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Daylight saving Western Australia

Dont worry daylight saving supporters... you will keep having referendums until they eventually pass it! Then when it is passed you will never have a referendum again!
I hope you all realise why QLD never had DLS during the Joh years.

It was cos Joh thought the sun shined outta his **** an he wasnt getting up an hour earlier for no B####ard.

NO actually I liked Sir Joh (I even had a pr of white shoes)I didnt agree wth all of this policies and a few of his political mates were definately shifty (who can remember the oxenford tavern rort)but he stood by what he said and did what he promised in the election lead ups. No backflips for him.

He also stood up to the medias chooks instead of running around looking for hairdryers to ensure he looked good and sucked up to them.

I was hoping that his son John would get into state politics but was defeated by one of Paulines former cronies. If he was half as entertaining as his father it would have livened the place up.

As a no voter, more daylight hours in perth is not that important, without daylight savings it's still light here in summer till 8.30 9 ish anyway.

but mostly I hate the fact it was only brought in as a distraction issue when the state labour government was under intense pressure from the CCC ( the corruption and Crime Commission ) and ministers where caught lying and doing all sorts of dishonest things....

And also the endless newspaper and tv debates on such a irrelevant issue. Get on with serious stuff!!!
Well done WA.

Look at the pickle NSW is in with DS, and they've had it for years. They are an hour ahead of progressive cities like Brisbane and Townsville for nearly half the year, which gives us an extra advantage on them for those months.

Well, more than one million hours of productivity gained in WA. I spent around 20 minutes adjusting my clocks at the start, and even longer resetting them at the end (easier to put clocks forward than back). Had to get out the instructions for the car clock, coped with the DVD, Mrs badger managed the kitchen clocks.

Let's see, roughly 1 million households in WA, that's 1 million households wasting their time each year changing clocks. Then they get to work or school and do it all again.

What a disasterous waste of what could be productive work, or enjoyable leisure time.

Live here, have voted no at every referendum. Hate it. Too hot in the evenings, beach not a goer because the westerly winds come in. Already, due to time zone positioning, have half an hour of it year round.

And doesn't anyone like seeing a bit of starlight, moonlight, in the evenings?
Think outdoor movies, astronomy tours, summer fireworks.

Cheers, badger
Just don't be grizzling when you go somewhere to order something from any sort of retail outlet , and you are told to come back tomorrow as 'the Eastern States' are now closed. Or 'can you get a price on this?', erm no , come back before 1pm tomorrow. Also many retailers get home much later than full time traders, so we appreciate a bit of daylight with OUR families too. Some sort of time equalisation would be nice , ie Vic start and finish an hour later [not likely], or we get up an hour earlier [more likely proposition], and have a little more of a life as well. Trouble is those bloody cows living in the suburbs MUST get milked at 6am and 6pm , or all hell breaks loose??....
Well, more than one million hours of productivity gained in WA. I spent around 20 minutes adjusting my clocks at the start, and even longer resetting them at the end ...

Flew into Perth last week.
Mobile, powered off in flight.
On arrival, powered mobile back on,

... and voila, WA Time.
Flew into Perth last week.
Mobile, powered off in flight.
On arrival, powered mobile back on,

... and voila, WA Time.

Good one, burglar;

it seems your mobile is smarter than the Pollies Over East that insist on messing with people's lives.
I must say daylight saving is the probably the only thing I hate about Tasmania. Having lived in QLD most of my life I just can't adapt to it. I think the whole idea is so stupid and it really plays with your head.
1. Trying adjust every dam clock , microwave , oven , dvd recorder , watches and then back again AHHHH

2. Bloody bird twit , the bloody birds don't know the clocks have changed do they ? They start chirping and twitting while I'm supposed to be sleeping. double AHHHH

3. Thinking it's 4 pm and it's really 8 pm , It doesn't get dark down here till 9:00 pm in the height of Summer. So here you are fluffing around in the yard thinking it's 4:00pm and you should be in the house having dinner because it's really 8:00 pm. I can't eat dinner when it looks like 4:00 pm outside. triple AHHHHHH

4. Skin Cancer , the powers to be don't think in their brilliant minds that they are putting you outside and hour ahead . I like to go for a walk at 2:00 pm , so it's really 1pm the height of UV time . The rest of the day goes the same , the Sun doesn't know you have changed the clocks . x4 AHHHHHH

5. Retail , I work in retail and guess what happens in DLST ? Every dam customer shows up at closing time , why ? Because again it' so bloody light out they think it's only 2:00 pm and it's bloody 5:00 pm. x5 AHHHHH

Honestly I wondered why I was so tired and slept most of Winter when I moved here. Then I worked it out , I was so stuffed and mentally drained from Day Light Saving times during Summer I just caved in Winter. I think that any State that has not made the change to DLST is doing it's people a favour.
2. Bloody bird twit , the bloody birds don't know the clocks have changed do they ? They start chirping and twitting while I'm supposed to be sleeping.

