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NAB going for the Jugular

NAB only filed the application on the 29th of March and is straight to court on the 2nd of April, back again on the 5th of April and now again on the 10th of April.


Is this an application for summary judgement or something to do with the preservation of ASSETS ???

Administraitor's Deception

Not to forget our despicable friend the Administraitor...

Its like a teacher asking if the homework has been done...


Nothing on the Equititrust Website... What's wrong "All Barren", has the personal Armageddon engulfing of your sponsor messed things up?

Are you still friends or have you too fallen victim to a fall out with Marky Boy? Don't feel special he falls out with everyone, ask his former board, friends and family...

An answer would be nice though... Are you proposing to help McIvor trouser 11.3M to 15.3M to the detriment of ordinary investors as David Whyte has outlined in his report??? Now we know that David Whyte's revelations have made you like a deer in the headlights but the longer your silence lingers the stench of this rotten scam just keeps getting worse...
Dear Mr NoTrust

As I stated before I am extremely new to this sort of terminology. I am aware that through circumstance what has happens has affected/ is affecting our family.

It would appears Mr McIvor cultivated a relationship with a relative and the said relative believed Mr McIvor was a mate. It now appears we are trying to wade through this debacle.

Could you sum up the position as it stands as you seem to have deeper understandings than us.

We believed the insolvency bloke was selling the company assets and we would get a diminished percentage of what was left.

Has Mr McIvor somehow managed another scam?
David Whyte BDO Australia - Report

The scam I am referring to is detailed in David Whyte's report below. - 20120327 - 3rd Report to Investors.pdf

Investors would be mad to go for anything which changes the responsible entity. David Whyte is ASIC and Court appointed and has been doing an excellent job to date in exposing both McIvor and the Administraitor.

Let David Whyte do his mandated job and return whats left to the investors... Remember that the Administraitor was appointed by McIvor and despite his protestations of independence has not answered David Whytes question as to why he is backing a plan that could give McIvor a $11.3M to $15.3M windfall to the detriment of ordinary investors... They have lost all credibility now and unless an adequate answer is given the Administraitors will find themselves in the cross hairs of ASIC.

Complaints about the Adminsitraitor's actions to date have already ben referred to ASIC... How on earth can "All Barren" make outlandish statements at the first meeting about changing the RE without explaining the risk to ordinary investors... David Whyte was 100% right in slamming him about this in his report.

The claim of 2.8M in management fees is another matter which the Administraitor should be ashamed of. In front of the investors they put on one face and behind the scenes they are just doing McIvor's dirty bidding by asking for these waived fees to be paid. Again David Whyte exposes and outlines this in his report and asks both McIvor and "All Barren" to respond... All David Whyte gets is silence from the other end... Absolutely disgusting stuff...

But in case the Adminsitraitor thinks investors are all idiots I encourage all investors to complain to ASIC about the actions of the Adminstraitor to date... How hard is it to answer a question. Pretty hard if you are hiding something...

McIvor didn't release the financials in the dying days (despite pressure from me on this thread) because of the nightmare numbers so when his paid mercenary won't answer pertinent question to ASIC and the Court Appointed receiver then you can only imagine what they were scheming.

I think that David Whyte has most likely made ASIC aware of the situation.
NAB going for the Jugular

Is NAB applying for a Mareva Injunction to freeze the Miserable McIvor's Assets's... Something serious is going on thats for SURE... Its back to court on the 10th of April... So not a pleasant Easter Weekend at the "Miserable McIvor's"

A travel ban on both of them might be a good idea... Maybe ASIC is already working on that...

Who is representing McIvor in the NAB action or is he self represented... Is he such a liability now that no one will represent him...

Maybe legal aid will be the next option, they might be able to provide him a poverty pack deal... Oh how the mighty have fallen...
Having been involved with another of these as I understand it the action against PI Insurers cannot win because as soon as there is a sniff of a problem with ASIC they cancel the insurance and thus their defence is "Our insurance was not in place when all this came out"
Class Action

The situation is a little different here in that the policy was in place whilst the directors malfeasance occurred. Piper Alderman have also taken advice on this matter otherwise they would not have secured funding for the action.

Investors have nothing to lose by participating in this class action as it does not cost them anything upfront. It will also not affect any return from the sale of assets by David Whyte. It will in effect enhance their return whilst not having to fund an expensive legal claim...
Come on "All Barren" where are you...

Seriously we know hard it must be to try and cook up an answer to David Whyte's questions but the silence and lack of a response to the innocent elderly investors and David Whyte himself is now becoming a disconcerting and we are worried about your welfare / state of mind... Come on poor "Deer in the headlights" its ok just answer the question. Why should there be a change in the RE and why should the management fee be paid when it was waived??? Why is something being pushed to the detriment of ordinary elderly investors???

