Conspiracy, involvement or what:
Bill Clinton pardon controversy
While most presidents grant pardons throughout their terms, Clinton chose to make nearly a third of them on January 20, 2001, his last day in office. This came to be known as Pardongate.
[2] While Clinton pardoned a large number (450)
[3] of people compared with his immediate one-term predecessor Republican
George H. W. Bush, who pardoned only 75, the number of people pardoned by Clinton was comparable to that pardoned by two-term
Republican Ronald Reagan and one-term
Democrat Jimmy Carter, who pardoned 393 and 534 respectively.
Marc Rich:
Marc Rich (born
Marcell David Reich; December 18, 1934 – June 26, 2013) was an international
commodities trader,
hedge fund manager, financier and businessman.
[2] He founded the commodities company
Glencore, and was later indicted in the United States on federal charges of
tax evasion and making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. He was in Switzerland at the time of the indictment and never returned to the United States.
[3] He received a widely criticised
presidential pardon from
U.S. President Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001,
Clinton's last day in office.
He cornered the market in mercury, aluminium and silver. He bust sanctions to sell oil to the world's most notorious states. He was one of the FBI's most wanted men. But was winning a controversial pardon Marc Rich's smartest coup?
That's a question the US attorney's office in New York would also like an answer to. For years, Rich's name appeared alongside the likes of Osama bin Laden on the FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives list. Then in the early hours of 20 January, after an extraordinary lobbying campaign involving former White House counsel Jack Quinn, the US Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, Rich's ex-wife Denise and a last-minute phone call from Israeli former prime minister Ehud Barak, Clinton ignored the misgivings of his law enforcement officials and granted the pardon.
The Canton of ZUG from where Marc Rich centred his empire. :
FBI Abruptly Releases New Documents in Marc Rich Pardon Case — Why?
It was widely reported at the time that federal prosecutors launched a grand jury investigation into whether Rich’s ex-wife, Denise, procured the pardon by making donations to Democratic Party accounts and the Clinton Foundation.
There was also speculation that Bill Clinton pardoned Rich, a major pro-Israel donor, as a nod to Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu.