I have no problem with people for whom English is not their first language but there are situations where getting it right is important.
I’ve had cause to look at various websites for the sort of businesses I wouldn’t normally deal with recently and to be blunt many are outright appalling given they’re a first point of contact for businesses selling to the general public.
I’m going on the basis that if someone can’t spell the word “blinds” then they’re not the sort of business I need to be buying blinds from. Etc.
I’m truly amazed at the seeming inability to produce a website in decent English. I don’t mean complex words, just basic stuff like grammatically correct sentences would be sufficient.
I think I’ve found a supplier of something, then I see their website and decide to give them a miss. If the website, that is their own advertising and first impression, is shoddy then I can only assume everything else about the business is much the same or worse.