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Those process servers seem to love hunting down poor bankrupt Marky Boy...
Those process servers seem to love hunting down poor bankrupt Marky Boy...

Process servers are one thing - always thought the Taxation Dept took precedence over anyone else.

Where are they in this? Anywhere?
Mozzi, your right, the Taxation Office should do a thorough audit of McIvor and wifey Stacey...

Process servers are one thing - always thought the Taxation Dept took precedence over anyone else.

Where are they in this? Anywhere?
Unit Price

With the unit price already plummeting, and reports to now be made on a 3 month basis, how will investors know what the unit price has dropped to. Believe me it will not be going up... With interest and more fees being scalped off the funds expect close to zero...

McIvor needs to be admonished further in the media for his claims for super...

The court case against McIvor and Racy Stacey by the liquidator Gerry Collins needs to be closely watched in the coming months as it may have some interesting ramifications for the dynamic duo...
Gerry Collins Court Case

The Supreme Court action against Marky Boy and wifey has some significance and the affidavits that are filed in the registry need to be closely monitored... It may shed some light on what these two characters have done in the lead up to the collapse of Equititrust...

"Liquidators of another entity controlled by Mr McIvor, MM Capital, have filed suit alleging he approved payments when the company was insolvent.

They allege that MM Capital loaned $700,000 to Ms McIvor in July last year to invest in the Income Fund, advanced $205,032 to Equititrust and paid $300,000 in January to buy two properties in the Gold Coast suburb of Oxenford. MM Capital collapsed soon after, with $1.13 million in liabilities."
Payments whilst the company was insolvent... WTF were these two up to prior to the collapse of Equititrust...

Gerry Collins is a reputable Liquidator and has not proceeded with the Court action for nothing, the coming months will unravel quite a lot about these two individuals...

Notice to the Media who follow this thread, search the affidavits in the Supreme Court it's all on the public record with more to come...
350,000 Views of this thread reached today...

The spotlight on this disaster will not stop until the real truth about McIvor is revealed... The dealings of wifey as detailed by the Courier Mail prior to the collapse will also be exposed in detail as the court case by Gerry Collins proceeds in the Supreme Court...

Innocent Retiree investors have not been forgotten, they may not get a lot back if anything but at least the culprits will be exposed...

yes .. you use the facility very effectively.

congratulations on reaching 350k .....

let's hope the end will come sooner rather than later.
Yes let's hope so... Thanks for all the support ASICK, your input on this matter has been invaluable...
Re: Gerry Collins Court Case

OXENFORD....follow the bouncing ball. Equititrust lends money at exorbinate rates to shonk white shoe developers on dodgy valuations. The retiree investors take all the risk whilst Conivor pockets all the profits whilst skimming from the top layers of fees most of which find there way to Conivor personally and or his private compnies. This is done by way of joint ventures between Conivor and in this case MM CAPITAL.. Where if the developer wants funds for his projects he must agree to the SIDE AGREEMENTS IN THE SHAPE OF THESE JOINT VENTURES.

OXENFORD is one such agreement. Now J.m from LANDSOLVE marketed the subdivision and in this instance quite successfully. So far so good but as the story goes MM Capital goes into liquidation then some weeks after that event J.m reminds the Conivor that there are 3 read three blocks of land left from the OXENFORD project unencumbered with titles sitting in the drawer. They are as good as cash. I ASK YOU, are these blocks assets of Equititrust or Conivor. I think the real owners are the unit holders..Now what to do, these blocks are worth approx $220k each but if the receivers know about them they will get swallowed up. CONIVOR has to think fast. Got to cash them up quickly before the nasty receivers find out.

Three contracts of sale quickly materialise and one block the best block sells instantly to Self Managed Super Fund ...for $150k WOW WHAT A DISCOUNT, COST PRICE. And settles almost immediately SO THE STORY GOES the other 2 blocks go to KNOWN BUYERS but before all the blocks can settle the bad receivers step in and the game looks to be over for Conivor. Before you start clapping, out of the bottom of the other drawer pops a MORTGAGE to none other than Stacey or her Super Fund for $300k. Such impeccable timing that the ink smudged when the documents were dropped on the receivers desk.

Was the tax ever paid on these blocks surely it's income, is that how Conivor accumulated over $100million in assets. Has any one questioned J.M about these transactions or what about the In House Legal Eagle Br...n, can't be hard to check the computer date stamp on these documents, in any event if every one is EXAMINED I'm sure all will answer honestly with the possible exception of Conivor and Racy. ummm..... magically appearing documents to protect valuable art and furniture, a sceptic may think there is a pattern here.

Word 75, there is something to this whole dodgy saga, and Oxenford is just scratching the surface... The Supreme Court is littered with a litany of sworn affidavit material about McIvor's miraculous magical documents, including trusts and blatantly altered documents... This scam has been run many many times and the QLD Stamp's office have caught it out... This guy operated under the radar for many years and ripped off many many people. The side agreements were a common feature of doing business with McIvor... The conflicts of interest and intermingling of his private and business interests is a common thread in his dealings...

It may seem like an obscure court case at the moment, but this little number in which Tucker has now come on board
as the Solicitor for Liquidator Gerry Collins may be the undoing of the McIvor's once and for all as it possesses the ingredients of greed and deception which the dynamic duo thought they could pull over everyone's eyes...

This is where the main game may be played out and charges subsequently laid as the dealings are inextricably linked to Equititrust. The web that was woven by the dynamic duo may have finally entrapped them both...
What else is Liquidator Gerry Collins looking into ? Gerry is a very experienced insolvency practitioner who is pursing McIvor and wifey Stacey for monies owing... The Supreme Court File tells no lies and it's worth keeping an eye on...
Supreme Court Action

This story has really started to get some traction with much more information coming in... Any information that any individual has should be forwarded to the Liquidator Gerry Collins.

Contact information below:
Oh Marky Boy

Marky Boy, you have really been stealing a lot of people's oxygen, namely a few who you left for dead...

You should have kicked them in the guts whilst they were down a few more times just to make sure they were dead... A "Phoenix is rising from the ashes"...
Despite narcissistic delusions of grandeur and power "Marky Boy" and bolt on attachment wifey Stacey were nothing more than a Gold Coast Cowboy and cowgirl... The coming court case by liquidator Gerry Collins will put paid to that... Self interest ruled investors of Equititrust came last...
More questions have to asked about McIvor's "funding" of good mate "King Con" in Ipswich... There is going to be a massive shortfall, where did the money go ? Why haven't the Liquidators investigated this ? This is a joke ?
What is mind boggling is that that McIvor 1.Thought King Con was a good person to lend to and 2. That he risked the livelihoods of innocent retiree investors on this folly.

The "whole" relationship between these two bankrupts needs to be thoroughly investigated... That's right Marky Boy the reality is that you will be referred to as a bankrupt for the rest of your life. As the saying goes "lie with dogs wake up with flee's" or worse McIvor...
Financial Vampires

Financial Vampires

Bit like McIvor's reflection on the collapse of Equititrust... Yet the blood was sucked out of investor's veins without them even knowing about it... Count McIvor was definitely doing his finest work when ASIC gave him the keys to the proverbial blood bank... Investor's didn't even feel the teeth sinking in...
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