Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Care to name the faceless men of the liberal Party or are getting mixed up with Labor Party.

Tony is currently a puppet, small target election campaign run by the back room faceless Liberals. Same people who back stabbed Turnbull.

How do we know simple because its nothing like the Tony we all know total fake / spin what every you wish to call it.

Looking forward to being governed by the Pope.
A caller to ABC Radio tonight suggested balance of power in the Senate going to the Greens will mean before long we're all riding bicycles and eating tofu. Probably about right.

Julia the current term required the greens to vote for any bills opposed by the Liberals for Labor to pass any thing through the Senate other than the two independents whats the difference?
Can you imagine her on the World stage sitting around the table with world leaders. It is a cringeworthy thought.

I don't think she could pull it off. I think she is getting cold feet at the thought, and is sucking up to Kevin to use him as a surrogate.

Calliope, I don't think it so much of sucking up to Kevin, as perhaps a 'blackmail' by Kevin on Julia.
I beleive he could be asking for something she does not want to give. She has the fear of God in her. I think she should convert from an atheist to a religion and start praying now.
Can you imagine her on the World stage sitting around the table with world leaders. It is a cringeworthy thought.

I don't think she could pull it off. I think she is getting cold feet at the thought, and is sucking up to Kevin to use him as a surrogate.
Calliope, do you really think Kev's re-entry was Ms Gillard's choice?
I'm more inclined to think she was told to get him on side, in much the same way as she was told what to do and when in the assassination, as Logique refers to below.

I was thinking that if the ALP loses, I will feel some genuine sympathy for Julia Gillard. No I have not morphed into Andrew Bolt.

The ALP machine men have got their hooks into her, the lines are recited word for word. No question is answered directly. You here this faint whirring...launch spin menu...smokescreen launched. Sorry Kerry O'Brien, your national current affairs program is just here as a stage for my recitations. All concocted by the backroom boys.

It's this teflon-coated, wave the magic wand, magical dissolving of the embarassing immediate past.

All silver moonbeams now, we'll move forward together on gossamer wings. But in the real world you can't get away with that forever, sooner or later you are found out. This will happen whether the ALP win or not.

Julia Gillard has real abilities and talents (if not necessarily in public administration), but she has been very poorly advised, both politically and personally, by the ruthless ALP machine. They picked their mark, here was strong ambition wanting an opportunity.
Great summary, Logique. I think you have it absolutely. I even feel a bit sorry for Ms Gillard now, as she is deemed to have failed on her own.
(The sympathy only lasted about a minute and a half, though.)

Looking forward to being governed by the Pope.
IFocus, this is a bit of a cliche, isn't it? I don't think Tony Abbott is so stupid as to imagine he may transfer his personal religious views to the political arena when it comes to legislation. And if he did have any such delusions, his colleagues would soon set him straight.
Their announcement of refusing to support the internet filter is a step in the right direction.
That said, I'd certainly much rather he shared Ms Gillard's atheism.

Julia the current term required the greens to vote for any bills opposed by the Liberals for Labor to pass any thing through the Senate other than the two independents whats the difference?
The difference is very important, in that Labor needed Nick Xenophon and Steve Fielding to get any legislation through and these two independents usually held a view on pretty much anything that was contrary to that of the government. If the Greens have the balance of power all to themselves there is no mediating influence and their nuttiness can prevail. We can only hope that in such a situation, the two major parties would manage to come to a compromise and make the Greens irrelevant.
Do you agree with an effective tax rate of 66.5% on profit from resources as proposed by the Greens ?

Yes, we need to put more back into the future and slow the mining companies down so that future generations may have some left to tap into and perhaps with cleaner technologies to boot.

My Avatar features two of my Granchildren, Jake welcoming his Sister Drew into the world. I want something left for thier future.
I do not agree with a great deal of green's policy but have found it the only party (at this time) that may bring the changes in the future needed to cope with the planet that is now changing at break neck speed.

So my role is to try to help change policies to be realistic and achievable. I say for example that we may have to still burn some coal for awhile. The greens will achive nought unless they become more realistic. Heady long term visions are one thing, and I aspire to some of those, but the here and now and the getting to them is the connundrum I toss with.

I work quietly a great deal in other areas so do not have the time sometimes to put in here. But yes Julia I do try to keep people guessing as I learn more about them that way.

And thanks Julia, you are inspiring and always taking an active interest in the different facits to the debates without prejudice.

Explod, if you do away with coal fired power statations for base load power, what is your alternative?

Solar and wind power are both only 15% efficent, expensive to install and lots of the time are unreliable. If this method was not subsidized by the Federal Government, it would be a hell of a lot more expensive.

The Victorian Government have just installed 30 ceramic fuel cells (known as Blu gen units) into a new housing estate in an endeavour to close the dirty brown coal power stations. They are run by gas, are 60% efficient and have very low CO2 emmissions. They not only produce power but also water heating. Excess power is then fed back into the grid. These units are the size of a washing machine and many cases may be the answer in Brittain and Europe. Coal fired power stations are only 35% efficient
Nuclear power is out of the question with the current Government irrespect of the fact there are now over 459 nuclear power stations throughout the world and figure was in 2005. France alone has 70.
Tony is currently a puppet, small target election campaign run by the back room faceless Liberals. Same people who back stabbed Turnbull.

How do we know simple because its nothing like the Tony we all know total fake / spin what every you wish to call it.

Looking forward to being governed by the Pope.

Still waiting the names of those Liberal faceless men. We know the Labor Party faceless men as they have been published many times.
Julia Gillard has real abilities and talents (if not necessarily in public administration), but she has been very poorly advised, both politically and personally, by the ruthless ALP machine. They picked their mark, here was strong ambition wanting an opportunity.

Gillard has been part of the ruthless party machine since her uni days. If they are manipulating her now then she is hoist with her own petard.
Probably pre-senile and practically illiterate.

Hard for you for reasons I gave above.

Yeah you got to love WA 2 weeks on 1week off 180k a year and practically illiterate imagine what i could earn if i was as smart as you the mind boggles:D
My Avatar features two of my Granchildren, Jake welcoming his Sister Drew into the world. I want something left for thier future.

That's the Greenies' excuse. They claim that by ruining the economy now they can make the world a better place for their grandchildren. A real heartstring tugger. Commonsense says just the opposite. But as I said above Greenies are irresponsible.
IFocus, this is a bit of a cliche, isn't it? I don't think Tony Abbott is so stupid as to imagine he may transfer his personal religious views to the political arena when it comes to legislation. And if he did have any such delusions, his colleagues would soon set him straight.
Their announcement of refusing to support the internet filter is a step in the right direction.
That said, I'd certainly much rather he shared Ms Gillard's atheism.

To be fair Abbott is one of the few Australian politicians as a minister that actually made decisions based on his religious back ground fact is he has form of projecting his religious beliefs into action.

To have Abbott as Prime Minister is much more scarier than just an extreme right wing hit man with an ego but some one who is fraught with the insecurities of failing to complete the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church tell me thats a normal every day Australian.