The birds would be tweeting even earlier, eg 4am instead of 5am, if not for daylight saving.

Imagine that, light at 4am - basically nobody is up at that time whereas at least the light 8pm - 9pm is useful to most people in some way.

Skin Cancer , the powers to be don't think in their brilliant minds that they are putting you outside and hour ahead

A double edged sword there. I forget the actual figures, but a large proportion (around half from memory) of the adult population of Tas is Vitamin D deficient with lack of sun exposure being a key factor.

There's also the obesity issue. Summer - get home, eat dinner, go outside for a walk or whatever. Winter - get home, lock the door which will stay shut until the next morning, eat dinner, watch TV or whatever.

Given the "can't get outside" problem that many have during winter, personally I'm very much in favour of daylight saving in Summer as an offset.
... 1. Trying adjust every dam clock , ...

Must admit those dam's clocks can be a bit tricky.
And just when you've got your clock in order, you visit someone else's dam.
And the lazy bstrds haven't bothered to alter their dam clock!

And the lazy bstrds haven't bothered to alter their dam clock!

Not aware of any publicly visible clocks at dams in Australia but we've got a nice big one at Liapootah Power Station (it's a hydro station although the dam is quite some distance from the station itself).

It's outdoors right beside the Lyell Hwy (Tas) next to the switchyard with the power station itself behind that to the right of the photo.

The clock dates from the original construction of Liapootah PS (commenced operation in 1960, still in full operation) and the clock has recently been refurbished. There's about 350 daffodils planted in the clock so it looks better when they're in bloom (spring).

It works as a clock, it keeps accurate time (it's electrically powered of course.....). Not sure if it's been adjusted for daylight savings - would be pretty ironic if not.


  • Liapootah Clock.jpg
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Right on! Smurf isn't going to be happy, but Daylight Saving is especially ridiculous for a southern latitudes state like Tasmania, which already has as much enough summer evening daylight as anyone wants. And epidemic skin cancer rates.

Daylight Saving is a dated concept. The time has come to scrap it. Nobody uses mains electricity anymore (well that's 'hyperbowl', but you get my drift). Better to get up at 5am sun time and turn on the lights and heating I suppose? Let the poor little kids get some sleep at night.
Deadset cant believe what Im reading here! Blaming Daylight Saving for skin cancer? Seriously?

Here's a lesson for those considering working/being active in the sun:

Hierachy Of Controls:

Eliminate: Can your task/job/exercise be done not in the sun?
Substitution: Can it be substituted to earlier/later in the say or at night?
Engineering: Can shade be erected to complete your task?
Administration: Education of the past several decades of study into sun and skin cancer. Slip/Slop/Slap Jingle.
Personal Protective Equipment: Long sleeves, hat, sunglasses, suncream etc.

Ive never heard anything so absurd in my life - blaming the clocks change for cancer. There is physically not any more/less sun in any given day wether it is DLS or normal time. With all your own knowledge and decades of research and statistics you come to the conclusion to blame skin cancer on rolling a clock forward.

I think people need to head inside and take a good hard look in a mirror.

Perhaps in a perfect world Pinkboy, where everybody Slips, Slops and Slaps with 100% effectiveness.

It's not a desktop exercise, we're talking human nature here.
Perhaps in a perfect world Pinkboy, where everybody Slips, Slops and Slaps with 100% effectiveness.

It's not a desktop exercise, we're talking human nature here.

Oh, the ol' 'human nature' arguement.....what a weak arguement! Perhaps us humans are a weak race?

We all know, by simply slighly adjusting our behaviour to avoid harsh sun, yet we look to scapegoat whatever we can to put the blame somewhere else and not on ourselves.

Dont mix human nature and laziness. We have ALL been educated about sun exposure and know the consequences. Dont blame the turning of the clocks! The sun still rises and falls the same amount during any given day wether the clocks are forward or not.

I'd think that people outside doing gardening, walking or playing sport at 8pm in Summer aren't going to get anywhere near as much sun exposure as if they crammed it all into the weekend and spent all day outside getting sun burnt.

Fundamentally though, DS is really a reflection of society's focus on work. Eg we drop DS, someone goes for a walk in the morning (instead of evening) and takes half an hour longer than expected. No problems, just turn up to work half an hour later since nobody will mind....

Evenings are far more useful to anyone who has to start work at set times etc. In the morning, you're always "watching the clock" rather than just doing whatever and finishing when it's finished. That plus Tassie mornings aren't exactly warm - even mid-summer the average at 5am in Hobart is only 11 or 12 degrees wheres evenings are much nicer.

As for WA (the original thread title) well that's really a matter for people who live there since I can't see any reason why we need a national approach to it. That said, not having it probably does make life a bit harder for a few WA businesses - but they'd have to work around time zone issues regardless, DS only adds another hour.

From a 12 hr shift workers perspective, we hated daylight saving, always going to work in the dark became depressing.

It was great, when the drive to work indicated the comming of summer and vice versa with winter.

It might not sound like much, but when you work in a room without windows, it meant a lot.
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