What a Load of Crap
What a steaming
load of crap... When you compare this report to
David Whyte's professional report you really have to laugh...
Copying and pasting Piper Alderman's Letter of November 11 2011 is
very amateurish... Go back to school guys... You would
never get a job at BDO...
No Possible Change in the RE
Effectively though is it acknowledged that the change in the RE
has absolutely no chance and that
ASIC and the
Supreme Court would ultimately have to approve ANY CHANGE... It is also acknowledged that Lying Advantage
has no chance.
What is interesting though is the fact that all 3 proposal letters respond by stating that the
Administraitor was the one seeking the proposals not the other way around so in effect
wasting time and money and racking up fees...
NO Payment for the Adminsitraitor
The Adminsitraitor
should not be paid a cent and ALL their fees challenged... NO one needs them, David Whyte is there and it may be a case of applying to the court to get these
infectious leeches off the back of retiree investor's.... The Adminsitraitor did not achieve one thing except rack up
$600,000 + GST in fees. They have been nothing but a
hindrance and
waste of money...
They have pushed
McIvor's delusional plans along knowing full well that ASIC and the Court will never allow a change in the RE, yet wasted time and money by playing along with Hickie and seeking proposals from Balmain and Trilogy whilst know full well
this would never fly. This was a money making exercise for the Administraitor whilst placating their deluded benefactor McIvor... They knew full well from the outset that
McIvor was nuts and that they had nothing to lose by playing along and then in the end saying ah....., well....., ASIC and the Court have to approve it....
Its a joke. They knew this from the outset but thought well lets
make some money out of it while we can... This has been a disgraceful rip off and all concerned should make a complaint to
ASIC to have the Adminsitraitor's made an example of. This was nothing more than
OPPORTUNISTIC GREED on their behalf...
It seems an
investigation by ASIC into the Administraitor is warranted especially considering the fees that have racked up to date... This is a disgrace and any decent company would never have raped elderly retired investors like this...
http://www.equititrust.com.au/Pdfs/...eports - 20120412 - Circular to Creditors.pdf