I have heard before that chronic slight dehydration is a common problem, and suspect that category describes me, but feel that there is some underlying cause, such as salt or some other mineral, diet, or some other unknown internal factor.
With the electrolytes, ie similar to Gatorade, that is only taken as a recovery agent
The thing is I drink a lot of water, and manage ok when in my normal environment, but taken outside that, become vulnerable.
So I did my own test
, which indicated 4 litres of water is passed per day. This seems a lot.
In addition, when I am active, I perspire quite a lot. So I dont know whether there is other means of losing moisture and how to qauntify them, but from that, it seems I would have to consume 5-6 litres per day.
The naturopath seemed to be implying that the precise timing and makeup of each meal, to sort the problem was very personal, and involved sugars and carbs (I think)
My diet is "normal" but, like most people, more than recommended salt and especially sugar, which is a suspect in my mind.
Need to research this, as I realize in retrospect the problem is quite bad, even now, I feel it after hard work in the hot weather, and it gets me every time I travel in hot climates