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Re: Has Nordrum slipped up?

McIvor / Nordrum being the Decepticon shape shifter that he is, creates documents, facts, etc to suit his ever changing deluded state of reality...

Re: Has Nordrum slipped up?

McIvor / Nordrum being the Decepticon shape shifter that he is, creates documents, facts, etc to suit his ever changing deluded state of reality...

Technically he is a unit holder, if my memory is correct Conivor it's on 10 million units, his inlaws on 1.2million units and Racy has a packet as well.
Mordum may be more appropriate... Once a McIvor always a CONIVOR...

Poor old Marky Boy despite his ill conceived belief that he is superior in intelligence has actually proven to be quite dumb as a businessman, in life and in concealing his activities on this thread...

Good to see you reading Marky Boy... Look back over the years and see how this thread has exposed you, your wife and your miserable sham of an operation Equititrust...

All of you have the blood of innocent people on your hands...


Well there it is in black and white, subject to identifying the correct trustee of Conivors Superannuation Fund, Mr Whyte has resolved that he is to pay $3.4mil to the Sxxm Bag. As it reads if Mr Whyte is not clear which of the trustees CONIVOR has proposed then Mr Whyte WILL PAY THE FUNDS INTO COURT. Regardless Conivor will ultimately be in control of another few million dollars of investors money to help further pad out his already multi million dollar fund. Racy is the trustee, so a lazy 5-6 million dollars should ease the pain of waking up next to this inadequate sod
Wait wait wait, there is a reason the money is being paid into court by David Whyte and there was a reason McIvor changed the entity... This still has to play out... He hasn't got the money yet...

He may never receive it or enjoy it after he is dragged into court...

- - - Updated - - -

There are other legal proceedings on foot in the Supreme Court and the dynamic duo Marky Boy and Racy Stacy may get caught up in their own web... David Whyte is doing this for a very good reason...............

My friend I don't think you grasp the situation, super is protected, Mr Whyte has indicated he can't withhold the repayment of the loan to Mcivors super fund. The issue is who is the trustee to Mcivors fund. I understand it was MM Holdings before it was put into receivership thats when Racy popped up as the new trustee. I believe even as a bankrupt Conivor can nominate his own trustee. Mr Whyte may frustrate and delay the process for a while but the Coniver will end up with the loot... again
Word 75 I agree with you in terms of super being protected from bankruptcy, however a receiver / liquidator can reverse any super contributions if they were made to defeat creditors in the preceding years prior to the collapse...

Now if McIvor guised the diversion of funds into super and the company was in trouble at the time, it will warrant an investigation by the many receivers and liquidators particularly given the fact that he has not cooperated with any one of them.

David Whyte's decision to pay the money into court whilst the inextricably linked web of McIvor's companies is investigated is a good move.

This money given McIvor's track record to date and the many receivers and liquidators wanting to obtain information from him will be held up for years... The court action to watch is the the Supreme Court proceedings being undertaken by Liquidator Gerry Collins...

Given the McIvor's recalcitrance to date they won't find a sympathetic ear in the Supreme Court. In addition when one comes before a court of equity they must come with clean hands...

The McIvor's have blood of innocent retiree investor's on theirs...

Given the fact that it is alleged that the company traded whilst insolvent, it will be important to have a forensic accountant investigate when the company was in fact insolvent, going back as far as 2007 - 2008. If as is unusual with McIvor he intermingled his private and corporate interests in favour of himself and his Super Fund then this money may in fact be tainted.

It is important to also look at the Piper Alderman Class action and what is alleged and as far back as they allege the malfeasance actually went. I am sure that the various receivers / liquidators and most likely Piper Alderman will apply for a Mareva Injunction for any monies paid into Court by David Whyte pending further investigation of the financial web that McIvor spun and got caught in. The very fact that he has not in any way cooperated with the receivers and liquidators in providing financial statements is a compelling reason to have the money frozen in court pending further investigation and outcome of legal proceedings on foot against both Marly Boy and Racy Stacy...

Its time to shake the tree the McIvor's have scuttled up...

The "Big Freeze" is coming Marky Boy and your not gonna like it...
We have a Bankrupt in the form of McIvor who lost Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of innocent retiree investors money who won't cooperate with court and bank appointed receivers and liquidators who now wants his Superannuation... Mind you without a Public Examination which has been thwarted by McIvor himself...

Common sense dictates that this money must be FROZEN when paid into Court by David Whyte, who is doing the right thing by erring on the side of caution... If McIvor wants it, let him fight for it... In the process lets hope he gets arrested and is made to appear before the Supreme Court to answer questions that many have wanted to ask for soooo long...

Marky Boy the money is going on "ICE"...
It will be tantalising watching McIvor trying to get his hands on the money paid into court... To get to the money he has to go to the last place he wants to be... THE SUPREME COURT...

David Whyte has made an excellent move...
It will be tantalising watching McIvor trying to get his hands on the money paid into court... To get to the money he has to go to the last place he wants to be... THE SUPREME COURT...

David Whyte has made an excellent move...

Food for thought

With no distribution to unit holders likely before Xmas and no result from litigation aginst any valuer likely before the following Xmas what do you think the final numbers are for the shorn sheep of Equititrust. Well I'm told with the ongoing expenses, the payout to Conivors Super and the likely payment to HC the numbers are closer to 4c. It's pretty simple math now that the final numbers are in on the big stuff.

Oh and even if there is a resounding success in that litigation it only adds about 2c per unit and Conivor has 10mil units
The most likely result will be close to zero... Kostag who started this thread predicted it some time ago, even before receiver's and liquidators were appointed...

Nice work McIvor, what a great way to lose innocent people's money...

McIvor in the Media Again

Today's Gold Coast Bulletin

Page 2

"Ray White Surfers Paradise has listed 30 properties for its spring auction today at the Gold Coast Arts Centre, including the home of Janice McIvor – mother of bankrupt businessman, Mark McIvor.
Receivers are selling Ms M c I v o r ’ s h o u s e a t 6 5 A Woodgee St – which comes after the Supreme Court in Brisbane decided her son pressured her into signing massive mortgages over her Currumbin home to benefit his business.
The documents in favour of Westpac Bank nevertheless remained valid."
Something's brewing behind the scenes and the McIvor's ain't gonna like it...

Legal Karma's a bitch...
Miserable McIvor's Make The news AGAIN !

"ANOTHER chapter in the sorry saga of bankrupt businessman Mark McIvor has closed with the sale of his mother's home to her neighbour."

Good to see the dynamic duo of deceit lose their homes... Let there be no doubt whatsoever that these two masters of smoke and mirrors and dodgy documents caused much misery to many people...

And in the end the partners in crime went for each other's jugulars... STRANGE ANIMALS INDEED...

Don't think the caravan parks would house this lot...
What are you hiding ???

Why is McIvor so reluctant to provide a statement of financial affairs??? What is he hiding ? Maybe Nordrum might like to elaborate...
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