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Re: Senate Submission or Submission of Delusion

The submissions that McIvor made to the Senate are the ranting’s of a delusional failed loser ... The multiple receivers and liquidators and national law firms have the backing of the Supreme Court in all their actions...

Has this idiot really lost the plot... He lent innocent retiree's investors’ money to his mate "King Con"... He appointed the ex MFS directors and now blames them... He made the bad loans, he made the bad decisions, he made the enemies by victimising innocent people over the years by the use of the same " bully boy tactics" that he claims destroyed him... His whole board of directors abandoned him, many like Tucker and David Jackson QC who claimed to be his friend... Sycophants most probably, but even they pulled the chute... Its all been reported in the media...

Does he really think that the people he tried to destroy over the years would not fight back, for injustices done to them... The rant to the senate is nothing more than a mirror of what he has done to others however in his state of delusion he can't see the wood for the trees...

McIvor deserved everything he got and what’s coming to him in the form of legal action particularly from NAB... As far as going back to the practice of law, good luck with that... That’s just not going to happen in this lifetime...

"When one seeks equity one must come with clean hands" not the blood of innocent retiree investor's on them...
Re: Senate Submission or Submission of Delusion

McIvor's Submission,cf.osb&fp=1d633261c2cc3a3f&biw=1600&bih=766

He might have something here (top of page 5):
"Fundamental Shortcomings of Legislation
ASIC comprehensively failed to:
1. Introduce any regulatory capital structure, and;
2. Ensure Responsible Entity Licences were issued to responsible persons, or corporations. Essentially, if you filled in a form correctly, you received a licence. A Responsible Entity licence quickly became an oxymoron. The failure to legislate an appropriate capital structure meant that parties successful in gaining a licence had no demonstrable commitment to investors. When banks world wide are obliged to hold only modest equity (Tier 1 Capital of 8%), why would ASIC not have insisted on a capital requirement ?"

I note Mr. McIvor didn't comment in relation to Equititrust Pty. Ltd. as regards the matters raised in the above excerpt.
Name's McIvor, he's not happy
July 12, 2012
Scott Rochfort Sydney Morning Herald

''Concatenation and turpitude'' … Mark McIvor on the warpath. Illustration: John Shakespeare

"In a submission to a Senate inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector, McIvor, who labelled himself an ''unhappy Australian'', also blamed his company's demise on the ''gross mismanagement and negligence'' of the two former Equititrust employees - who did not have the last name McIvor - and ''routine breaches of fiduciary duty'' by major law firms.''Misleading and deceptive conduct regarding ASIC by various parties to ensure victimisation of Equititrust, and its founder, by ASIC,'' McIvor added."

Sydney Morning Herald

Scott Rochfort and the Sydney Morning Herald are to be congratulated for exposing McIvor's delusional rant to the Senate nationally...

The cartoon is truly a thing of beauty as it encapsulated this deluded idiot perfectly, escaping the flames of a burning Equititrust Building...

Investors and others who have lost money as a result of this deluded idiot now have a perfect caricature to place on their dart boards... Hope you feel the pricks Marky Boy...

Oh and by the way " YOUR WELCOME "
The Real Truth

This is what will be submitted to the Senate, even though the deadline may have passed...

Investors lose in encounter with King Con

June 13, 2011

Colin Kruger Sydney Morning Herald

"HOW do you tell a room full of investors, who are no longer receiving the income they need for their daily expenses, that a big part of the problem is your company lent their money to a twice-bankrupt ex-plumber dubbed ''King Con''?"

"While the final quantum of the loss is still being determined, what is known is that $70 million of the fund's money was lent to Dudley Quinlivan, aka King Con, and it has gone massively sour. His Ipswich project, once valued at $82 million, is now worth as little as $20 million."

"Quinlivan's history offered plenty of reasons for caution."

Re: The Age - Different headline

poor old Mark

he just doesn't get it, does he?

from what I hear - he approved every large loan. He and King Con were best mates, He even put Quinlivan in charge of other Equititrust assets, example: Quinlivan and his son ran the South Australian resort asset into the ground, plundering huge managment fees - and this information is first hand from the current managers!

He let Quinlivan take $50M out of the fund - all Mad Mark had to do was to ask where the loan proceeds were gong , to see that the 'asset' was being plundered.

McIvor acccuses his terrorised employees as being the root of his problems! Auditors who were beguiled by his charm and false figuring and his concealment of true valuation evidence, as being at fault!

ASIC for daring to shut him down! and the Banks - how dare they ask for their money back!

The man is dillusional - I am afraid he must have sniffed too much white shoe polish.

Me thinks his brother Wayne got out just in time.

There IS A REPORT that ought to go to the Senate and it is not one that would make Mark too happy.

ASIC and the AFP will get their man and David Whyte will hold steady and do the job.

I still preict that 2-5Cents in the $ wil be the maximum ultimate return.


It's said that true wealth is happiness... It seems that not only has McIvor lost his money he is self admittedly UNHAPPY... That makes him a very very poor man indeed...
NAB going for the Jugular

In terms of finishing McIvor off, the NAB it seems, is the one that will put him on the same bench as his mate "King Con"... Both have had receivers sell off their luxury homes and it seems they have a lot more in common than everyone thought...

All I can say, and I'm sure a lot of people will back me up is that I hope NAB do go for the jugular and tip this idiot into bankruptcy... No bills, no thrills Marky Boy...

After the latest idiotic rant, and false accusations against all and sundry (especially his bankers) I am sure that they will make a proper example of him...
More Exposure To Come

This week’s revelations are just a start of a domino effect all the way to the end... Expect more eye watering information that will make its way to the Senate Inquiry to debase McIvor's deluded claims... If he keeps it up there will be more embarrassment worse than the Sydney morning Herald Article and cartoon (which was excellent by the way) ...
There is a storm coming McIvor and you better batten down the hatches, because when it hits it will make you pay for living so large and leaving so little for the rest of us...
SENATE SUBMISSION by Mad Mark: he has finally gone over the cuckoo's nest

any qualified medical practitioner reading the Senate submission in light of what ACTAULLY occured would more than likley be entitled to schedule the poor fellow.

The greater the criminality etc, the greater the perpetrator carves admiration for honesty and integrity.

The man simply has to realise that his opinions are irrelevant; his sphere of influence is gone; his days of riding rough shod over both Borrowers and his Invetsors, is gone.

His only relevance will be as a Defendant in a raft of actions that will ensue.

He seeks to establish some bridgehead of honest and ethicacy by trying to be seen as a victim and siding with authorities and blaming those truly at fault.

He carefully stays away from EQUITITRUST, which in fact serves as a wonderful case in point.

How could any regulatory regime put one man in a posiiton of controlling hundreds of millions of retiree funds and thne is left with un-fettered control to splash it out on reckless loans on King Con/Ipswich some $50M and some $40M on some fly blown Resort in South Australia?

How Auditors, ASIC, the Banks etc - could possibly be held to blame for this insanity beggar's belief and ofcourse McIvor goes nowhere near his core failings.

Returning to the law is also delusional. Presumably the standards set by the Qlsd Law Society would block any such move. McIvor seeking to protetc investor rights? Hell, I think that he has done enough damage to investors. When is he going to realise that he has presided over what will probably go down as the single biggest Mortgage fund write off in history - 100cents in the dollar - lost.

It really takes some doing to in theory lend only to 70% of values - and then manage to be able to assemble a series of loans that are capable of generating even 1cent in the dollar return.

The information that I am getting is that there are cross claims and allegations of under teh table deals on foot that will see atleast the two biggest so called assets in the loan book (Ipswich and South Australia) evaporate - ie: 100% nil! When (not IF) that happens, there will not even be enough Gross Asset to even touch the sides of claims and costs - HOWEVER in Mad Mark's words - it is the fault of ASIC and the Banks.

He might have been on safer ground to try and blame the 2011 Japanese Tsunami!

Fortunately it also seems that Hall Chadwick were smart enough to work out what was really going on and distance themselves from the delusional schemes to re-birth the dead.

David Whyte still has work cut out for him and there are still some horror stories for him to un-cover. When he does, he will be obliged to report - so hold on to your hats. The saving grace in this might well be the PI insurance - once teh extent of the losses and the negligence are established, a claim against the PI insurers might prove our best ASSET.

SMH has done a great job - what about ACA or 7:30REPORT ????

Mad Mark loves a bit of media - how about it guys?

Re: SMH has done a great job - what about ACA or 7:30REPORT ????

Mad Mark loves a bit of media - how about it guys?

Hey, they're only half hour programmes guys! What about nominating this story for a series. Would be more apt.

Would be great to do it, we could certainly give them enough background to fill several seasons! We could do our own "Revenge"! Bet they are looking for a replacement for that series on Monday nights!.
Re: SMH has done a great job - what about ACA or 7:30REPORT ????

The live show has been going on for some time and there is more in store for "Marky Boy"... Don't think he remembers who he tried to destroy who has now come back from the dead...

More Information

More information will be released soon... Tick Tock no more time on the clock...

I love the bit about being a victim of ASIC, boo hoo... "Poor" little Marky getting bullied by ASIC... Well if he thought that was bad he ain't seen nothing yet...

Art work and furniture frozen by Supreme Court Order, Wifey Racey Stacey's Super Fund under attack in the Supreme Court, NAB going for Marky's jugular in the Supreme Court as well... It's all nothing compared to the next chapter in the saga...
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