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McIvor's Life of Luxury

How is "The Unhappy Australian" earning an income and still manages to have a driveway full of luxury cars ???

Maybe someone should take a picture of the luxurious house and cars and post it on this website to show how much he really cares about the innocent retiree investor's whose life savings he lost... When are you going to pay back the retiree's Mark ???
Re: McIvor's Life of Luxury: GOOD IDEA - lets get the photoes up on web site

what sort of cars are we talking about here?

leased or owned outright?

Re: McIvor's Life of Luxury: GOOD IDEA - lets get the photoes up on web site

Surely, there must be taxation implications... Who actually owns the luxury cars??? It's high time the Australian Taxation Office had a look into the affairs of McIvor and wifey Racey Stacey... Especially the days leading up to collapse of the various companies...

what sort of cars are we talking about here?

leased or owned outright?
Private School Fees

Who is paying for the private school fees whilst innocent retire investors starve ???
Luxury Rental

Who is paying for the luxury rental at Isle of Capri whilst innocent retiree investors starve ???
Financial Qualifications

What’s really interesting here is that McIvor does not have any formal financial qualifications...

Unbelievable how the regulator could let this go on. To be a Lawyer you need qualifications... Being a lawyer does not in any way make you a banker... McIvor certainly proved that.

He even tried to be a property developer and failed miserably at that too... All his properties including his house were taken by the banks...

If he thinks that he will go back to the law in light of the circumstances surrounding the collapse of Equititrust which was solely his fault he has another thing coming...

If he thinks he will ever get a loan from another AustralianBank he is deluded...

If he thinks he can just move on with his life after what he has done, he will soon
realise there is a price to pay for losing the life savings of thousands of innocent retiree investors...

National Australia Bank will finish him off financially and the "bully boy" receivers /lawyers (as he calls them) and ASIC will do the rest...

Dudley "King Con" Quinlivan is warming the bench for you Marky Boy...

May you both live in interesting times...

May you both come to the attention of those in authority...

No Equitiflop Mark II

It's interesting to note that McIvor does not herald a return to the financial services sector... It seem those leaked emails were absolutely spot on... Has McIvor given undertakings to ASIC that he will not seek a Financial Services License in the future ???

Don't think that ASIC would be that foolish to give Dracula the keys to the blood bank twice...
Which Banker

McIvor made some pretty stunning allegations against certain senior bankers and insolvency practitioners in his deluded rantings to the Senate. Who was he referring to to ? Wouldn't be someone he has previously tried to unleash on others is it... Sources close to the matter have revealed that some insolvency practitioners that are involved have some very candid information... Poor Mark and Stace victims of bully boy tactics by unscrupulous time churning insolvency practitioners... Ironic isn't it
Senate Submission or Submission of Delusion

When McIvor refers to the 2 ex MFS employees he says brought Equititrust down, is he saying we were right all along ??? Read our warnings and comments from the beginning of this thread. Kostag raised the alarm bell from the beginning...

We all know it was McIvor's bad judgement in employing them and his bad loans ( "King Con") that caused the collapse of Equititrust... But thanks anyway in acknowledging we were right...
Watch out for David Whyte's report in your mailbox or on the Equititrust site!!

We sure as hell aren't getting anything from the other mob!
Watch out for David Whyte's report in your mailbox or on the Equititrust site!!

We sure as hell aren't getting anything from the other mob!

thanks for the 'heads-up', Mozzi. The report IS on the site this arvo: - 20120726 - 6th Report to Investors.pdf

...oh, and I just popped over to the National Stock Exchange site and noticed that 'VAX' ( the boys who put up that 'interesting' bid to take over as Responsible Entity ) has some share-action going. Re-listed 19th May, and there's been little trading in it shares since then. But 1,000,000 shares changed hands on the 25th July and 10,000,000 on the 26th. This suggests everyone ought to 'watch this space' as it looks like they might be about to re-surface.
Bretheren, nothing will happen, I think even these guys have seen what McIvor is really about...

BDO - David Whyte

As usual, David Whyte is consistent in his reporting and is doing a great job...

Hall Chadwick as the Liquidators are a running joke who do not have the decency to post updates on the website. Hall Chadwick are doing nothing they promised to do... Where are the Public Examinations of McIvor , Tucker etc. They are more interested in their fees than worrying about investors and creditors.

It's good to see the Piper Alderman claim going ahead against McIvor and fellow directors... Wonder who has made unsolicited approaches to investors saying the action is not going ahead???

This is the court action that McIvor and his cohort directors most fear... These actions take time to prepare and Piper Alderman are doing the right thing by proceeding cautiously and having everything thoroughly checked by senior counsel...

Someone on the other hand is panicked and trying to derail the court action... PIPER ALDERMAN HAS MY FULL SUPPORT
Piper Alderman

The Class Action against McIvor is going ahead, there is no doubt about that. Any investor who has not joined should contact Piper Alderman and join.

The fact that the action is proceeding has been confirmed in David Whyte's report below: - 20120726 - 6th Report to Investors.pdf

For those investors sitting on the fence up until now, the time to move is now, Hall Chadwick will offer nothing and McIvor offers nothing by deluded ranting’s to the senate and tries to convince himself the collapse was not his fault...

Who has been contacting Investors

Who is the person that has been making unsolicited communications to investors, as detailed in the Piper Alderman update???

Why would they be saying that the Class Action is not proceeding ??? Why would someone want to derail the Class Action and blatantly lie to investors??? Sounds like someone very, very dishonest indeed...

What is great though is that the truth is now being mailed out to every investor contained within David Whyte's report... Justice prevails and bring on the class action especially against McIvor...
A broader question might be, "Who has a copy of the fund's member register?"
ASIC Complaint

Surely the person involved needs to be reported to ASIC, if they have not already been notified.

With both the funds under court appointed receivership and the Company itself in Liquidation, surely the "individual" concerned by contacting investors has committed an illegal act...

Engaging in such Malfeasance and Dishonesty clearly deserves proper punishment... One might even suggest a period in the "Public Stocks"...

Can anyone enlighten the readers of this thread who the actual individual was ???

BUT this is subject to all future costs of overheads etc - I predicted a long long time ago that the return would be NIL.

The estimates are in monthly free fall as more disasters come to light

Units will be NIL value.

How anyone could run a First Mortgage Fund and seriously wind up witha 100% write off really takes some doing.
Leave the running of the fund to McIvor and loans to his mate "King Con" and wala there you have it...
Class Action

There will not be much left, that's why its important for the investors to join the class action that WILL be proceeding against McIvor and his fellow directors... Remember those guys, who took fees whilst Equititrust burnt along with the lives of innocent elderly investors...
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