"delisted following the restructure of the Trust and unitholder approval for its removal " 26/08/2008
"the securities of European Investors Global Property Trust (the “Trust”) will be suspended immediately at the request of the Trust under listing rule 17.2, following the Trust’s decision to seek removal from the official list of ASX Limited " 18/08/2008
OK---so what does this all mean? I'm a newbie still doing my research and can't find any info about this. The other posts don't seem to cover the information I want. If you had shares in this company--what then?
"the securities of European Investors Global Property Trust (the “Trust”) will be suspended immediately at the request of the Trust under listing rule 17.2, following the Trust’s decision to seek removal from the official list of ASX Limited " 18/08/2008
OK---so what does this all mean? I'm a newbie still doing my research and can't find any info about this. The other posts don't seem to cover the information I want. If you had shares in this company--what then?