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There was a reason McIvor did not complete the financials... Let's find out what it was... The forensic accountants need to delve into the colourful transactions that were undertaken prior to the collapse...

Ten days is more than enough to get out some minutes or a report on the meeting held on the 20th! What are the unitholders who were unable to attend to do - mind read???

Don't Hall Chadwick realise they are just compounding the undertakings which were made and not kept by Equititrust in the first place by their silence. We need them to
stop treating us all like mushrooms - we are sick of being fed bull.....! Follow things up!!!!!!
Re: Leaks you are right... he'll go nuts

when he finally learns who was bcc'ing the emails to all and sundry


No Trust/Kostaq,

As an observer I have been following this forum from the beginning.

I commend both of you both for your determination and perseverance, especially during the early days when you copped lots of criticism with many doubters questioning your integrity (especially Kostaq).

Despite the critisms and negative remarks, you never gave up.

You both deserve all the accolades. Keep up your good works. I am sure there are many investors (the silence majority) that appreciate your good works in exposing those crooks.

Unfortunately, from past cases those responsible for squandering the investors’ money managed to stash away their ill gotten loots behind many layers of trust companies including their superannuation fund thus untouchable by their creditors. Let’s hope this is not the case and the ill gotten proceed can be clawed back by the liquidator and return back to the right owner.
Just Observer, thanks for your kind comments... There is a lot more to expose in the coming months and weeks. The reports from both the liquidator and receiver David Whyte will make for interesting reading as more is uncovered and both are given guidance where to look... We know McIvor is done but we want him "well done" by the authorities.

Is "All Bran" having as much fun with McIvor as David Whyte from BDO did. What's the hold up with the report and and status of action against McIvor and Tucker... Up until the dying days both were two peas in a pod.

As previous mentioned in the liquidators report it is critical that both of them are Publicly Examined before a Supreme Court Judge.. Why is this not happening...

Talk is cheap
"No Trust", Sometimes I liken you and "Kostag" to a pair of hands typing with furious intent.

Other times I see both of you furiously working a cross-saw tearing into the heart of Equititrust Limited.

In any event, you keep the story alive, and for that your fellow investors should be very thankful indeed.

By the way, having thought about it, I'd like to see Trilogy take over your fund - the way the fund's heading I might be lucky enough to get a fourth part to my Three Part Trilogy Tragedy:
Thanks for the acknowledgment ASICK, if it were not for this site many other innocent retirees would have been burned by McIvor... Aussie Stock forums has been great...

Most of the thanks needs to go to Kostag for starting the thread and for his fearless tenacity in exposing McIvor INC...

Have to go the cross-saw needs sharpening...
Boy oh boy Marky has got himself into some serious trouble... What do the coming days and weeks hold in store for him... Not even a smoking ceremony will get him out of this mess...

May he live in "interesting times"

Goodbye Mark...........................................................
the facts speak for themselves

we only ever had to get the truth into the public arena.... McIvor himself, his Directors, family and fruends did the rest.
Re: the facts speak for themselves

They did that indeed... and it came in spades...

we only ever had to get the truth into the public arena.... McIvor himself, his Directors, family and fruends did the rest.
Re: the facts speak for themselves

And the great thing it's still coming...

we only ever had to get the truth into the public arena.... McIvor himself, his Directors, family and fruends did the rest.
Marky Don't Play By the Rules

"All Bran' what's up ??? Is Narky Marky not cooperating??? Is he accusing you of "Unconscionable Behaviour" for pursing him... Are you pursing him ???

STILL COUNTING! Probably something in the rules that requests/suggests/demands that Administrators/now Liquidators report results of meetings held -within a reasonable time. This is totally unreasonable HALL CHADWICK!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe that highly paid staff is too busy to write the Minutes/Report!
More obscene excess....

want to feel ill - while invetsors, the banks , creditors, advisers, all rot in financial hell.....

see page 6 of the Sydney Morning Herald DOMAIN supplement.... Marks' $5M Sydney bolt hole at Cooper Street Double Bay now being sold off by Receivers.... "expensively and extensivley renovated for modern living" after 2005 - just when cracks were forming in the financial deck of cards now known as Equiti-Rust....

atleast some got to enjoy all the money
There is a simple reality, and that is while these schemes continue along without the manager really sharing risk with investors, it's entirely possible for highly leveraged funds to cause massive losses to investors while delivering a pretty penny to managers even while being run consistent with all applicable laws.

The incentive is there to increase debt because it increases management fees, nevermind that it increases risk for investors.

Accruals accounting should be OUTLAWED in managed investment funds, and valuations should be TRANSPARENT.

Sadly, nothing will change - history WILL repeat itself.

Such is life!
Re: More obscene excess....

Wow, "Lady Macbeth" wanted an abode in Sydney, and blind Marky obliged... Now both are trying to wash the blood of retiree investors off their hands whilst many ghosts come and visit them... Bad Omens

When you look back it seems to have gone "Pear Shaped" after McIvor got married... Maybe he should have stayed single and detached himself from Racey Stacey when the first signs of trouble appeared... The "Ambitions" of some lead to the downfall of others...
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