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December Stock Tipping Competition Entry Thread!

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Joe Blow

Staff member
28 May 2004
Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the December 2017 stock tipping competition entry thread!

This month's competition is proudly sponsored by Dukascopy - an award winning Swiss bank and brokerage house which provides access to forex, indexes, metals, stocks and binaries, offering both automated and anonymous trading options and one-click execution for even large orders.

Dukascopy is a true ECN broker which offers attractive spreads (base spread for EUR/USD 0.2 pip, GBP/USD 0.5 pip), ECN liquidity (100 – 200 mio on Majors), instant execution, a wide range of trading orders (including stop-loss and limit), equal prices and liquidity for all clients, advanced trading technologies, and access to sophisticated analytics and news.

Get started with Dukascopy today!

A quick recap of the rules for those not familiar with them:

1. Each entrant may choose one ASX listed stock. Options, warrants and deferred settlement shares are not permitted.

2. Stocks with a price of less than $0.01 are ineligible for the competition, as are stocks that are currently suspended from trading.

3. The winner is the entrant whose selected stock performs the best in percentage terms between December 1 and December 31.

4. The maximum number of entrants in the competition is 100.

The competition winner will receive $100. The second placegetter will win $50 and the third placegetter $25.

You have until midnight on Thursday, November 30 to enter. However, in practice, entries can be submitted until this thread is closed. No entries submitted after that can be accepted for any reason.

Please post your entries in this thread. Remember, once you have selected your stock, you CANNOT change it for any reason.

Best of luck to all entrants!

Please don't forget to post a brief reason explaining why you chose your competition entry. One or two sentences is enough (feel free to add a chart if your reason is TA based). If your entry is the same as the previous month and the reason for choosing it is the same then feel free to just post the same explanation again. Thank you!
Traka resources (TKL) has been riding the bull as of lately and I don't see it slowing down. 10c mark is well in reach.
Thanks Joe.


Mkt cap ~$24 million
Orders received to date for delivery in the 2017/2018 financial year now total $4.3 million
Collaboration with CSIRO for the design and development of energy efficient light
Customers include Coca Cola Amatil, Woolworths, partners include Honeywell
Owns 33% of "NewCO2Fuels" that can profitably convert CO2 into fuel

See the Aussie Stock Forums thread on VIV for more info:
WBT - Weebit Nano. We should get news in December on (hopefully) successful scaling down to 40nm working re-RAM functionality, which could be the catalyst for a significant move.
Now that EVE has broken into the qualifying zone, I'll put my hand up before someone else does. (always assuming she stays above the 1c tidal mark )
Thanks, Joe
QBL Queensland Bauxite thanks Joe
-- involved with legalised marijuana
DTZ please......

Looks like they are starting to sell a bit of product and new facility coming online.
Capital raise may provide a nice buying op before further news.....

Only a few days left before the end of the month. Don't forget to get your entry in for the December stock tipping competition.
SGQ, St George, thanks Joe. Great nickel discoveries with more drilling in the pipeline. Is up 240% this month and is on the tear.

renewed au/cu explorer speccie, post cap raise, new exp zones seized up with new tech
reasonable reg to cap
AU8 thanks Joe.

Judging from today's price action this one might have some legs and be something to watch over the next month. I only hope my Christmas stocking can hold it all.

Sorry for no chart this month. They're in the ASX Momentum thread.
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