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Are all your financial affairs in order Marky Boy ??? It looks like your about to go under the microscope... The Australian Tax Office should also give you and wifey a once over...

Kaaaaaboooom... Something BIG is underway... You were warned Marky Boy, Greed is NOT GOOD...
Re: Kaaaabooom...

Kaaaaaboooom... Something BIG is underway... You were warned Marky Boy, Greed is NOT GOOD...

In May 2011 investors were told that Collingwood Park was a 1000 lot subdivision valued at $82 million.
Which firm valued this property ???
And who originally owned it ???
The current investor preparing to buy the Collingwood Park site is having to jump through any number of hoops from council to the Federal department of Sustainability to get permission to clear vegetation from the site for approval to proceed.
Surely, Dudley Quinlivan would have had all of the approvals in place before he took the development proposal to Mark McIvor.
Surely, McIvors LANDSOLVE would have insisted that all approvals were in place before Equititrust investors' money was handed over.
Who originally owned Collingwood Park, and got paid all the money ???
As NO TRUST often asks " Where's all the money" ???
Who benefited from this sale to Quinlivan/ Equititrust.
Surely, there was no other motive involved that would risk the investors' funds ???
Re: Kaaaabooom...

Meridian, this has been the perennial question year in year out since Equititrust collapsed around McIvor ears...
Regardless of his delusional ranting's about "it being everyone else's fault" McIvor is solely to blame 100%.

Dirty Deals Done Dirt Cheap
The famous ACDC song Dirty Deals may be partly analogous here except that this deal was bloody expensive and as you correctly highlight, where did the money go ???

Who were the beneficiaries of this largesse ? Has anyone investigated who was involved in the initial deal for the Ipswich Land ? Are there any related party transactions ?

When McIvor goes on one of his poetic, overly verbose rants that the media laugh at and make fun of, he never seems to go near the "King Con" or "Ipswich Land Disaster"... Why ? As one very prominent barrister put it, when commenting on McIvor's other examples of misfeasance over many years, "he's very soft in the underbelly" when it concerns old "Duddles and Dud land in Ipswich"

Have no doubt that these two Bankrupt's didn't give a damn about investors, many who are innocent elderly retiree's, it was all about their own pockets...

What will unravel in the coming months and subsequent court cases, will leave jaws dropped... It was akin to giving Dracula the keys to the blood bank...

Goodbye Marky Boy, your days in the money raising - lending business are over in this lifetime...

Good to see the Thread about to hit the 400,000 views mark in the next week... No doubt Marky Boy has contributed greatly to this number as have his former Bankers, ASIC and many other authorities interested in Marky Boys "activities" over the years...
Re: Kaaaabooom...

Kaaaaaboooom... Something BIG is underway... You were warned Marky Boy, Greed is NOT GOOD...

Kaaaaaaaboom....went our money. This is a fact and to the greatest extent the Conivor and Dudley Do Wrong's conspiracy and that of their pet valuer have furthered this fraud.

There is however a basic model in developements which could explain wherhe's one of the money went on the Ipswich project. By no means am I stating this as fact as I dont know the specifics but I do know the norm in this field

The raw land value in this region is calculated at approx $10k per possible lots. That is if the site can carry 1000 lots then it's worth $10mil. I believe this is what was paid for it. The Conivor and Do Wrong sought and were granted 2200 lots on this site hoping to make a killing and exponentially increas their profits. This particular site had many serious design issues which commercially could not efficiently carry this amount of lots and was uncommercial in this format. This didn't stop the greedy duo.

Now the cost to develope this land ordinarily runs to approx $65 k-$$75k per lot for services, roads paths and lighting. The bulk of the excavation on this site is an additional cost and this site is very steep with access issues and problems with road grades and sewer design. As I said an ill conceived design which was always going to blow up
Hence BDO selling it subject to approvals and the site being re configured back to 1000 lots.

There is a further cost to the site which may possibly yield a return to the investors and warrants investigation. The council charges a contribution on all new lots approved and this is customarily approx $26-26k per lot. This is normally paid upon approval and the plans being uplifted and before operational work commences.

On 2200 lots this would be approx $57mil. Now I can not confirm this has been paid but I can't see how it can't have been. Assuming it is and the new approval for the same site is for 1000 lots then at the very least council should return $27mil if not all of it because the argument is that the lots have not been created. In any event the $10mil the site has just been resold at, hopefully did not pass this benifit on to the purchaser as surely they are responsible for their own contributions.

My contention is that there maybe a substantial pile of money sitting at council which has not been looked at.
It would be a great Christmas present if it is and a tasty target to pursue.

What say you BDO
Re: Kaaaabooom...

Word 75 it would be great if this were the case, however I do not think civil works even started on site. The head works contributions to council would usually be payable if the project proceeded and prior to completion.. In any event there may have been some performance bonds payable to the council.

It's definitely worth a look at.

That fact that the now bankrupt McIvor (although always morally BANKRUPT) dealt with "King Con" says it all... Birds of a feather fail together...

Re: Kaaaabooom...

And who were "King Con" and "Marky Boy" going to flog off those 2000 odd crap townhouses to ? Unsuspecting innocent Southern buyers looking for a tax break via negative gearing... "King Con" was a master of the two tiered marketing scam (ripping peoples equity out of their homes whilst pocketing huge commissions) and "Marky Boy" Robin to a rogue Batman was in on the game...

Its not the first time "Marky Boy" has used two tiered marketers before, remember Hope Island Marky Boy, or would you rather forget that episode... We don't want another stint in private hospital care now do we...

What Really Went On

The "Failed Marky Boy" gets a mention in today's Gold Coast Bulletin Page 44.

What really went on in the sale of the house on Cronin Island... There seems to be a dark dark cloud following Ol Marky Boy, it's like he's cursed and that energy seems to remain wherever he goes...
Why oh why, is "Marky Boy" sooo quiet... No Christmas cheer mate ? Inflict misery , expect it in return...
Ugly Reality

The ugly reality is that due to McIvor's dereliction of his fiduciary duties to investors the return to innocent elderly retiree's is likely to be close to nil...

- - - Updated - - -

- - - Updated - - -

You just have to love that cartoon, it couldn't depict him any better...
Seperate Lawyers

"Marky Boy" and "Racy Stacey" the pariah's of the Gold Coast seem to now have separate legal representation in the Supreme Court case being undertaken by one of the bank's liquidators...

What's going on...
Federal Court Action

Looks like "Marky Boy" and his long lost brother "Wayne (the money drain)" will have to front up to the hearings which are well under way... The legal fees for this will be eye watering...

Imagine the looks, or will there be an altercation outside court, be careful "Wayno" "Marky Boy" professes to be a Taekwando expert and can apparently throw a mean kick... Don't provoke him or he may alternatively read you some poetry which may kill you quicker

Just deserts for the McIvor Clan
Its been a long journey and testament to that is the site will hit 400,000 views some time today...

"Marky Boy" and "Racy Stacy" need to be brought to justice and the spotlight needs to be kept on the dynamic duo...

Pariah's of the Gold Coast and the enemy of innocent elderly retiree investors who starve whilst the McIvor's live a life of LUXURY...
Christmas Card List

Apparently Amanda Banton, David Tucker, The Sydney Morning Herald, Wayne McIvor, Janice McIvor, Janeen McIvor, ASIC, The Federal Police, David Whyte, The Federal Court and the whole world aren't on McIvor's Christmas Card List...
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