The price of STC's (Small scale Technology Certificates - that's a government mandated market based way of subsidising solar) have dropped from about $35.50 each down toward $34 so there's already an impact on the market from the Victorian government's scheme.
Bearing in mind that solar tends to be done on fairly small margins, not all but a lot of customers are highly price conscious, someone's going to be getting squeezed financially.
For those not in Vic, assuming the trend continues it'll increase the cost of putting solar on your roof. FWIW that makes it a loss for me personally since I'm planning to put a few* panels on the roof of the new place but need to do some other work first.
*Few - well yeah, alright, Smurf will be putting a small power station on the roof actually but that's another story. Somewhere in in the 10 - 13 kW range most likely.