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Questions for Hall Chadwick

1) how did you become to be introduced to Equititrust? Is it not a fact that a paid consultant of Equititrust, also a former client, who lost the company millions and whom you acted for in a Deed of Arrangement did introduce you to this project?
2) is it not a fact that you did consult with this person together with the current directors in their preparation of the proposal put forward by joint Equititrust director Hickie and his VAX Lion advantage entity? HOW is this not a conflict of interest?
3) does the issues raised in points 1and2 constitute a conflict of interest?
4) why have you not insisted on the directors providing their personal financial statements? Why have you not done so before calling the creditors meeting?
5) have you commenced the appropriate legal proceedings that would compell HICKIE, HONEYMAN AND MCIVOR to do so.
6) STATE FOR THE RECORD YOUR VIEWS ON HICKIE BEING ON BOTH BOARDS, that of the current RE and that of the proposed alternative RE, is it a conflict of interest?
7) how can you be seen to be independent when you can't even press these directors to comply with their legal obligations now? How can the unit holders be expected to trust that you, Mcivors paid VA, and weapon of choice would in fact turn on your masters and proceed against them to the fullest extent of the law? is it not a fact they chose you as the soft option in anticipation of a pass. SAY IT ISN'T SO!!

You are required to respond to these questions if not now THEN CERTAINLY AT THE MEETING ON FRIDAY WHERE YOUR ANSWERS WILL BE MINUTED.
You won't be taking control of this meeting, and you certainly won't be shutting down the floor like last time... Plenty of us have lawyers with us this time. I would seriously think your resignation is not that far away,,,I'm sure ASIC will be looking closely at every ones role here.

One last thing,,,,, what's the real game here? To help the disadvantaged and beleaguered unit holders, or to get control of the assets and strip them out....ASIC put BDO in there to do the first proposal and to date a great job has been done. Where does Hall Chadwick and the Hickie/Mcivor team figure here?
Administraitor's Deception / Report

David Whyte has done an exemplary job to date in combating these crooks...

McIvor's attempt at a soft option to save his ass has failed and will now most likely cost unit holders upwards of $1M... The fees should not be paid by the fund...

The banks have put receivers into Equititrust so why is the Administraitor needed? Sure put the company in Liquidation but give it to another insolvency practitioner who is competent and does not have a conflict of interest...

Not compelling the directors to provide personal financial statements whilst still dealing with them on a potential change of the RE is TOTAL INCOMPETENCE.

I would encourage complaints to ASIC to have the Administraitor removed and a totally INDEPENDENT insolvency practitioner appointed.

Due to conflict of interest David Whyte cannot do both jobs but at the least someone independent has to be appointed by ASIC as it is clear that the Administraitor here is not impartial and have refused to do their job in compelling the directors to provide financial declarations as per the law...

There is no defense to this as it goes to the core of recovery of the monies shifted sideways by McIvor just prior to the collapse. They have identified the crime but refused to take any action against the culprit... All they offer now is pay us some more money and then we will do it... Come on no one is stupid... What was $600,000 wasted on and nothing was done in regard to this...


If he is prepared to flout the law, disregard the very institution he has made his platform, HOW CAN ANY ONE TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY.

Men of straw, people with no integrity and all neatly packaged will a HALLMARK ,,,
shame shame shame, more of the same !!!
Mr Alberran, have you referred the THREE AMEGO'S.... Tricky, Narky and Honey Pot to the authorities, to ASIC??? Just curious!
You must be dreading Question Time on Friday, it's going to be more like SHOW and TELL. The room full of parents, should be the largest contingent of administrators, lawyers, receivers, bankers, authorities, media and unit holders seen on the coast for many a years. I expect the beleaguered unit holders will to be out numbered.

Should be a proud moment for Mcivor Inc,,,,


I met you at a unit holders meeting some time ago and you impressed me with demeanour and understanding of the needs of the disadvantaged. You seem a decent man and this not withstanding your somewhat interesting past puts you at odds with the position you are now in. As you are only recently to the board little of the past is your direct responsibility other than maybe the soon to be reversed payments made to MCIVOR RELATED ENTITIES. You would know better as to your position on these matters.

IT'S TIME.....TIME FOR A CHANGE, and things will change this Friday. You would be better off resigned from this rotten hulk before its liquidated. You wouldn't want this catastrophe on your CV. Just a thought.

What about our little friend "David Tucker"... As the report outlines not only was Tucker the company's lawyer, he was also a Unit Holder via his Super Trust as well as McIvor's personal lawyer acting for McIvor's personal companies MM Holdings, MM Properties etc as well as for the delusional one in a personal capacity and then to top it off was a director of the company as well...

How many hats can one lawyer wear ??? At what cost to investors??? Whose interests was he actually representing in all of this??? Its good to see that he and his personal assets are now in firing line for insolvent trading as outlined in the report...

