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Good work M41 - David Whyte is right onto this.

The emails and Minutes uplifted onto this website show 100% that the scheme to rpelace the RE was (is still?) on and that Hall Chadwick, McIvor and the Board (Hickie) were neck deep in it.....

Nick Nicholls is part of the way there - he should interview Ian Craig at the NSX, David Hickie and Niall Cohburn of ASIC - and get some more in depth stuff......

well done, M41.
Great Work M 41

Great Work M 41... The only problem now is McIvor will be pissed off at Nick Nicholls

Nick better watch himself now as the delusional one will consider him a sworn enemy

In any event the article is real and damning of the scam that "All Barren" and McIvor are trying to perpetrate...
Silence Chirp Chirp

The silence from the Administraitor is now deadly... The "Gold Coast Bulletin Article" has exposed their scam even more... The publishing of the article on this website will cause more exposure nationally...

Will the meeting even be held or will they go down burning in flames at the behest of their sponsor McIvor... Whichever way, if a meeting is held it will be hostile in the extreme after this scam was exposed by David Whyte and Kostag on this thread.

Full credit has to go to Kostag for publishing the emails and minutes of their dirty little scam to rip off the weak and elderly...

David Whyte's efforts to date have been exemplary and he can be seen as a true ally of the investor's ripped off by McIvor.

if DAVID WHYTE AND THE WHITE HATS continue doing their job - these bandits will be pulled up.

I can assure you that two INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS have been interviewing parties and are building material - you can only imagine from this web site the sort of material they have - family members, former girlfriends, business partners, lenders, staff, exec. staff, Borrowers, professional advisers, potential partners, neighbours, tenants, investors..... hell, they can make a mini series out of this one!

I think a move from Cronin Island to north north west Qlsd might be the order of the day.

if this change of RE scam comes off - there will be media hell to pay!

VANTAGE may as well save paying their re-listing fees - it will be a pariah like WELLINGTON PIF etc .....


It is a fact that Investigative Journalists are on this at the moment as it is a massive loss and the machinations about the change in RE have raised more than a few eyebrows...

How much money has been squandered by these egomaniacal sociopath's....well we are about to find out and very soon. Creditors meeting tomorrow should be revealing but not as revealing as the continuing INVESTIGATIONS into club Mcivor. Seems Narky Marky has been tossed from the Equititrust Bunker,, umm can't pay the bills. EMBARRASSING but he is still scheming in the back ground. Now Korda's entertaining offers on the building.... Has anyone seen an auction board go up?? No .... now is that weird, must be the old get a "PNG mate to buy the mortgage" and presto Equitinotrust is back but this time with Mr Persona non gratis the right royal, aways attractive in a halloween mask kind of way, the King of **** FIGHTING and the self appointed official speaker of the PNG people ..... Give it up forrrrr....KIRK WILLIAM ROBERTS......Now word is that KIRK has taken over Narky's business..... even scheming to punt tricky Hickie to the kerb.

Now honestly how can Hall Chadwick seriously entertain supporting this tragic effigy of Queensland Inc. these clowns are eating each other just imagine what they will do with fresh!! Well they should all start planning for a dose of indigestion. Im told the unit holders meeting should be in approx 21 days plus 5 so watch out for the Tsunami of Grey Voters. The warning has been posted. there any one you haven't pissed off? The court dockets are filled with your matters. Bank after bank all lined up, and then there's the family. Seems every one of them including the in laws have their bags packed just waiting for the sheriff's knock on the door. Well have you asked yourself how many of your family... the unit holders you have done this to? Interesting that your even in court fighting over the furniture. Must be some furniture if you needed a Silk to represent you.

Wake up sport, no one likes you, you are quite possibly the most despised person in QLD right up there with.... no your at the top, and you are keeping good company. You deserve another go........... Kidding.
Your like that dreaded cockroach the one that's on it's back with most of its legs missing, still spinning on the spot spreading germs. Well ASIC, the FED'S, BDO, Ferriers, Korda's Westpac, BOSI, BOQ, NAB, COM BANK, your estranged family members, ex directors, employees, and the unit holders are all packing BAYGON buster!!!! The end is nigh.
Organic Method

Baygon, Mortein they are all effeective cockroach killers, however the old stomp of the foot that will be felt at the unit holders meeting will be the most organic method of crushing this despicable cockroach...

Fighting over the furniture??? What next from this idiot...

The Adminsitraitor must be insane if they are even thinking of pushing this madness on the innocent retiree investors. If they try they will also fall prey to the on your back like a cockroach spreading germs comparison...

Have no fear enough BAYGON for all...

Word 75 may have come up with a symbol of protest for the long suffering retiree investors...

Maybe the investors should each bring a can to the meeting to get the message across to McIvor and the Administraitor...

HALL CHADWICK would want to consider their options here closely. The Liar Advantage option as proposed is being tabled as an IM that is as an Information Memorandum prepared by Tricky and Ross. This document is nothing more than Snake Oil pretending to be Perfume. There is no substance to any of the components mearly window dressing so to satisfy the NSX requirements for re quoting and to lull everyone into the false belief that these Kings of Con can somehow turn the Titanic around. To impress you much will be made of the individual elements such as their ability to manage capital ... money, and Assets.... Property,,,,,, OH PLEASE, they cant pay their own bills now and they think we are going to give them our PIGGY BANK. Not on ASICS watch.

No scrutiny or due dilegence will be given as to the veracity of their claims, there won't be independent valuations of the assets or the proposed shares and by the time we see the proposal many of the PARTS will have fallen through the gaping holes in ths tub such as Titanium which is rumoured to be pulling out and going in another direction.

So why change the RE one asks? Well Narky Mark gets his hands on $12-15mil of OUR money with the conversion of his subordinated units and that's on top of the $4.4mil approx for his regular home grown units that we all have. Oh and he gets us by Stealth,,,,seems a winner to me, though not for us.

This Den of Disaster is about to trott out some names as the Face of Reason and one have genuine propriety but that is just the same as putting plump strawberries on the top of the punnet filled with rotten fruit. Don't be fooled...again. This is still a corpse and mascara won't bring it back to life.

So why are Hall Chadwick doing his, I can think of 2.8 million reasons.

With all the David's featuring in this theatrical tragedy it was interesting to see David Kennedy get up in court and rub your nose in it. Must have been painful for you in your last days at Chevron staring out of your office and watching the development site opposite slide out from under your hands. Seems he played you well, just imagine what he must be doing now with impunity and the score card reading TKO.

Any way shonks, bring it on, the GREY ARMY have stacked up on Baygon and there's plenty to go round.

By the way, the BDO management have handled us properly and part return of funds are likely in the short term, that's good news, sad that your 10million units see's you back in funds. Let's hope the many receivers and liquidators sitting over you get to grab those funds... Now that would be comforting.

For the attention of investors in the PFMF (and any other interested party), please find excerpts of the mid-term 2012 return at:

ASIC only released the document for purchase yesterday (29 days after lodgement), and Trilogy has not released same (as at the time of writing this message).

There's a hell of lot of accrued interest written off - a recently purchased unit on the Gold Coast lost TWENTY FIVE PERCENT in the six month period to 31 December 2011.

Trilogy's purchase of the (about) $500k unit transformed what was once a $1b fund into a "GROUP" - not a joke, it's for real.

The fund lost $68.8m in SIX MONTHS!!!!!
Re: Meeting ???

Word 75 mentioned a "creditors meeting tomorrow............" last night! That would refer to TODAY!!!???

Led to believe a creditors meeting!!! Maybe a ring a round to the receivers and BDO COULD SHED MORE LIGHT..
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