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Re: Gold Coast Bulletin Article

Has anybody been able to get a copy of the Article detailed below...

Financials Not Completed

Where are the financials that McIvor promised ??? Another Lie that the Administraitor is aiding and abetting... A company that cannot produce financials must be liquidated...

How many times have they been promised... Why is the Administraitor not providing complete audited financials to the end of 2011 let alone the half year to 2012 ???

The figures were hidden because of the nightmare numbers involved and they are still trying to dodge the release of these accounts...
Re: Gold Coast Bulletin Article

The article below in the GOLD COAST BULLETIN revealing their scam has been a further massive blow to McIvor and the Administraitor. The upcoming meeting will be hostile to say the least... Lots of rotten fruit being thrown at the culprits of this scam be the order of the day...

I have given Nick Nichols a lot of flack about the reporting of this disaster but it seems he has FINALLY seen the light and supported the investors in exposing this scam. His interview with David Whyte is essential reading... Don't think Marky boy and "All Barren" will be happy with this little interview...

David Whyte has well and truly thumped them again and deservedly so...


Just like the PFMF under Trilogy's management:

And we haven't received a copy of the financials either:
(lodged with ASIC on 15 March 2012 but "not available")

Same goes for Trilogy's Healthcare REIT fund (down to $0.18 as at 30 June 2011):

The losses keep on coming.
McIvor's Father in the Firing Line Now

NAB is really going for the jugular and has filed Court Proceedings for the Recovery Of Possession Of Property in the Supreme court...

How embarrassing, was daddy holding property for Marky on a dodgy basis???

Catching them all one by one it seems and about time... Like a Shakespearean tragedy or comedy...
Mummy in Trouble Too

McIvor's Mother is also in the firing line and has lodged an application for an injunction trying to stop Westpac taking her home... (Well we all know Mcivor is behind this not his mother)

Boy oh boy the banks it seems have had enough of the miserable McIvor's and are about to sink their teeth into the jugular for good. All the relatives fed off the blood and sweat of innocent investor's and didn't give a damn where the money came from, they just led lives of luxury while fronting for McIvor... Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch...

Adios McIvor's time to get kicked out of your homes which retiree investor's paid for...
Any Pets

Do the McIvor's own any pets, they maybe holding some property assets as well...

This is now not a Personal Financial meltdown for McIvor it is "Financial Armageddon"

The banks have launched an onslaught that is analogous to the "Blitz" on the McIvor's and will take this all the way to Bankruptcy...

Dirty Deals and They're Done Dirt Cheap...
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

If these idiots think the bank onslaught is horrendous, it is nothing compared to the onslaught that will now be launched by investor's on the Change of RE Scam and it perpetrators McIvor, Dickie Hickie and their mercenary the Administraitor.

The Gold Coast Bulletin Article is just the catalyst of much much more to come, Local and Federal MP's have been lobbied to look into this scam. The National Media have also been primed to pounce the moment this "filthy dirty scam" is pushed on the weak and innocent retiree's who are on their knee's already...

You idiots are now well and truly in the cross hairs and I really hope you Punks try it on... Go Ahead, make my day... It will be an absolute pleasure to expose you even more if that's the kind of punishment you want.

There is a solution to this and one is extremely painful and the other pleasurable... But knowing the delusion that is driving this madness and trickery it looks like pain is what you will get when you go for the final attack on the elderly...

See you at the meeting, that's if it is even held...
Delusional Idiot

Remember when the delusional idiot posted this on the website on the 22nd of December 2011. He forgot to mention he was going to appoint a "friendly" AdminisTraitor and try and shaft innocent elderly investors to the tune of $15.3M.

David Whyte
He didn't count on having a formidable "honest" receiver like David Whyte to contend with did he? Both McIvor and "All Barren" have been well and truly exposed by David Whyte... How they can show their faces at the meeting is beyond comprehension... The question now is, will the meeting be held at all considering whats going on behind the scenes with McIvor's personal financial meltdown... With all this going on how can the administraitors get instructions from their benefactor McIvor...

The silence coming from the Administraitor since David Whyte exposed them and put them on the spot is remarkable... If there is no scam, yell it out from the roof tops and declare your innocence... If there is a scam and they have been caught out, the best course of action from their point of view is to remain silent... DELUSIONAL... They are deer's frozen in the headlights...

