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The Portuguese experiment more than halved the countries heroin using population.

Terrific. Just what we need. Come and try whatever you like, kids.

Decrim/Legalising drugs would create a much tighter control over them - no kids anywhere.

You'll probably get hooked but that's OK. The taxpayer will make sure your drugs are pure and you can get whatever quantities you need.

Alcohol and cigarettes are addictive so that isn't really argument. Furthermore cigarette use in a lot of Western countries is declining severely, due to education. Oh... and again in the case of Portugal - hard drug use didn't increase.

The evidence we have is the opposite of the scenarios you have described.
Its weird and ironic that the illegal "drug" market, is an expression of pure market economics.

Nick Cowdery (ex-NSW DPP) wants drugs taxed like alcohol and tobacco.

Dont think that would work, but the amount of $$$ in the economy from drug activities is mind-blowing

Governments should be prohibited from taxing addictive substance/activities. How can they possibly serve people who are vulnerably to addiction when they themselves (Governments) are addicted to the tax revenue from the addiction.
Is there a more failed project then prohibition; my children are not in anyway safer, drugs (choose any illicit substance) are not less available, It has corrupting influence on all levels of police behaviour, It is enriching a criminal class, by extension it forces up insurance costs. Who pays for enforcement costs, incarceration costs, Judicial structures incapable of any positive start with the petty stuff like this and then you can go to a the serious end of the scale, This from MI6

or stick your fingers in your ears and ' tingle lingle loo'
":Cooks" in USA can now make Crystal Meth in a coke bottle as they drive along, as the economy tanks it an only get worse, as the economy tanks the feds are putting off police and closing down courts or loading up other courts .
":Cooks" in USA can now make Crystal Meth in a coke bottle as they drive along, as the economy tanks it an only get worse, as the economy tanks the feds are putting off police and closing down courts or loading up other courts .

A bit of history on this one mate. The following is from an album 'Last scream of the missing neighbours' by D.O.A with Jello Biafra(dead Kennedy's fame) from 1989, the track is 'Full Metal Jackoff' some of the pertinent lines ;

"On the Washington D.C Beltway round and round and round I go
In a black van with no windows and a chimney puffing smoke
Same gang that ran smack in Vietnam
And got no reason to fear

Want to hide something like a crack lab
Just put it in plain sight"

But back then of course, we were only twenty odd years into this most failed of projects.
Some people are thinking and talking.
The trouble is getting people to listen and think.

P.S some remember the big 'Dust Up' at Cronulla orchestrated By the 'Parrot'
For me, it was the 'set to' between the pigs and the punks on the same turf outside, what was then, the Workers Club, just after a Dead Kennedy's jig, about twenty years earlier.
I'm rather puzzled at the latest Revolver Upstairs dance where revellers wound up in hospital from a "bad batch" of hallucinogenic drugs?

Since when was there a good batch of hallucinogens?

Litmus test ... would you feed illicit drugs to your child?

People get drunk and then all rational thought vanishes.

I wouldn't mind access on the odd occasion to some that Timothy Leary had given his 'Heads up ' to...

Very very few parents are likely to supply 'illicit' drugs to their children. The more pertinent question to ask is; Are your children likely to be exposed to, have access to and or are likely to use those drugs?
The answers are. Yes, Yes and Probably.

So do you build a structure to deal with that?...In this country we're not doing to good a job on that up until now.
Unless you're one of those enriched by the black market outcomes.
Since when was there a good batch of hallucinogens?

I have had s few good batches of Shrooms in my day.

"Litmus test ... would you feed illicit drugs to your child?"

No (if I had any), but I wouldn't give them alcohol either, even though I part take
I have had s few good batches of Shrooms in my day.

"Litmus test ... would you feed illicit drugs to your child?"

No (if I had any), but I wouldn't give them alcohol either, even though I part take

Ey he's back.

How was the research trip to Disneyland? Those rides and restaurants are up to quality and entertainment standards?
How was the research trip to Disneyland? Those rides and restaurants are up to quality and entertainment standards?

Lol, Yes it's going well over there, the Parks were full, Moana and Star Wars merchandise was selling Well, Stars wars land construction is progressing well, and the "ship wreaks on the rocks" tasted great (Now my favourite drink, its like a scotch mist which was Walts favourite drink but made with bourbon instead of scotch, and a bit of mint)

When you order it, a ship in a bottle above the Bar actually sinks and thunder and lightning fill the bar.
They are careless about their life. They are so many types of people around us. I saw some people in train station took drugs in front of their little kids.
They are careless about their life. They are so many types of people around us. I saw some people in train station took drugs in front of their little kids.

Ideally children should be taken away from drug addicts, but there is not the money to look after them in State care. So the disease spreads to the children. Very sad.
Ideally children should be taken away from drug addicts, but there is not the money to look after them in State care. So the disease spreads to the children. Very sad.
Would you extend that "ideal" to parents who drink alcohol or have a fag in front of their children? Both are addictive drugs and addicted role models, which parents are by nature, set bad example.

The difference, and the only reason Governments draw the line between a variety of harmful addictions, lies in their ability to raise taxes.
The difference, and the only reason Governments draw the line between a variety of harmful addictions, lies in their ability to raise taxes.

I don't agree with your statement. Ice, cocaine and heroin can kill very fast , are much more addictive and require much more money to satisfy the habit than alcohol and tobacco, which are not good but simply don't rank in the scale of narcotics or amphetamines.

But yes, if alcohol abuse affects a family's ability to look after their children, I would "extend the ideal".

But that means "jobs, jobs, jobs"
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