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A lot of people want to look "Marky Boy" in the eye and ask him where there money is... Being the utter coward that he is, he will do everything to avoid the people who's lives he ruined...

In turn, as the universe is just, he has ruined his own life and there is more justice to come from the mere mortals who regulate his type of nefarious activities...

Where is the money Marky Boy ???

Can anyone confirm a venue, time and date for Conivor's examination. I don't want to miss it,
The Hall Chadwick report of October states that the examinations were adjourned till 11-14 Nov 2013. Can any one confirm that these examinations are indeed underway

Honest to God! Was anyone naive enough to really think that was going to happen??
I'm with Mozzi... Hall Pass Chadwick are very selective with the information they provide. Particularly their shortcomings as an insolvency firm when it comes to their engagement "by McIvor" in regard to Equititrust... Why didn't they pursue him in regard to his statement of financial affairs...

The word JOKE comes to mind... How about promising to not claim fees from the funds and then backflipping on that... At least David Whyte brought them to account on that...

Honest to God! Was anyone naive enough to really think that was going to happen??

- - - Updated - - -

How about an update Hall "pass" Chadwick...
Where is Nordrum, he is very very quiet at the moment What's up Marky Boy... ASIC got your tongue...

It's far from over...
Has McIvor lost the plot ? ...

The latest article in the Sydney Morning Herald seems to confirm it...

Mark McIvor's Poetry

This may be more apt:

There was a grey haired ghost called McIvor
Who turned out to be quite a financial Conivor
When it all when bust and no longer seemed fun
He employed the age old trick... Take the money and run...

Further poetic contributions are welcome
Have I read correctly that Hall Chadwick has been awarded 800k plus by the Court for their (non) services??? Oh
Nordrum - McIvor is very quiet at the moment, I guess the poetic verses are getting priority...

McIvor again is the laughing stock of the nation thanks to the Sydney Morning Herald... Thanks SMH for a great job in exposing McIvor yet AGAIN...

Well there it is, subject to the bankrupted Conivor nominating an acceptable trustee (the fix is in, Racey Stacey gets the guernsey) $3.3mil plus of our money slides into his super fund. That and the 3 vacant blocks of land and the millions no doubt already harbouring there should leach out in the guise of appropriate investments to fund the theifs lifestyle.

Hasn't HC already clipped the fund for the $805k, their report says they won the case and booked the funds to their account already. Not to be a doomsayer but 11-12c possible distibution and now not likely to be seen till after April 2014, well I'm sorry but with the contingent liabilities factored in and HC already paid the $1.1mil bond bing gobbled up an th ever present monthly fees to both BDO and HC milking the balance ......well a BIG FAT ZERO is more likely the outcome.

As for the Conivor just 2 more years to go and he will be out of bankruptcy and back conning others out of their nest eggs. Well he won't get mine,,,,, he got it all the first time
Does Marky Boy Get The Money or NOT !!!

Will Marky boy get the money, let's see... There maybe a reason it is being put into court...

Will Piper Alderman seeks an order freezing the money pending the finalisation of their court action. It's all interlinked and if the money was improperly siphoned off from Equititrust on Marky Boys instruction then the court may have grounds to reverse the transactions... In any event given the court action, and until a thorough forensic accounting investigation is completed Piper Alderman should apply to have the money frozen...

Maybe there are plans on foot already... In any event Marky Boy will never see this money... Kharma's a bitch...
Re: Does Marky Boy Get The Money or NOT !!!

And it seems...neither will we
Re: Does Marky Boy Get The Money or NOT !!!

Sadly Word75, I think your right, the assets that are being sold are basically sub prime... Add to that the receivers fees etc and I think the return will be close to zero...

Good work Marky Boy, you and King Con did quite a job...

And it seems...neither will we
Why is Marky Boy / Nordrum soooooo quiet lately... Maybe the thought of all that Super money being gobbled up by legal fees is too much to bear...

The legal action instigated by Piper Alderman in the Federal Court will also gobble up a mammoth amount of legal fees... Maybe old mate David Tucker will give him a "mates rates"discount...
The Hall Chadwick report of October states that the examinations were adjourned till 11-14 Nov 2013. Can any one confirm that these examinations are indeed underway

Missed the next instalment - sorry next adjournment - 17th/20th February 2014 - as per Hall Chadwick report of 15th Nov. online now.

Don't hold your breath!

Like I said before, was anyone really naive enough to think this was going to happen?
It's just being dragged out to suck more money out if it... Now if they did their job properly from the start these so called necessary public examinations would not be required. These guys get paid for incompetence and negligence. Why didn't they pursue McIvor in regard to filing a statement if financial affairs ???

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