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It's probably time to point out that Alvin Purple is Magda. Alvin was using multiple ASF accounts to spruik Daniel Kertcher's products and services. I have known this for some time, but thought I would let Alvin demonstrate his dishonesty a little more clearly.

I think everyone can safely disregard all unsubstantiated claims made by Alvin Purple in this thread. If someone is dishonest enough to register and post under multiple accounts for the sole purpose of spruiking someone's products and services, I think it's safe to assume they are being dishonest about everything.

I think the question needs to be asked, "Why was Alvin here?"

It's quite clear that Alvin was here to serve a very specific purpose, and that was to attempt to mitigate some of the negativity in this thread. Fortunately, ASF members are very vigilant and recognised from the start that Alvin had an agenda, and that his claims were less than honest.

As a result of Alvin's deliberate and calculated dishonesty, I have decided that this thread needs a new rule: Anyone making specific unsubstantiated claims needs to provide documentary evidence of those claims. In the case of trading results, certified copies of broker statements must be forwarded to me for verification purposes.

I urge everyone reading this thread to ignore all posts by Alvin Purple and Magda. For the moment I am leaving the posts up as a testament to Alvin's dishonesty.
Come on Daniel AKA Alvin Purple AKA Magda this thread is slipping way down the bottom of the first page and is in danger of disappearing all together. How may bazillion dollars have you made this week Alvin um... Magda er... Daniel?
I've used Trading Pursuits in the past and while I don't use them currently, when I did I was ahead ($) so I can't complain. Following his recommendations was simple. His workshops are very informative, so Daniel and Trading Pursuits gets a tick from me.
So, "investortom", nice name, but no cigar.

Having established that Alvin is Magda, as well as several other aliases, we now see "investortom" turn up and, would you believe, he is actually putting in a good word for Daniel, Alvin, Magda et al.

Just when we all thought that this thread could be laid to rest, you turn up, apparantly with clear instructions to keep this thread going.

Too late, I am afraid. The administrators and moderators here have seen right through you, and your ill-conceived plans will come to nothing.

This thread has run its course and no effort by you, Daniel, Alvin, Magda or any of the other miscreants will change its fate.

The line has been drawn.


You made money with them in the past and you don't use it currently ? So are you currently using a better method otherwise why stop what's supposedly working ?? Makes no sense after you made another thread looking for free forex signal providers. Why are you looking for free forex signal providers when Trading Pursuits system makes money - fair enough if you want to diversify but why have you stopped TP and been looking for something else that makes money when you already have one ?

Thanks Matteo for taking the time to write this post. I am new to understanding the stock market and found what you had to say useful and helpful as it put into perspective what I could expect. The on-line videos I watched of Daniels were informative and make the stock market trading sound a lot easier and less risky than it actually is.
The on-line videos I watched of Daniels were informative and make the stock market trading sound a lot easier and less risky than it actually is.
Are you Daniel, Alvin or Madga reborn? Please let this thread fade away. Morons like you keep popping up. Stop contaminating this site with these pathetic posts.

Don't you get it. You think after 38 pages, you would give up and go somewhere else to promote his "product". No one here wants "one post wonders" to post these moronic statements. Go AWAY and never come back!!!!!

i wonder who you work for
Having read all 749 posts in this forum I found that the question posed at the beginning of the thread (Serious or Scam?) has still not been answered.

I therefore decided to investigate myself. Anybody can make claims one way or another. I therefore decided to disregard all claims made on this thread, including the claims made by Daniel Kertcher (and his paid posters on this thread) and went to the one truly believable source of information: The website of Daniel Kertcher's investment vehicle, Spectrum Live Capital Management Pty. Ltd.

To invest in the "Spectrum Live Portfolio Select managed investment scheme" one has to have attended one of Daniel's courses, because, in his own words: "An educated person makes a better investor." Be that as it may, the only thing that counts are results. And results is just what I found.

This "Scheme" started to operate in April 2013. Management fee was set at 3.3 % p.a. and investors would receive "Units" with an initial value of $1.00 each and the value of the units would change monthly based on the return the fund would achieve. Initially the value of the units would increase slowly month by month until November 2013 by which time the value of one unit had increased to $1.067 or a 6.7 % return for 7 months (11.5 % annualised).

However, November 2013 was the last time any results were available publicly and this fact alone made me very suspicous. All requests made to Spectrum Live Capital Management Pty. Ltd. for monthly results after November 2013 were met with a blank refusal. Apparantly only actual investors were entitled to the results.

So, I had a quick look around and it was not too difficult to find people who had actually invested with Spectrum Live and were prepared to talk about the results. And a totally different picture emerges. As at December 2014 the value of one unit has sunk to $0.99, a reduction of 1 % since April 2013. In addition, an investor would have been charged 2 annual management fees of 3.3 % each, resulting in a total loss of 7.6 % of his capital over 20 months

Spectrum Live Capital Management Pty. Ltd. list a total of 14 risks in the PDS. And they are: General, market, timing, political, liquidity, sector, concentration, portfolio investment, investment manager, fund of fund, counterparty, multi class, default class and scheme risk. So, here we have it: with so many risks attached, why would anyone want to invest?

As I said before, the only thing that matters are results. And the results are there for all to see.
All requests made to Spectrum Live Capital Management Pty. Ltd. for monthly results after November 2013 were met with a blank refusal. Apparantly only actual investors were entitled to the results.

Thats an offence under the Corporation Act. I dont remember the specific section now, however fund performance must be disclosed on request. Im not sure how that would apply to the wholesale or high net worth investor type funds.

The management fee is included in the unit cost. So its not an extra deduction.

Also, there are 3 different funds (technically 4), are you able to provide performance results for the other 2 as well?

The one that I checked out was the one that Daniel promoted most. When I saw the result, I lost all interest in anything else he is associated with.
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