Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Engin VoiP provider - household name?

10 January 2006
It seems the question of 'household name' is coming under fire in the eng-engin ltd thread.

I'm not sure where Duckman#72 resides.....not that it should matter...but he seems to be having difficulty with my comment that Engin is 'practically' a household name.

They are the leaders in Australia's VoiP industry....Can you help me out here....

Have you or have you not heard about VoiP, and in particular Engin?

Would the members in your 'household' know about Engin after their current advertising campaigns?
Hi sandik17

Neither mrs bullmarket nor I are into 'high tech' gadgets but I am aware of the concept of VOIP and I remember reading something about it and Engin and its limitations in the Age's Green Guide some time ago.

Suffice to say VOIP doesn't naturally come into conversations here and nor is Engin a household name in this household.


bullmarket :)
sandik17 said:
It seems the question of 'household name' is coming under fire in the eng-engin ltd thread.

Have you or have you not heard about VoiP, and in particular Engin?

Would the members in your 'household' know about Engin after their current advertising campaigns?

Well, Sandik... VOIP is probably only just leaving the the grasp of the tech early adopters and migrating now to Mr.and Mrs. non tech. It will be a while before it becomes a household term, and once VOIP becomes a household term then names of voip suppliers will follow.

So not yet but maybe two to four years.
I heard about ENG from my friends who saved from their service, I got sucked in too much by becoming a shareholder :)

I've been doing a lot of research since I had their shares around 6 months ago & practically all what I could come accross are IT sites reviews & general financial reviews,etc....

on AM radio, I heard people ringing talk back radio with nice comments on ENG service & savings on both 2UE & 2GB, they were a mix of businesses & normal home users, I'm not a big listener only while driving to & from work so they may have had more times on Radio that I don't know.

I think also few months back ABC TV had something on them.

I personally didn't come accross any marketing material as yet not a tv commercial or even a junk mail or anything of that sort as yet, practically a lot of talk from many people I know about how much they saved or others could save on their monthly bill.

You'll be shocked but "SOMEHOW" a lot of people know about this company but "NO ONE" really remembers how they first heard about :)

IGO4IT said:
I heard about ENG from my friends who saved from their service, I got sucked in too much by becoming a shareholder :)

I've been doing a lot of research since I had their shares around 6 months ago & practically all what I could come accross are IT sites reviews & general financial reviews,etc....

on AM radio, I heard people ringing talk back radio with nice comments on ENG service & savings on both 2UE & 2GB, they were a mix of businesses & normal home users, I'm not a big listener only while driving to & from work so they may have had more times on Radio that I don't know.

I think also few months back ABC TV had something on them.

I personally didn't come accross any marketing material as yet not a tv commercial or even a junk mail or anything of that sort as yet, practically a lot of talk from many people I know about how much they saved or others could save on their monthly bill.

You'll be shocked but "SOMEHOW" a lot of people know about this company but "NO ONE" really remembers how they first heard about :)


So....would you say 'practically' a household name?
I'm interested in tech to the extent that it's useful. That is, available now at reasonable cost and does something that's actually useful in a way which previous technology either does less effectively (or more expensively) or doesn't do at all.

I've been online at home for about 10 years and have had digital TV for about 2 and a half years now (originally to get better reception without having to buy an expensive outdoor antenna and also so for the extra channels (in Tas Channel Ten (locally known as TDT) is digital only).

So I'm quite well aware of VoIP but never heard of this company until reading this thread. Certainly not a household name for me.

On the subject of communications tech in general, I'm aware of at least one electricity company (it's not listed) that is trying very hard to become not simply a competitor but an outright replacement for the non-mobile services of the likes of Telstra. Their plan doesn't use Telstra's network at all and given the state of much of Telstra's network (according to their own techs) I can see it being abandoned sooner than most are expecting in some areas. Interesting times ahead in the industry...
sandik17 said:
So....would you say 'practically' a household name?

Yes in a sense that many YOUNG people know about ENG as a company & as a VOIP service provider but NO in a sense that OLD people know of the existence of technolgy that could save them money but never knew who can provide this service or what kind of savings they're talking about, just savings.

practically, whatever money ENG spent on advertising on the household's market didn't seem to work for people I know.

this is from my personal experience, I actually just had dinner with my in-laws & I asked them if they know about ENG & they denied knowing ENG in particular but know of the existance of the technology.

they actually asked to give them phone number for ENG to become a subscriber :) looks like I'm becoming a sales person without knowing & WITHOUT COMMISSION!!! :)
Engin a household name?


DO you believe in marketing hype?

This thread is the first that I have heard of Engin, yet I have provided advice to people on VOIP and know people who area actually using it.

They could be a good company, but are they really known Australia-wide. Haven't seem any ads or other marketing materials on the company, only taken a look at their web site.
IGO4IT said:
they actually asked to give them phone number for ENG to become a subscriber :) looks like I'm becoming a sales person without knowing & WITHOUT COMMISSION!!! :)

Might I suggest IGO4IT that you send a PM to Sandik. She will give you the names and contact details of the pay officer down at ENG so that commissions can be forwarded to you. I believe Sandik is currently on $100 per posting on ASF.

I have to hand it to you Sandik - this has been a brilliant strategy to attract those ASF members in the minority that haven't read your ravings on the ENG thread. John Singleton eat your heart out.

On a lighter note - you are a contradiction in terms Sandik. You seem to be embracing the latest technology with unbridled passion yet look at your signature........."I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen". For those that don't know, Lloyd Dobler was the lead character in the 1980's movie Say Anything played by John Cusack. It was classic in it's day.

