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This is a "battle" and it's a battle about information - without information, investors don't have a chance.

I've started a link to provide what ever information I'm able to in order to be of assistance.

If any of you think there are errors or misstatements, then please feel free to contact me on the email link provided.
Whilst sitting here having breakfast I'm startled to learn that additional pearlers keep popping up from Albarans report like the sphincter tightening news that Mcivors MM HOLDINGS is also listed as a creditor to the company. That's right a creditor to the tune of some $10mil. What is hasn't ripped off the fund in one pass he gets in another.

What's even more startling is the lack of support the large majority of unit holders are displaying by not being supportive of the CLASS ACTION already commenced. It's by the combined weight of the many through such action that can bring these crims to book the fastest. A proper application through such an action could legally injunct thats (FREEZE) the Mcivor monies and units where ever they are stopping him and his cronies from spending or dealing them.

If you think a class action sounds too hard or don't understand it, some have rung Piper Alderman and are now better informed. The fight to get the money back is at a crucial point, that's why the sharks are circling.

That was what was so surprising at the last meeting - to hear that Ms Banton, Piper Alderman was only representing 39 of all the unit holders. Are they holding off to see if they have any at all to represent after the next meeting????

By the way, what happened to the committee representing creditors who were supposed to be consulted by Hall Chadwick about what was being done behind the scenes before coming back to us???!!!

It's all a big mess at the moment with the Adninistaitor realising the pay day they thought they were going to get has vanished just like the investors millions... McIvor the magician strikes again...
Piper Alderman - Amanda Banton

Unfortunately a lot of the smaller investors are shell shocked and don't understand the benefits of the class action... I implore them to get all the facts and contact Amanda Banton at Piper Alderman.

Investors have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by being part of the Class Action...
Class Action

McIvor being so delusional may even join the class action and sue the ass off himself
And what will come from a new RE? Fees, yes, fees .. and more fees .. and reports .. and this and that .. but all will be disclaimed .. and strategies ... will anything change for you? I think not.

This is really all about which entity will make the $$$$$ .. not about a guaranteed better outcome for investors. The RE, the asset manager, the custodian, the receivers, the auditors, the lawyers, real estate agents, and more! $$$$ .. one great big cash cow.

20 August 2009, BRW, (in part), "But in 12 - 18 months we hope they'll share our view that the fund will be strong again" (bottom left, page 30)

But it didn't work out .. as I've oft' posted, we've lost 42%/$177m to date!

Of course, it's the market - but if the fund went up in value, would it be the management?

Interestingly, last weeks "4 Corners" included a comment from KodaMentha in relation to this very issue and developers - when things go wrong there's always someone else to blame.
NAB Court Action Against McIvor - back in Court on the 10th of April...

Does anyone have details of the order issued as result of the action by NAB last week...
Can anyone at Korda's please expin...... Equititrust's prized office at Chevron is supposed to be in the possession of the Banks receivers Korda's, yet the RATS MCIVOR AND HIS TEAM OF VERMON are still ensconced making their way in and out without restrictions except maybe for the fact that they are using the back stairs near the car park.

This is a joke, why are the rats running up the back stairs... How Pathetic...
No respect for the law

How can these idiots be allowed to continue to break the law. Firstly they don't fill in the personal assets statement forms required by law and now they are roaming the halls of Equititrust... The only thing they will find there is a few of their own kind.... Good for Nothing Rats...
At what point does the Administraitor fulfill his obligations and stops his buddy relationship with McIvor and demands he vacate the office and fill in the personal asset statement...

This is a joke, how could the Administraitor let this slide and now claim $600,000 in fees. The moment McIvor and his fellow stooges didn't fill out those forms it should have been reported to ASIC. McIvor has also thumbed his nose at the court appointed receiver to the funds David Whyte. When will ASIC step in and charge this delusional idiot. It has to stop, McIvor has only caused loss and misery to people and he's hell bent on causing as much damage as possible... Just because he is going down does not mean he can take everyone down with him.

The cockroaches have to be legally Baygoned and soon... This interference and complete disregard for investors has to stop. McIvor has shown no remorse whatsoever and as has been revealed stripped the funds for his own personal benefit and to add further insult to injury indebted the funds incurred massive losses and then tried to hide them...

