I couldn`t believe to hear that our once PM Paul Keating is questioning a $300 fine for a red light infringement.
The facts are not totally clear yet, but for the cost and a loss of 3 demerit points to use the court system for a misdemeanour for a person of his stature at tax payers expense bodes for another Marcus Einfeld?
I heard he was charged with a "failure to stop" at a stop sign because his front wheels of his car were over the line when he came to a stop.
The details of the offence don't appear to be of much interest to the media. They seem more interested in trying to get mileage out of his telling some female reporter to "nick off".
I thought that was fairly restrained and polite of him, given his track record for being usualy more outspoken.
If this is a pollie above the law story shame on Keating.
If however this is a high profile person bringing to light and fighting the often overzealous tactics of the police in "saving lives" then good on you Keating.
I am sure the media will bring us nothing but the facts
No careerist Paul Keating. He believed in something. What about going to the initial Treasury briefing with just a pen, and saying to them, "you'll have to earn your spurs"!