It's unheard of that a lawyer could take so many conflicted postions... The Legal Services Commission as well as ASIC have to take action against this flagrant disregard for investor's interests...

Complaints can be made online at:
Re: The Balmain Aqua Mezzanine Debt Pool

I received the following email in relation to my query from a kind forum reader:

"As to investing in a de-registered scheme, there's two points to consider:
1) When a fund is in wind-down mode, it can be de-registered and continue to exist for years as it redeems investments and winds up its actions. Similar to the Equititrust position where the funds cannot take on new investment but can exist as long as needed to be wound-down. I think this likely applies in the case you've pointed to.
2) Schemes normally only have to be registered if they are taking investment from retail investors. If the only investors are those deemed by the Corps Act to be wholesale/sophisticated or other 'non-retail' types ( ie: they are deemed to be professional investors not mums and dads ) then it's legal to have what's termed an unregistered managed investment scheme. I think this would apply in the case you raised - one scheme investing into another is normally viewed as non-retail/non-regulated investment."
HONEYMAN is up to his neck - and so compromised

he is in every one's radar.....

dont forget if it sounds too good to be true - it is....

Mad Dog 'Madoff' McIvor is living proof of that one!

wind the place up

lets get our 20cents in the $ (at best) and move on with life.....


Let's see if Marky Boy has the guts to show up to this meeting... After recent revelatations of his underhand malfeasance and totall disregard for investors he may not get off so lightly and will be subject to an earful from investors... Most despised person in QLD...
Re: The Balmain Aqua Mezzanine Debt Pool

An example:
The EIF (Equititrust Income Fund) is a registered scheme with mums and dads as investors.
The EPF (Equititrust Premium Fund) was for a select group of wholesale investors (sophisticated investors). This was an unregistered scheme.

The atmosphere at the meeting on Friday will be incendiary, given the revelations in the latest report and David Whytes disclosure at to McIvor's lack of cooperation and obstructionist behaviour...
Does "McIdiot" seriously believe he is above the law?

It's quite a dilemma for the "Miserable McIvor's" attend the meeting on Friday and most likely get served by a process server or stay at home and fend of the Sheriff's from taking possession of their homes... There will be people with legal documents there ready for any of the rats that dare come out of their holes...

Mmmm what to do on Friday either way these pariah's of the Gold Coast are finished and its being executed in the most painful and embarrassing way possible... Remember when you did this to innocent people Marky, remember when you hounded the elderly until their health was almost gone Marky, remember when you took their homes that they had worked hard for all their lives...

There is more to come for old Marky Boy this is just the start of his Nightmare...
Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock how many more hours on the clock before we see "Marky Boy" at the meeting...

This is the meeting where investors want to front him on his lies and deceit...
Re: Under Attack

Remember this and why ASIC and the Federal Police raided McIvor... We now know it was because of his dishonesty as the latest report details.

Scumbag crooks...

Time to liquidate not procrastinate

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT??? Woof Woof WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?? Well it seems their being rounded up now. Friday will see them impounded but these feral's won't be going to good homes. A different fate awaits this pack of rabid out of control tail chasing mutts.

Thank you No Trust for posting the courier article, nothing more nostalgic like a trip down memory lane. It's unfortunate that with Knivor it's been a BAD TRIP.
Still his moment of fame is gone and in its place notoriety and with that striped pyjamas.
Oh he will squirm and deay the day with legal proceedings but the train will eventually pull into his station and you can bank on that.

I'm curious to know from Hall Chadwick the answer to this question.
If the Mcivor family such as mum Janine is holding 4 properties in trust for Marky worth $12.5mil and the bank sells them to pay of any mortgages. What happens to the surplus. Does it return to the unit holders to be distributed. Certainly the tainted money trail would edict that. PLEASE EXPLAIN. From public records and discussions with the agents it would appear the Mcivor clan are sitting on approx $50mil worth of property. Ummmm... And how much were the funds impaired???? HOW MUCH DID WE LOOSE???

So if things got to hot on the coast were you planning a move to COOPER ST DOUBLE BAY SYDNEY. The MM HOLDINGS/ SM CAPITAL $6mil plié is something. Maybe Johannothan Chancellor from the Herald will have a comment or two to run on this property..
How much have you lost? The real questons is "How much do you have left?"

My guess ... SFA - I think that you'll be lucky if you get back $0.15/unit. Of course I hope I'm wrong with my 'gut feeling' - as the value of the fund diminishes, then the same amount of costs consume a greater proportion of what's left.

To my way of thinking, it's a fight for the fees and charges now - it's only a matter of who'll make money off the carcass of your fund. But if one finds comfort that any of the actions foreshadowed will be helpful for investors, then so be it.

Thanks to "Olman" for the information about un-registered trusts.
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