We will not let you go, if it takes a 24/7 effort to expose this scam to the whole country, you will NEVER get away with it in this lifetime... Year End Investor Message.pdf
Do you know which date? I had a look through Fri and Sat and could not find it.
Gold Coast Bulletin Article

It may have been in the GC Bulletin on Thursday...
HALL CHADWICK are not doing nothing

all have gone silent because they know that to say anything now will bring attention..,. their only hope is to slip one past, then claim legitimacy of numbers (google albarran and hellier capital for some insight) they are all quitely working behind the scenes to shore up numbers....Hickey is frantically trying to get the NSX to re-list the failed ship ..........BUT these guys might just get there and get their big McIvor bonus.....

dont rule these guys out

if they get up on the day - a whole new series of attacks including media, Current Affair, Today Tonight and the Barry boys will start.... this is a long long way from over yet

and wait till the Borrowers who were promised much and short chnaged, start their legal actions - dont rule out Lazar, King Con and the Meridien boys... whom from what I hear are well down the track.... Quinlivan has much to tell about fees and payments, dont you worry - ASIC will have a field day

and to rule out David Tucker would also be a big mistake..... he for one knows where all the skeletons are .... big mistake to shaft him!!!

so many enemies and so little time......

Re: HALL CHADWICK are not doing nothing

Tricky are you still having trouble raising the $500k needed to re list VAXNow chicken man has pulled the pin? By now Christian Bros must be reconsidering their $100k investment in this rotten little venture of yours as the press seek answers from them too.

Why would they want to be seen to be involved in another Mcivor led conspiracy to rob the remaining life savings of "Old People"

You may have overlooked your own issues in this little scheme, it's one thing to be a director of Equititrust and let's face it a conflict of interest and bad timing, but you have been paid by Mcivor's entities to create this scheme with funds that will no doubt be traced back to Equititrust. What will this mean for your new venture? Well the tainted money trail leads the receivers and authorities straight to your door. It also means that anything business or related assets that derive from those funds are the ultimate assets of the receivers of Equititrust and by that virtue could flow to the unit holders.

I'm sure the receivers are doing a tracing as we would expect.

Can somebody please explain to us how Mcivor or his many related entities's interest in any units subordinated or otherwise can be voted on by him or his cronies. I ask this because a interlocatary injunctions benefiting the secured mortgagees would under an all debts clause freeze such assets. An order would seek to preserve all assets, such that they can not be dealt with disposed of or in anyway transferred you get the gist.

Now if in fact the many banks and receivers have sought such orders or have been granted such orders then I would think he has difficulty pressing his claims on Friday. He will also be restrained from using his numbers at the next meeting when ever that is, to bulldoze through his grubby scheme. Surely Hall Chadwick would also be hard pressed to vote his subordinated units in this case.

Maybe more will be revealed by HALL CHADWICK when they finally put pen to paper, let's face it these are quite pertinent questions I would think.
If Whyte is appointed (as receiver) to realize the assets of the fund, then I'd guess the fund is being wound up. In which case the subordinated investment (Capital Warranty Investment) ranks after investors in any event.

If it is the case that the fund is being wound up, a change in management (if any) would seemingly have no impact on the order of payout:-
1. Creditors
2. Investors
3. Subordinated Investment Investor
4. All Investors

PDS (now withdrawn):

"12.12 Winding up
In the winding up of the Fund the realisation of the assets of the Fund will be applied in the following priority:
(a) must apply the assets of the Fund, or the proceeds of their realisation, to pay any liabilities (excluding liabilities to investors); then
(b) pay to investors (excluding the Capital Warranty Investment investor) the sum equivalent to their issue price for their units;
(c) pay to the Capital Warranty Investment investor the sum equivalent to their issue price for their Capital Warranty Investment units; and thereafter
(d) distribute the remaining assets or the net proceeds to all investors in proportion to the number of interests of which they are the registered holder on the date of termination of the Fund."
Silence Chirp Chirp

"All Barren",Mcivor and Tricky Dickie have been caught out and they don't know what to do... They know now that even the Gold Coast Bulletin hates their guts... Full credit to Nick Nicholls for exposing the scam by interviewing David Whyte...

McIvor has to make a reappearance in court on the 10th of April, the banks are keeping him busy thats for sure...

The silence from "All Barren" though is now comedic...
McIvor Fronts Court Today

Another day another court appearance for McIvor... This one though is to front NAB and could be a precursor of things to come... A very ominous day indeed. NAB's court action seems very serious. This is the 3rd time before the court since the 2nd of of April...
Could the end be nigh for the delusional one or will he tell the court he will come up with the money once he converts his subordinated units via his good buddy the administraitor
NAB Court Action Against McIvor - back in Court on the 10th of April...

Will NAB deliver the "Knock out Blow" today and start the domino's falling all the way to McIvor's Bankruptcy...

This is one serious court action...
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