Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Don't you just hate it when...

13 August 2006
I was looking at PPT's results presentation the other day. It has the line something like:
"If you had invested $50,000 in Perpetual 10 years ago, it would now be worth over $1,000,000"

Don't you just hate it when they say something like that. Makes you think -Well, why wasn't I smart enough to do that? Then you try and think - What can I buy now that will put me in that position 10 years from now.

I'll try and pick stocks that will give me a good return over 10 years, but if I get any with those sort of super high returns it will really just be luck!

Ferret said:
"If you had invested $50,000 ...10 years ago, it would now be worth over $1,000,000". Don't you just hate it when they say something like that. Ferret
"Shoudda been here last week he said, bloody gold nuggest all over the place".

Story of my life mate - You want to get rich? - I mean REALLY rich?, then watch what I do - and do the oppsosite. You could make a coupla million in a week.

Worst of all when I follows what the experts say. HDR TEL etc.

Still by all the rules of chance that run this crazy stock market, surely Im going to strike *paydirt* one of these days. Even a clock that is stopped is right twice a day.
Man who never made a mistake never made anything