The whole of Australia is watching a floundering Administraitor caught up in dirty scandal that David Whyte from BDO has exposed...

Don't believe me, read David Whyte's report below and come to your own conclusion. What will the Administraitor say to this, that David Whyte is not telling it as it is... The report below has delivered a knockout blow in exposing what these guys have been up to behind the scenes whilst putting on a concerned front for investor's publicly...

Is this why "All Abarren" and his cohorts have been so silent... These idiots have well and truly been caught with their pants around their anckles...

Read Page 4 and 6 - 20120327 - 3rd Report to Investors.pdf
Re: Class Action

We have been contacted about the class action.

Not sure how to proceed however.

Solicitor has mentioned how difficult will be to get money out of them. We understand if they are successful that they will take a percentage of the winnings.

What happens if Piper Alderman fail? Who pays them in that case? We are skeptical that they would altruistically fund this exercise themselves. Is there a clause in the class action where they can recover their costs from the investors should the proposed class action against the insurers fail to succeed? Or are they gambling on the fact they they believe they will be successful?

I suppose it is an extreme understatement to express how disappointed, annoyed and angry we are with the slimy and sneaky Mark McIvor and his cronies. How can people act this way and go about their lives?
Class Action

If the class action fails investors do not have to pay a cent. Thats why the lawyers and the funder take a percentage, they are assuming all the risk...

I would discuss the matter with Amanda Banton directly and she can explain it to you. She has been very helpful to investors in explaining how the action will proceed.
The forgotten Ones

Remember these people McIvor / "All Barren" ??? Or are you just waiting for them to die so that they are no longer a nuisance to you...

Well you two "idiots" they will fight back just as hard. You want to scam them they will take you down in the same manner by exposing your scam for the whole country to see...

The crap that has been fed to investor's over the past year is mind boggling, just watch the video below where Kennedy has to disclose that proper valuations had not been done...

Now we have "Tricky Dicky Hickie" with a major conflict of interest attempting to scam investor's with the administraitor...

Don't think so guys, the days of greed are over... Leave the job to David Whyte. His performance has been exemplary to date, especially exposing the change of RE scam...

David Whyte has effectively set them up and then set off a nuclear device under their despicable scam...
Mr NoTrust thank you so very much...this is the sort of info we have been seeking.

I have just spent the past few hours reading everything on this thread. Deeply appreciate you keeping the fight visible and up to date.

To McIvor (you do not deserve to be titled Mr) and Barren... shame , shame shame. As more information comes to light as to what you did to my beloved in-laws, the more I despise you. All this nastiness for material status...I hope your downfall is as humiliating as it can possibly be. I hope the devil gives you a nice shafting when your time comes to meet with him.
M41 Its a pleasure, the thread is interesting reading front start to end. A lot of the credit also has to go to Kostag who started this thread and has been relentless in his fight for the investors...

You can see the attacks we have weathered here in an attempt by McIvor to hide the truth. He has failed though and as you can see we have revealed a lot on this thread which the media has carried nationally.

So when the Administraitor says that the anonymous posts on this thread carry no credibility he is delusional... Why doesn't he just answer David Whyte's questions as I have highlighted here on innumerous occassions... The fact is "All Barren" by keeping his mouth shut at the behest of McIvor, his sponsor, has lost all credibility and might lose a lot more if he does not fully inform the investors of the ramifications of a change in the RE... Its not me driving this transparency, its David Whyte the Court and ASIC appointed receiver and I support his actions on this matter wholeheartedly...

David Whyte has cornered them and like rats and they don't know where to run for cover... They despise David Whyte as he has circumvented their scam via a "friendly" administraitor. They cannot in a million years claim independence when this kind of crap is going on behind the scenes which clearly shows full support for McIvor to the detriment of ordinary investors...

This is text book case of being caught red handed and our thanks must go to David Whyte for exposing both McIvor and the Administraitor.

Tick Tock

Less than 48 hours before McIvor's next court appearance before the Supreme Court in Brisbane... NAB are pulling out the big guns, this will be the 3rd court date on this matter in a week and a half... WHAT IS GOING ON???? Its looking deadly serious and very ominous indeed...

Have NAB discovered something??? Has Marky been a naughty boy
Gold Coast Bulletin Article

There was an Article in the Gold Coast Bulletin where Nick Nichols FINALLY stepped up to the plate and interviewed David Whyte and exposed the scam that was about to be perpetrated by McIvor and the Administraitor regarding the RE...

It was not posted on the GC Bulletin Website, can someone cut it out, scan it and post it on this thread as it is an extremely critical article where the GC Bulletin has even exposed the scam...

Looks like Nick Nichols is even putting the boot into McIvor for trying on this scam.

David Whyte's comments in the article are damning
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