Changing the constitution without investors knowledge as outlined by the ASIC search warrant will lead to charges...

He should be banned for life...

Whichever way you look at it, Equititrust will be liquidated and then the fun will start... The Public Examinations will be interesting stuff, that is if McIvor even turns up... ASIC will I'm sure be paying particular attention to the evidence McIvor gives whilst in the witness box...
Public Examination - Modern Day Public Stocks

Knowing the temerity of McIvor anything is possible, however it does seem increasingly likely that he will face the wrath of the legal system that he once used and abused in the not too distant future...

If the company is placed in Liquidation on Friday, the Public examinations will soon follow considering the malfeasance already uncovered...

There is a lot lot more yet to be uncovered... The revelations will be astounding as there is evidence that will be presented to the court which has not come to light yet... McIvor never thought this would come back to bite him on the ass...

It's been a long time coming but the time has finally come for this to come out...
Re: Public Examination - Modern Day Public Stocks


If Equitinotrust is put into liquidation, where does Hall Chadwick figure. Does that me a new RE will take charge? Does that mean that Narky Marky will have his subordinated units converted to ordinary units and will then peel off between $11-15mil of the remaining funds. MORE IMPORTANTLY DOES THAT ME THAT HALL CHADWICK AS LIQUIDATORS CAN MAKE THE DECISION THEMSELVES TO APPOINT VAX LION ADVANTAGE AS THE NEW ENTITY AND DO THE VERY THING MCIVOR AND HIS COHORTS PLANNED ALL ALONG.

I feel a shafting coming on
The Balmain Aqua Mezzanine Debt Pool

I'm just trying to trace the money trail from the odd balmain fund (Trust Company (RE Services" Ltd. as RE) and find that as at 31 December 2011, $59.907m and as at 30 June 2011, $75.593m were transferred to the Balmain Aqua Mezzanine Debt Pool. (see Note 5, page 9) signed accounts 31 Dec 11.pdf

A check of the Balmain Aqua Mezzanine Debt Pool reveals that it was deregistered on 15 April 2011!!

How is it possible to make investments with a trust that's deregistered?
Questions for Hall Chadwick

1) how did you become to be introduced to Equititrust? Is it not a fact that a paid consultant of Equititrust, also a former client, who lost the company millions and whom you acted for in a Deed of Arrangement did introduce you to this project?
2) is it not a fact that you did consult with this person together with the current directors in their preparation of the proposal put forward by joint Equititrust director Hickie and his VAX Lion advantage entity? HOW is this not a conflict of interest?
3) does the issues raised in points 1and2 constitute a conflict of interest?
4) why have you not insisted on the directors providing their personal financial statements? Why have you not done so before calling the creditors meeting?
5) have you commenced the appropriate legal proceedings that would compell HICKIE, HONEYMAN AND MCIVOR to do so.
6) STATE FOR THE RECORD YOUR VIEWS ON HICKIE BEING ON BOTH BOARDS, that of the current RE and that of the proposed alternative RE, is it a conflict of interest?
7) how can you be seen to be independent when you can't even press these directors to comply with their legal obligations now? How can the unit holders be expected to trust that you, Mcivors paid VA, and weapon of choice would in fact turn on your masters and proceed against them to the fullest extent of the law? is it not a fact they chose you as the soft option in anticipation of a pass. SAY IT ISN'T SO!!

You are required to respond to these questions if not now THEN CERTAINLY AT THE MEETING ON FRIDAY WHERE YOUR ANSWERS WILL BE MINUTED.
You won't be taking control of this meeting, and you certainly won't be shutting down the floor like last time... Plenty of us have lawyers with us this time. I would seriously think your resignation is not that far away,,,I'm sure ASIC will be looking closely at every ones role here.

One last thing,,,,, what's the real game here? To help the disadvantaged and beleaguered unit holders, or to get control of the assets and strip them out....ASIC put BDO in there to do the first proposal and to date a great job has been done. Where does Hall Chadwick and the Hickie/Mcivor team figure here?
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