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Re: A little reminder Mark

Integrity. It’s a quality every man worth his salt aspires to. It encompasses many of the best and most admirable traits in a man: honesty, uprightness, trustworthiness, fairness, loyalty, and the courage to keep one’s word and one’s promises, regardless of the consequences. The word integrity derives from the Latin for “wholeness” and it denotes a man who has successfully integrated all good virtues – who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.

Credit for the extract:

Relinquish the $3 mil .... or take it and share it, by sending a personal cheque equally to each and every investor.
Re: A little reminder Mark

McIvor has never had any of these traits, and the universe has come back to bite him in the form of David Whyte... Good luck getting the money out of court Marky Boy...

Yep, it's all been filed in the Federal Court... Sleep tight Marky Boy... National exposure will ensue...

Must have blinked! Are you saying they are actually doing something after all this time?
Looks like Nordrum - McIvor is pretty quiet lately... Amazing what a writ shoved in you gob will do...

Nice work Amanda Banton and Piper Alderman, its time for the fireworks to start...

There's more to come Marky Boy...

Word has it that something even bigger is brewing in the pot... Watch the press...

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tick, Tock Tock............................................................................................
Which government department is now on the case ?

The legal action just launched by Piper Alderman will help further the investigation and hopefully result in charges being laid...
It took some time but Piper Alderman and Amanda Banton came through... In all of this David Whyte and Amanda Banton have done a good job...

You both have my full support...
Mi oh Mi ... what's McIvor up to now?

November 21, 2012


"ASIC has also fallen out with McIvor. It raided Equititrust's offices last December on allegations he improperly used his position for personal benefit to the detriment of investors and did not act honestly with borrowers."

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tick, Tock Tock...........................................................................................
What McIvor has to be pressed on by the authorities and the lawyers is where the unaccounted money went prior to the collapse of Equititrust as detailed in the Liquidator's Report.

Where's the money Marky Boy ???
The Hall Chadwick notice of early October makes for interesting reading. Noteworthy that both KPMG ( the Auditors ) and Paul Steer of KPMG are included in the list against whom the Class Action is proceeding.

While not well-versed in the Who's Who of the Gold Coast, some months ago ( April, 2013 I think ) I had a lengthy talk with someone who certainly is. While it is hearsay, they raised the following points of interest.

- post-GFC Equititrust was almost unique in being apparently the only major mortgage fund to not write down any assets, even partially. It was suggested that any prudent manager would have done SOMETHING of this nature, even just to reflect the depressed outlook for the whole sector post-GFC.

- This situation persisted for a number of post-GFC years, and was signed off on by the Auditors ( KPMG ).

- The audit partner was Paul Steer; hence his inclusion in the legal proceedings.

- Paul Steer is the brother-in-law of Dudley Quinlivan. The fellow with whom I was in conversation was astonished that this had not already emerged for discussion. If true, its seems important if such a link existed between Equititrust's biggest borrower and it's audit partner. If false, it should be put to rest immediately.

- Family interests of Steer had been a borrower/s from Equititrust. Again, it would seem significant IF there is any basis in fact.

Is anyone on this forum able to confirm or dismiss these pieces of hearsay? I know a lot of 'colour' is seen on these pages. A strictly factual response to the above would be of service to all, I think.
Hello Nordrum where ever you are, maybe you would like to answer this one... If true, where was the relevant disclosure, has anyone on the Gold Coast heard of conflict of interest or did Equititrust investors get a bum Steer...
What else is unravelling in Marky Boy's life... You only have yourself to blame son...
It would interesting to get an update as to whether Marky Boy is cooperating with the receiver's and liquidator's... I'm sure ASIC have been dutifully informed of all the goings on and in particular Marky Boy's incaltitrance...
It would interesting to get an update as to whether Marky Boy is cooperating with the receiver's and liquidator's... I'm sure ASIC have been dutifully informed of all the goings on and in particular Marky Boy's incaltitrance...

Can anyone confirm a venue, time and date for Conivor's examination. I don't want to miss it,
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