Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

E-tax 2012 - glitch?

7 October 2011
I've done my own tax online for the past few years and noticed something this year that I'm not sure occurred in previous years.

Deductions - item D8 - dividend deductions, where you can claim for expenses against the income produced from shares. The figure obtained there does not automatically appear at item IT5, the income test specific to net financial investment losses, even though it is required there. I would have thought that it should automatically appear there, but it requires manual entry instead.

Maybe it's not a glitch as such but if anyone was in a click-and-flick mood then it could be easily missed.
I've done my own tax online for the past few years and noticed something this year that I'm not sure occurred in previous years.

Deductions - item D8 - dividend deductions, where you can claim for expenses against the income produced from shares. The figure obtained there does not automatically appear at item IT5, the income test specific to net financial investment losses, even though it is required there. I would have thought that it should automatically appear there, but it requires manual entry instead.

Maybe it's not a glitch as such but if anyone was in a click-and-flick mood then it could be easily missed.

Indeed etax2012 could not read my etax2011 file for reuse of common data either;
a real pain;
my file 2011 is not corrupted and could still be reopened by etax2011;
this year etax is really letting you down:
far more complex, a lot of data you have to enter which is irrelevant to the actual taxation (just use as a BAS free sampling tool)
And as a share trader not investor, a nightmare to fill #15
It stinks JG ;
questions/examples are so biaised into preventing you deduction but increasing taxable income, irrespective of your actual rights that it is not funny;
A first as I have been using etax for the last 5 years or so....
Anyone else got the same feeling??
Have not downloaded it yet this year, stlii getting my paperwork together. I do however hold shares in DWS, they do the program for the Tax department. I wonder of they have stuffed up or the tax man is just trying to be more difficult than usual?
Have not downloaded it yet this year, stlii getting my paperwork together. I do however hold shares in DWS, they do the program for the Tax department. I wonder of they have stuffed up or the tax man is just trying to be more difficult than usual?

After lodging my very simple tax return I can say that it seems all the 'free kick' deductions have been made harder, or less obvious, to claim. Specifically things like stationery and other things that most people claim.