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David Whyte BDO Australia - Report

Full Credit to David Whyte for taking these idiots on and protecting the investors...
Re: Trilogy's Stellar Performance

I forgot to put in unitholder equity as at 30 June 2011 - however, given that the asset was valued at $4.1m (cost about $9m), $600k down with a sale price of $3.5m, and given the ongoing costs (facility interest, rates, land tax (unless it was put out for agistment - joke Joyce) and other costs), there probably isn't any in any event - especially since rental income was only derived up to some time in September 2011. It seems to me that the bank is finding comfort in what remains of investor equity, while investors are unlikely to find any level of comfort.
Favourite Song

What's the Administraitor's favourite song?? The Sound of Silence

Come on "All Barren" answer David Whyte's question about the RE...

Now if the situation were reversed "All Barren" would never take a deal like the one he is trying to force down investor's throats... Why change the RE again ??? Oh that's right so your puppet master McIvor can reap anywhere between 11.3M and 15.3M to the detriment of ordinary retiree investors...

Losing credibility by the day...
Re: Favourite Song

How much notice is he supposed to give us of the meeting date? Shouldn't we have heard by now? Do realise he is a busy man - but rules are rules! JOKE!

After all, we will need time to study the proposal at length! ANOTHER JOKE!
Re: Favourite Song

How much notice is he supposed to give us of the meeting date? Shouldn't we have heard by now? Do realise he is a busy man - but rules are rules! JOKE!

After all, we will need time to study the proposal at length! ANOTHER JOKE!

P.S. Just checked back and the meeting "can be up to and including Friday 13th 2012, or within 5 business days after the end of the convening period". Copy of the report to be received prior to the meeting!!


The silence from the Administraitor is deafening... Is there a crisis ???

Compare the disclosure from David Whyte to the Administraitor... David Whyte has provided comprehensive reports in a timely manner "All Barren" has provided nothing on an interim basis which is substantive from a financial perspective or outlines why he is asking for the "waived management fee" to be paid or why he thinks the RE needs to be changed to the detriment of innocent retiree investors...

David Whyte is waiting for an answer and so are investors... It seems the Administraitor's are soft in the underbelly when it comes to these issues...

Why doesn't McIvor speak at the Aministraitors meeting Bring your rotten fruit and tomatoes...

Don't fall for the scam that benefits the architect of this disaster... Reward McIvor by putting him on the same bench as his best mate "King Con"

That's right remember "King Con" look how that bet left investors devastated, the McIvor led change in the RE via his paid mercenary the Administraitor is another "King Con" deal...
Re: Equititrust Marky boy and Stace.... where are the stocks and rotten fruit

Poor Marky Mark, you and Stacey must feel like your an endangered species, only no one wants to save you. Most of your investors know that feeling. How did you honestly think you were going to get away with it? Enriching yourselves at the expense of so many people. You have ruined so many and you want to go on and do more of the same with your paid pals and shadow directors.

So MM was that the now disputed and phenomenally expensive furniture and art work seen leaving in back of the removalist truck the other day. It was seen high tailing off Cronin Island and on to a new abode. So what's the story there? Is that the property of the unit holders or some other creditor? The courts are soon to determine that it seems. And whats with the two Mercedes.... surely the finance company is all over them by now. Are the two of you still buds? Or are you sleeping in the car? By now some of your investors know that feeling too, though maybe not in a Mercedes.

So now that it's just you and your new PNG pals left at the office, Kirk William Roberts and Bruno, it must be painful, scheming away and trying to figure out how you and Stinky Hicky can dud us again. By now you must also be wondering when Korda's going to change the locks? It's imminent but now that there's only 3 of you left, you really dont need all that space any way and besides the electricity bill must be a killer. Oh and by the way the press like us are curious to know what your PNG folks would want with the Chevron island building anyway. Are you having another go there, didnt work out to well last time. Well I'm sure the MORTGAGEE IN POSSESSION sale board is being prepared at this moment.

Just remember the penaltities for trading insolvently are quite severe but you being a lawyer of 30 years experience you would know that. You wouldn't do that now, would you? Its ironic that you see yourself as creating a fiduciary practice in which you want to make a name for yourself, Guardian Fiduciary so you can privately prosecute white collar criminals. Are you kidding, criminals can't practice law unless it's jail house law, think about that Mcivor. The Authorities are hunting bear and you sport are in the cross hairs with your shorts around your ankles. It seems though, you are working on your insanity plea, and doing a good job of it so far. Its an upper cut sport and its about to be delivered by the " oldies " see you at the meeting......

Gerry Collins of PKF Brisbane is suing the King and Queen of Mean personally in one of the actions...

Neither McIvor nor Racey Stacey shed a tear for the innocent people they kicked out of their homes and built their shabby empire on the bones and misery of the innocent...

They were forewarned of their demise in a "Macbeth like Manner" long ago after acting in a totally immoral manner towards certain innocent people...

