie out of the international conman Derek Turner (a New Zealander). After conning millions of dollars in Australia, he fled to US when pursued by Australian Police. He continued conning millions of dollars from US' investors, including his scheme to rebuild the Twin Tower. He was finally caught by FBI sting in Bahamas and jailed. The movie is titled "the million dollar con man".

Anyone interested to read his story can google "derek turner the con man".
Nordrum is ever so quiet lately... Wonder what might be preoccupying him
"Marky Boy" the imbecile who lost innocent retiree's life savings is oh sooooo quiet of late... Which regulatory wolf is lurking in the shadows stalking and watching every move he makes...

Exposure is imminent... See you in court
It's reminiscent of the Gold Coast Bulletin's reporting under Nick Nichols... Was he bloody blind as to what McIvor was doing to innocent elderly retiree investors... The Gold Coast's white shoe brigade reputation is well deserved and McIvor was the cowboy that they let run loose with his mate "King Con"... Two losers who ruined people's lives....

Did you catch the last report on the 10th? Snuck that one in! Nearly missed it!

Here comes another one - just like the other one!
What will be ultimate return to investors ??? Heading to zero very fast given the various payments yet to be made...

Kostag was right in his estimations...

McIvor poisonous scheme just keeps on giving...
Tick Tock the time is counting down for McIvor to face a judge...
There will be no more delusion or hiding from the fact that McIvor ruined many many people lives. The court case will be his version of Public Stocks and a flogging by the people. Let's hope ASIC get in in the act...
Hi Mozzie

Not sure if you had an attachment to your post but it didn't come through..

Sorry, no attachment. Just a reliable source says Piper Alderman is mailing out the news!

Not really news though, did we really think anything that has been indicated in the past would be forthcoming -

like all the adjournments to court cases etc. Asic etc. etc. - No! Hiighly unlikely to happen!!!

(Later) Just found the text on the Piper Alderman site - refer Equititrust! H'mmm!
Marky Boy is still facing some serious issues to face this year and they don't all relate to court action...

How many friends and family members do you have left Marky Boy ???
Well the class action was an overlap on the claim the liquidators have made... Legal action hasn't stopped per se

Read the full extract below:

Hmm......Interesting news. Now that Hall Chadwick is working hand in hand with Piper Alderman, does it mean Hall Chadwick will go against Mark McIvor, the person who appointed them and will be pushing for Marky personal affair statement......?
Hmm......Interesting news. Now that Hall Chadwick is working hand in hand with Piper Alderman, does it mean Hall Chadwick will go against Mark McIvor, the person who appointed them and will be pushing for Marky personal affair statement......?

Yeah! Right! If you believe that, we have this bridge for sale in Sydney, going real cheap! Interested?

We believe that what goes around, comes around - but would be great if it was earlier rather than later!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah! Right! If you believe that, we have this bridge for sale in Sydney, going real cheap! Interested?

We believe that what goes around, comes around - but would be great if it was earlier rather than later!!!!!!!!!!!

I am with you Mozzi. I posted my remark with great degree of scepticism. I too believe the leopard will never change its spots.
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