Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

I'd say she should be worrying a bit less about future leaks should she be re-elected, and more about the source of the present leaks.

The Chasers had a pretty good piece on this (quasi labelling Kevin Rudd) last night.
Rudd to have operation on his gall bladder? The gall of the man ! Ahem ... the gall bladders job in the body is to store bile created by the liver. I reckon with the amount of bile Kruddy will have stored up after his axing he would need this organ about now !
There was a report on Radio National today that Therese Rein has said she will be encouraging Kevin to make a full recovery before returning to work. She expected this would take at least two weeks following his discharge from hospital. That pretty much takes him right up to the election date.

He continued campaigning for the rest of the day after the dodgy gall bladder had been diagnosed so it would appear the acute attack had subsided.

I'm probably being fanciful, but can't help wondering if this little event is actually, um, heaven sent to save him from himself, and the embarrassment of having to appear to be attempting to support Julia Gillard?
There was a report on Radio National today that Therese Rein has said she will be encouraging Kevin to make a full recovery before returning to work. She expected this would take at least two weeks following his discharge from hospital. That pretty much takes him right up to the election date.

He continued campaigning for the rest of the day after the dodgy gall bladder had been diagnosed so it would appear the acute attack had subsided.

I'm probably being fanciful, but can't help wondering if this little event is actually, um, heaven sent to save him from himself, and the embarrassment of having to appear to be attempting to support Julia Gillard?

Julia, Rudd's op was by key hole surgery and in most cases a band aid is place over the holes; no stitches required. My wife had her appendixs out with keyhole surgery, was home the next day and back at work a week later.
Yes, as you say, it may have been a way out of not having to campaign for Julia Gillard.
Rudd is now caught between a rock and a hard place. He would dearly like to see Gillard thrashed in the election. If this happened then he would expect the faceless men to offer him the leader's job back.

But to have to face a gloating Abbott across the Despatch Box would destroy his massive ego.

I think he will now work towards (or at least not impede) Gillards re-election. He can then white-ant her from within the cabinet.

All the signs now point to Tanner as being Oakes's mole.

Rudd is now entering the third stage on handling grief/loss...the bargaining stage.
All the signs now point to Tanner as being Oakes's mole.
Do they? Can you say what these signs are? Lindsay Tanner has never come across as vengeful in the way Kevin Rudd does. I'm a bit surprised to think he'd be the leaker.
Could it even have been one of Mr Rudd's children? He would presumably have gone home and talked about most of what happened in cabinet.
Do they? Can you say what these signs are? Lindsay Tanner has never come across as vengeful in the way Kevin Rudd does. I'm a bit surprised to think he'd be the leaker.
Tanner is an out and out Rudd supporter though, and has nothing to lose by leaking considering he is leaving parliament.
3 things

1) If you believe that physical illness can be at least partially linked at an intrinsic level to pychosomatic manifestation of psychological ailment, then Rudd having a faulty gall bladder is ironic.

2) Abbot will get the "family" vote, if there is such a thing..chalk and cheese between the two

3) She aint no redhead afaic, as I saw a childhood pic and she had ordinary dark brown hair, not auburn, carrot, ranga, bunsen or red.

ps I wonder what Terese Raine thinks about Julia, being a smart woman of business with many contacts, it wouldnt surprise me at all if she was the leaker
Tanner is an out and out Rudd supporter though, and has nothing to lose by leaking considering he is leaving parliament.

It is common knowledge that Tanner's early departure was triggered by Gillard's ascendancy. It is also common knowledge that he and Gillard can't stand a bar of each other.

He was also probably fed up with the nauseating Swan, knowing that he would have done a better job. Rudd had to give the Treasury to Swan, against his better judgment, for his his help in betraying Beasley.

Latham said Rudd and Swan couldn't stand each other either. Politics makes strange bed fellows.
It is common knowledge that Tanner's early departure was triggered by Gillard's ascendancy. It is also common knowledge that he and Gillard can't stand a bar of each other.

He was also probably fed up with the nauseating Swan, knowing that he would have done a better job. Rudd had to give the Treasury to Swan, against his better judgment, for his his help in betraying Beasley.

Latham said Rudd and Swan couldn't stand each other either. Politics makes strange bed fellows.