There is no white light shining above these two cretins... Leona Helmsley was an angel compared to these two...

Bankruptcy "IS" around the corner and deservedly so... to forum.

Our family as estate recipients are involved in this mess. Could someone update me briefly there any chance of any return at all? FIL was a victim to McIvors fast talking spiel.

This proposed class action...isn't it lawyers going after lawyers just wasting more money and then taking a percentage of what seems to be a minimal proposed return (if ever)

If the class action was successful ( are they ever really?) do they jump in front of the investors?

I have tried reading many of the posts...its difficult to discern fact from venting...which I understand now being involved.

My sincere sympathy to those of you who lost your health and life over this is a nasty situation indeed.

Fairly new too, and amateurs compared to most contributors on this who have been amazing at providing us with information we would not otherwise have.

However, our understanding is that Mr Whyte, court appointed receiver to the Fund is our best bet as he slowly sells up what is available to him.

The class action will not jump any queue as the action will be against the Directors personally and the Insurers! Obviously, this will cost unit holders who join in at least 40% up to 50% of whatever a Court might award.

Sadly, many of us will not be around by the time these multiple actions conclude! However, If we all hang in there, some of us might just see the fast talking B....... get his just desserts!
The Miserable McIvor's

Here we have the Miserable McIvor's in the midst of a personal financial MELTDOWN and the investors are meant to take their paid mercenary the administraitor seriously as he prepared to take elderly investors down like lambs to the slaughter...

These are desperate people who will now do anything to try and save their arses including pushing a share scam / change of RE.

The AdminisTraitor is very very quiet at the moment. Is the personal financial meltdown of his benefactor got something to do with his silence or are there other "MORE OMINOUS" factors in play at the moment...

Expect the attacks to come in fast and thick over the next week, The QLD SUPREME COURT will be a busy place...
Answer David Whyte

Come on "All Barren" answer David Whyte's question about the change of the RE...

Your so so quiet lately, what's up, it's not a difficult question to answer... Poor baby do you need some help with this one...

Watch what happens over the next few weeks you idiots, investors are not stupid and will never let McIvor rip them off again...
Bank's suing the McIvor's

It looks like the banks are now enforcing their security and suing the miserable McIvor's under their personal guarantees. So they are not even masters of their personal domain. There must be a huge shortfall from the fire sale of assets...

Don't worry Marky and Stacey "King Con" has been warming the Bankruptcy Bench for you...

Reap what you sow... Adios King and Queen of mean
NAB Court Action Against McIvor - back in Court on the 10th of April...

2957/12 M.M. HOLDINGS PTY LTD & another -V- MCIVOR Supreme Originated in Currently in Proceeding type Date filed Next listing
Brisbane Brisbane Originating Application-Directions 29/03/2012 10/04/2012

PartiesLast/Company name First name ACN Party role Representative
MCIVOR MARK Respondent
EventsDate Event type Diary Type Resource Result
2/04/2012 Application Applications (Judge) Wilson J, MA Order
5/04/2012 Application Applications (Judge) Wilson J, MA Adjourned After Commencement
10/04/2012 Application Applications (Judge)
10/04/2012 Application Applications (Judge)
DocumentsDoc no Date filed Document type Document description Filed on behalf of Pages
1 29/03/2012 Application (Originating) Applicant
4 2/04/2012 Affidavit OF R J TRUE EXH RJT1 Applicant
5 3/04/2012 Affidavit G M MOLONEY + EXH 'GMM-1' Applicant
6 3/04/2012 Application Directions Applicant
7 2/04/2012 Affidavit OF G.M.MOLONEY & EXH GMM-1 Applicant
8 2/04/2012 Draft Order JUSTICE M WILSON Registrar
9 2/04/2012 Order JUSTICE M WILSON Registrar
10 4/04/2012 Affidavit OF R.J.TRUE & EXH RJT-1 Applicant
11 4/04/2012 Affidavit of Service (Other) OF A.J.ELS Applicant
12 4/04/2012 Draft Order JUSTICE M WILSON 4/4/12 Applicant
13 4/04/2012 Order JUSTICE M WILSON 4/4/12 Applicant
14 4/04/2012 Application Directions Applicant
15 5/04/2012 Affidavit OF R.J.TRUE RJT-3 Applicant
16 5/04/2012 Affidavit OF M.MCIVOR & EXH MM1 Applicant
Where are the Lawyers Marky Boy

It it clear from the above extract that the legal onslaught has begun... But where are poor Marky's lawyers Is he so down and pathetic that he is now self defended and can't affford legal representation... KARMA IS A BITCH
Tick Tock

It seems that the McIvor's are an "endangered species" with an Armageddon scenario now engulfing their lives...

Something for both of them to reflect on :


The Golden Rule (Mt 7:12)

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Remember when "innocent hard working people" were kicked out of their home and their lives tormented by the both of you... Well now you both understand how the universe works...
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