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Negative Equity Negative Trust

It's clear to see from the purchase price of the Southport Property that McIvor and wifey Racey Stacey had no idea when it came to property... $5.7M for that property was a joke... Then load debt onto that and rates and land tax and multiply that over many overpriced properties and what do you get ? A major need for cash by way of raping the elderly retiree's who invested in Equititrust. Throw in duping borrowers and partners and even family and then you get a picture of the current predicament of McIvor and wifey... The question will now be whether the bank enforces personal guarantees against wifey Stacey under her ownership SM Capital...

The Macbeth's saga continues...................... Are we nearing the end ???
White Haired Freshly Minted Bankrupt

It looks like the stress has taken its toll on the ghost who walks...

No mention of his mother in the deluded book... Someone has completely lost the plot...

Accusing journalists and borrowers of being homosexuals and repeated references to fat people is a sign the stress meted a solid mental beating...
Re: Read the Deluded Book

Someone has not taken their medication... McIvor should stick to bankruptcy, writing is clearly not one of his skills... 1-Mark-McIvor.pdf

I've only read a few pages, but I get the drift, "an out of body experience":

"If a delivery system is unsustainable, by definition it won’t be sustained." (page 30) - now, why didn't I think of that?

"The defects in legislation quickly turned to disaster and the term Responsible Entity became an oxymoron, much like a civil engineer. (Apologies to engineers, but as a University law student staying at a Catholic college on campus in the mid ‘70’s my memory of engineering students was anything but civil). How ASIC, henceforth known as the Bumbling Bureaucrat, could conceivably imagine this wouldn’t be a catastrophe is anybody’s guess. They gave out licences to anyone who filled in a form. The lawyers who were hopeless lenders, and any spivs who saw the angle, beat a path to their door to gain a Responsible Entity’s licence. They had about as much value as something you get out of a Weeties packet. They never bothered to penetrate an understanding of the market place, or ask who had successfully navigated the obstacles to building a finance business. Blind Freddy would know that aged Australians had to look for other options simply ‘to put bread on the table’, and this legislation would lead to disaster." (page 35)

I'll take the time to read the spiel - I think most investors in Equititrust, City Pac, PIF, etc will be able to separate the fact from fiction.

Another good read:
(in particular, "Externalizating the Blame"
Re: Read the Deluded Book

Very good link ASICK and sums up McIvor to a tee...
McIvor got it wrong

Where Mcivor got it wrong in his bulls##t book of lies and delusion is that he didn't earn his money honestly. He took innocent people's homes and tried to enrich himself, instead he cursed himself that no aboriginal smoking ceremony could cleanse... The blood will never be washed from his hands and he knows what he did and who it did to...

He acknowledges that 28 armed police raided the offices and his home. Why ? For good reason which will come soon as the prosecutions start...

The joke of all jokes is when he tells the aboriginal elder to smoke Kennedy's office... OMG is this idiot for real...

Read the book and a true picture of a deluded idiot who makes a bloody fool of himself emerges and cements his position as a deserving bankrupt who will never be taken seriously by anyone in his lifetime...

I can now see why all the directors filed affidavits against him in the Supreme Court.... This is insanity of the highest order...

Mother, brother, sister, priest, partners, regulator, banks, lawyers, clients, investors all abandoned this delusonal idiot...
It's good to see the thread will hit 300,000 views by years end... Lets hope the New Year brings the commencement of the Class Action as well as Prosecutions by the relevant authorities....

The bankruptcy trustee will also using McIvor's terminology run up a few of his pipes with the assistance of the NAB and his former lawyer...
Innocent Elderly Retiree's

Whilst everyone has been down in the trenches we must not forget the real victims of McIvor's mismanagement which has been laid to bare by the national media... The innocent elderly retiree investors who have lost their life's savings and who cannot get a pension.

These are the people who should be remembered at this time of year...

sincerley - I think that the novella, the fairgomate web site and the videos are brilliant.

Say what you like - the man is a fighter. I love it.

Sadly, leaving all of this to one side, the truth and looming charges etc will overtake this brilliant attempt to re-write the history.

Also (sadly) McIvor does not seem to recall the excessive greed, ruthless use (abuse) of power and an indefatigable belief in his own brilliane which were all causes in his downfall.

Anyone who know him well would be the first to acknowledge his brilliance and marketing prowess..... but one day, the spin stopped and reality cut in.

ASIC didn't raid McIvor's home and office for no reason. There are many who are providing information to the relevant authorities...


Lending money to "King Con" was not brilliant it was plain stupidity...

Re: Carless??

Rumour has it, Mark McIvor was last seen WALKING along the Broadwater because his car has been repossessed.
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