Swan had that much dirt on Rudd from Queensland state Government days that Rudd had to appoint him as Treasurer. Rudd would dearly liked to have got rid of Swan, but was too scared.
Swan had that much dirt on Rudd from Queensland state Government days that Rudd had to appoint him as Treasurer. Rudd would dearly liked to have got rid of Swan, but was too scared.

Machievelli would suggest Swan is the leaker then, help destroy Rudd, knowing this might take out Tanner, then hope Gillard loses and blows up, then Swan can arise from the wreckage and pick up the pieces:p:
Machievelli would suggest Swan is the leaker then, help destroy Rudd, knowing this might take out Tanner, then hope Gillard loses and blows up, then Swan can arise from the wreckage and pick up the pieces:p:

No. Swan is not a leader. He is the one who hands the stiletto to the assassin. In Beasley's removal he got the Treasury. In Rudd's betrayal he got Deputy Leader added on.

If he is true to form he will help Shorten dispose of Gillard, when her time is up.
Some interesting hypotheses so far. I wonder if we'll ever know.

Bill Shorten is frequently referred to as the next leader. He doesn't seem like leadership material to me. Why would he be considered the most likely?
He doesn't have any real presence or charisma, is quite hesitant in discussion, and makes me think of a back office clerk.
Some interesting hypotheses so far. I wonder if we'll ever know.

Bill Shorten is frequently referred to as the next leader. He doesn't seem like leadership material to me. Why would he be considered the most likely?
He doesn't have any real presence or charisma, is quite hesitant in discussion, and makes me think of a back office clerk.

He was the leader of the gang which assassinated Rudd and put Gillard in the job. The rest of the gang are Feeney, Arbib, Bitar, Marles, Farrell, Ludwig and Howes. Most of these are unknown to the general public but they decide on the leader.

Most think Senator Mark Arbib was the head plotter and power broker but Shorten was manipulating Gillard in the Reps. Don't underestimate the villainy of Bill Shorten. Herr Himmler also had no charisma and was nondescript.

Fast forward to the events of nearly five weeks ago in Canberra, when Rudd fell to Julia Gillard. Arbib, a senator and a junior minister in Rudd's government, was again at the centre of the action, rustling up numbers for the coup.

His was not the only hand holding a knife, of course. Other chieftains from Labor's right - particularly Bill Shorten, David Feeney, and Don Farrell - were prime movers. And Rudd's autocratic style had left him ripe for the toppling. Nevertheless, Arbib's role in Rudd's downfall was ''pre-eminent'', according to one of Arbib's mates, Senator Glenn Sterle, from Western Australia.

''Let's make no mistake: Mark put Kevin here [as leader] in the first place, which is why to take him out was a bloody big call,'' the plain-spoken former truckie says. ''It's like taking your granddad out.''
Has anybody spotted the difference between Joolya last week to Joolya this week?

If you quack like a duck today, I guess your quack will be the same tomorrow irrespect of whether you have lost some of your feathers or not.

I reckon she'll be a dead duck come election time as the pundits are expecting a bombshell of a leak in the last week.
Has anybody spotted the difference between Joolya last week to Joolya this week?

She was no different with Kerry O'Brien last night. She was still using her girlish charm and throaty chuckle.

Kerry on the other hand was different and didn't succumb to her wiles. He honed in on the ridiculous Citizens Forum, which she still defends even though it was an old FAKE Julia thought bubble.

I think O'Brien senses she is a loser. It will be interesting to see how he goes with Abbott.
She was no different with Kerry O'Brien last night. She was still using her girlish charm and throaty chuckle.

Kerry on the other hand was different and didn't succumb to her wiles.
I thought so too. And it quite throws Ms Gillard off balance when she realises her charm act just isn't cutting it.

The real Julia? I may be quite wrong, but I suspect her waffling on over the last few days about how she's going to throw out the rule book and let the Australian people see the real Julia has just confused most people.

Inevitably there's going to be the conclusion drawn that prior to the 'real Julia' daringly being put on show, what we were seeing before was some sort of machine driven cardboard cutout.
Inevitably there's going to be the conclusion drawn that prior to the 'real Julia' daringly being put on show, what we were seeing before was some sort of machine driven cardboard cutout.

All is now revealed. It appears that the used car dealers were so pleased with her Cash for Clunkers initiative that they gave her a can of their secret New Car Smell spray.