Based on his performance John Cusack was voted the "Thinking Womans Sex Symbol" in Smash Hits if I remember correctly. There are two very emotional and touching moments in the film. The first on is when Lloyd is trying to woo the "intelligent, well off girl from the other side of the town" and turns up to her place with a big "boom box", lifts it over his head and outside her bedroom window plays "'In Your Eyes".

The second memorable moment comes when he rings her up using a pay phone in the pouring rain and gets dumped. It is here that he whispers the line....I gave her my heart and she gave me this pen.

Now try and imagine the movie with the latest technology. Firstly, he would have just found out her email address from her friend and downloaded the song "In Your Eyes" from Bear Share and sent the attachment to her saying "Listen to this - Love Lloyd". Or he could have gone to her bedroon window and yelled out "Come and have a listen to this - I've brought around my MP3 player". Neither approach is very moving to me.

Finally, how romantic would it have been had he been dumped at home over the internet using VoIP!! Come on - no rain - no emotion - no coins dropping.

Sandik - look what your beloved technology will do for the movies.

Duckman, here I was thinking you were some negative, insensitive BMX ramper when you post a reply that completely regains my faith in you! Say Anything, to think that you not only know it...but that you call it....what was it that you said...."a classic in it's day!"

Duckman, I think the best thing that you could do tonght would be to
a) give up trying to imply that I'm attracting attention to eng...I was simply trying to settle an argument, that I thought I was actually going to win. Although according to the posts on this thread, eng may have some way to go. :bad:
b) go and hire 'must love dogs' for you and Mrs Duckman to watch. (It's the latest film by the 'thinking girls sex symbol, John Cusack...and given the detail of which you know 'Say Anything'...I think you may well be the genuine thinking girl!!!!??????? :couch

Duckman#72 said:
Might I suggest IGO4IT that you send a PM to Sandik. She will give you the names and contact details of the pay officer down at ENG so that commissions can be forwarded to you. I believe Sandik is currently on $100 per posting on ASF.

I have to hand it to you Sandik - this has been a brilliant strategy to attract those ASF members in the minority that haven't read your ravings on the ENG thread. John Singleton eat your heart out.

On a lighter note - you are a contradiction in terms Sandik. You seem to be embracing the latest technology with unbridled passion yet look at your signature........."I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen". For those that don't know, Lloyd Dobler was the lead character in the 1980's movie Say Anything played by John Cusack. It was classic in it's day.

Based on his performance John Cusack was voted the "Thinking Womans Sex Symbol" in Smash Hits if I remember correctly. There are two very emotional and touching moments in the film. The first on is when Lloyd is trying to woo the "intelligent, well off girl from the other side of the town" and turns up to her place with a big "boom box", lifts it over his head and outside her bedroom window plays "'In Your Eyes".

The second memorable moment comes when he rings her up using a pay phone in the pouring rain and gets dumped. It is here that he whispers the line....I gave her my heart and she gave me this pen.

Now try and imagine the movie with the latest technology. Firstly, he would have just found out her email address from her friend and downloaded the song "In Your Eyes" from Bear Share and sent the attachment to her saying "Listen to this - Love Lloyd". Or he could have gone to her bedroon window and yelled out "Come and have a listen to this - I've brought around my MP3 player". Neither approach is very moving to me.

Finally, how romantic would it have been had he been dumped at home over the internet using VoIP!! Come on - no rain - no emotion - no coins dropping.

Sandik - look what your beloved technology will do for the movies.

hey why don't you two morons take this into a private chat and stop wasting everyone's time with your petty bickering?

neither of you is doing anything beneficial to this forum, or providing any insight on the fundamentals or technicals of the company other than pointless conjecture
ctp6360 said:
hey why don't you two morons take this into a private chat and stop wasting everyone's time with your petty bickering?

neither of you is doing anything beneficial to this forum, or providing any insight on the fundamentals or technicals of the company other than pointless conjecture

Well said ctp6360. (But I think you're being a bit hard on Great Pig - he was just expressing his opinion.)

If it is OK with you I will put you on my personal email list as you sound like a fun guy with a lighthearted sense of humour (unless that would be wasting your time).

I'm not sure about it being a household name but I have taken notice of the amount of advertising lately and that may or may not be because I am a shareholder.

My 82 yo father uses it to talk to his 80 yo sister who lives in Qld and his 79 yo brother and 77 yo sister. It was the 79yo who got him interested and showed him how to get it all up and running. You know how pensioners love to save a bit of money!!!

Before you know it the whole bowling club will be signed up!!!

Anyway other than the 79yo I doubt that any of them would remember the name of the provider but they love the service.

I don't use it yet only because I haven't got around to it, but having just received my home phone bill from Telstra that has $98.61 worth of service charges and $92.50 in call I think I will make the move and soon. I can thank broadband and capped mobile for the drop in call charges but the equipment costs?!?!?!?!?

As soon as wireless service improves in Newcastle the landline will be gone - any wonder people are opting to get rid of land lines - the costs are ridiculous.
I am a holder, but really feel it is about to become mainstream.
123enen above said 2-4 years, thats ext incorrect.

4 people at work have signed up in the last 4 weeks, not because of me, but cos of the TV ads, and my 65yo mum uses it now, and is v not techie, and she loves it.

It is debatable of course, but watch it become mainstresm in about 3-6 months.